Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Struggles Of The Oppressed Woman Essays - Computer Access Control
Struggles Of The Oppressed Woman Essays - Computer Access Control Struggles of the Oppressed Woman Throughout history, society has constantly oppressed woman, making it harder for her to achieve what it is that she so desires. In modern day society, a female has to work twice as hard as a male does to reach the same desired goal. Stemming from our ancestor?s beliefs and morals that women belong in the home, these two compositions, written by Amy Tan and Lynn Bloom, illustrate these beliefs concerning the roles of the women in society. In both cases, the women involved write of their struggles and the ways in which each overcame them. Women are highly outnumbered as, professors governmental figures, doctors and many other prestigious positions. This fact alone exemplifies the struggles of a woman in society. Though the goals, the obstacles, and the situations were all different, the beliefs reflected by each author are very much alike. Amy Tan?s, The Red Candle, is the story of Amy?s upbringing, mainly concerning her marriage. In Taiyuanese society, women do not have much freedom concerning how they live. Having no control over the process of selecting a husband, Tan?s future husband is chosen at the age of two. Living in the strict Taiyuanese society, her life was carved in stone at an extremely early age. In her early years, all thoughts and actions were directed to the development of a good wife for her future husband. A contract was made, between the Tan?s and the Huangs, concerning the future of their children. Tyan-yu, Tan?s future husband, would have all of the power in the marriage, leaving Tan nothing but orders. How would a woman be able to live a life, which she has no control over? Being oppressed by her own society, how would Tan strive to gain control of her life? The one privilege that she desires is to have the control to gain what she wants and likes. These simple desires are exactly what Lynn Z. Bloom strives for also. Lynn Z. Bloom?s auto-biographical composition, Teaching College English As A Woman, reflects being a female college professor and the struggles that come with the task. Like Tan, Bloom was constantly rejected and oppressed while trying to attain what she desired. She had many obstacles to overcome in order to reach her goal of becoming a full time successful college professor. Knowing that she was well qualified and deserved certain positions, she fought back and ultimately overcame these obstacles, just as Tan. Amy Tan and Lynn Bloom were from totally different backrounds and had totally different goals to achieve. Though, almost every aspect of their lives was different they both had the same types of problems to overcome. The problems that they faced were many, but the one that they had in common was that of oppression. Being oppressed by their peers played integral parts in both of their lives. First starting when she was a baby, Tan experienced oppression her whole life. Never able to make her own decisions, having her life planned, without any consent, and being treated as a slave by the Huangs, were some of the reasons that Tan felt she had to overcome this oppression that imprisoned her. This imprisonment denied her of the person she wanted to be. Bloom experienced this same type of oppression, but on a much lower scale, in her quest of becoming a college English professor. Once earning her position of Teacher Assistant she came to realize that teaching as a woman has many disadvantages. She was often rejected from jobs that she knew she was qualified for, and even those that she landed had very tight restrictions. There are similarities in the restrictions that Bloom faced and the restrictions that Tan faced. Tan was allowed certain actions while other actions were not allowed; as is the case with Bloom, she was not allowed to voice her own opinion in her class, partly because she was a woman. Bloom talks about ?her voice? that she always ignored. She just accepted the way things were. Tan also accepted the way things were, never making what she knew was the right choice. Tan and Bloom were very much alike in that they were afraid of their superiors. They both thought they had no rights to act on their own and do as they feel. The two were also alike in the fact that they developed, over time, a very strong personality which helped them achieve their goals. Bloom had a demeaning, one sentence written recommendation, that she
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Coursework Example The histogram has got two peaks; therefore we can conclude it is bimodal. The data is not normally distributed, judging from the fact that the histogram is not bell shaped. If we disregard one of the peaks, say the one to the left since it does not have a lot of points around it, then the data would be extremely skewed to the left. From this histogram, we can observe that the mean lies between the two peaks, while the median lies much to the left. However, there appears to be no outliers in the data as none appear clearly on the histogram. The histogram is approximately bell shaped, which point to the fact that the data is approximately normally distributed. The existence of one peak shows that the data is uni-modal, while the median and mean lie around the peak. To the right of the histogram there appears several outliers (values largely spaced from the rest). For this data, the mean does not properly explain the histogram because of the bimodality feature of the data portrayed by the histogram. The standard deviation is fairly large, and equally fairly explains the great spread of values in the histogram. For this data, the mean lies around the peak of the histogram, and this is clearly around 20. The standard deviation is also small compared to the mean, and from the fact that the data are normally distributed , and most values close to the mean and the median, the low standard deviation is
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Right of Due Process Guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Research Paper
The Right of Due Process Guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution - Research Paper Example One of the principles that is represented in the Constitution is the right to due process which is given in the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendments. The Fourteenth Amendment expands on the Fifth applying it to a broader audience. Due process is related to how laws are applied and how they are enforced. For example, if an individual has committed a criminal act for which they need to be penalized, they cannot just be thrown in jail, there has to be the process that is under law. In this case the process involves using a warrant, a trial, and sentencing among other steps. Operating without this process is not only illegal in the example, but it is also unconstitutional. While due process is guaranteed by the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, the exact meaning of due process is not clearly established. The ambiguity has meant decisions within the Supreme Court as to the meaning of the phrase and whether it applied to the cases that were being heard at the time. These decisions have helped to shape the current interpretation of the law such as the right of defendants to have representation and for accused to be made aware of their rights before questioning. However, some recent Supreme Court decisions appear to go against the right of due process set forth in the constitution. Background The United States was founded by Europe, and as a consequence was governed by them. Because of the great distance and the disinterest of the British government in its colonists the rule that England exercised over the colonies was mild, at least initially. The desire for change came at the end of the war between the French settlers and the British colonists when the British government demanded taxes from the colonists as payment for the men that it had supplied. The desire to tax the colonists, without allowing them representation in the British courts was one of the reasons for the American Revolution. The revolution began in 1776 and the colonists declared the ir independence from their founding country, choosing instead to be ruled by law from within. The Constitution promised rights to all Americans regardless of class and rates and detailed the system of government for America, one that served the people rather than serving itself . The Constitution forbids any individual being deprived of ââ¬Å"â⬠¦life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law...â⬠This right is cited both within the Fifth and the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. The Fifth Amendment applied these rights only to federal courts, while this was expanded for the Fourteenth Amendment to include all states. Due process is not specifically defined within the Constitution, but is generally perceived to mean a judicial procedure that is just and fair, most commonly a trial before peers . It is an important concept and it applies in a wide number of legal cases. What is Due Process? While the Amendments guarantee due process the intention and the legal application of the term is not simple to determine. In particular, the word ââ¬Ëdueââ¬â¢ within the phrase raises significant contention. Is a process ââ¬Ëdueââ¬â¢ if it is within current laws, such as the requirements under law for a trial before
Monday, November 18, 2019
American Contracting with the Federal Government Essay
American Contracting with the Federal Government - Essay Example Now the fastest growing sectors are business services, legal services, insurance and real estate". (Overview) SECTION 8 (a) "Share of Prime Contracts. The U.S. Small Business Administration's "Section 8(a) businesses" are minority-owned businesses, as defined by the federal government. "Prime Contracts" means these minority businesses were given the main contract, without competition, because their owners are the correct race. Federal minority contract awards - without competition - totaled $6.67 billion." (Description) SDB: "SDB's are minority-owned businesses, as defined by the federal government. "Share of Subcontracts" means that the government dictated to the prime contractor that he/she must hire a certain number of minority subcontractors. In this category, federal minority subcontract guarantees - without competition - totaled $4.1 billion!." (Description) WBE: ""Share of Prime Contracts" means that these women-owned businesses were given the approved percentage of prime contracts without competition from white, male-owned businesses, because the recipients were the correct sex. In this category, federal women-owned business contract awards - without competition - totaled $3.86 billion!" (Description) "The execution of your contract (signing by both parties) is a key benchmark in government contracting. It triggers several events such as the start of the period of performance and the delivery schedule time period. Execution begins a billing period start date and contractual obligations by the government and the contractor". (Contract work Authorization) Moreover, "You should establish an internal document to your company that contains the pertinent data for the contract and assigns it a unique contract identifier in your business system. This is necessary for billing and cost collection purposes as well as government audits. Astute government contractors do
Friday, November 15, 2019
Oishi: Strategic Marketing Plan
Oishi: Strategic Marketing Plan Part 1 Oishis Strategic Marketing Plan 1 Introduction Oishi is the leading snack food manufacturer in China. Since its establishment in 1993, Liwayway Holdings Company Limited, owner of the Oishi brand, has been in the cutting edge of innovation and aggressive marketing activities. The company rapidly expanded across the country and established a large distribution network. The Oishi brand has also become one of the most recognized snack food brands in China. Children have been the main consumer group of the Oishi products. However, market changes in the perception of snack food have occurred. Childrens parents become wary of the growing obesity problem among the children. The obesity dilemma has been attributed largely to salty snack foods being consumed by children. Numerous studies were conducted showing the direct relationship between ââ¬Å"junk foodsâ⬠and obesity. Parents are now shifting to healthier food for their children. The market for the traditional salty snack food and other similar food will be affected significantly by this change in consumer behavior. Hence, Oishi should develop a new marketing strategy to maintain its leadership and overcome the threat of its consumers changing or shifting to other food. In this marketing plan are proposed steps to improve its current marketing activities and provide new and additional alternatives. The development of a marketing mix geared toward manufacture of new food products that satisfy customer needs and wants is the major proposition in this marketing plan. A shift in target market segment is also recommended, identifying the young adults (ages 18-34) as the new primary consumer base for the Oishi brand and products. 2 Background Oishi is a leading snack brand in China manufactured in more than 100 variants of snack foods. The brand is manufactured under various product lines of salty snacks such as potato chips, prawn crackers, peanut crackers as well as other snack food including cookies, popcorn and corn curls, cereals, and marshmallows. Among Chinas vast market, Oishis principal consumers are children. The Oishi brand is owned by Liwayway Holdings Company Limited (LHCL), which traces its roots to the Liwayway Marketing Corporation (LMC) established in the Philippines in 1946. Carlos Chan, owner of the LMC, embarked on an ambitious expansion plan in China in 1984 and set his attention to Shanghai. Nine years later, Chan established the LHCL to manufacture, distribute and sell Oishi products in the country. The company aggressively marketed the Oishi brand targeting the children segment of the market as its primary consumers. LHCL grew rapidly in the following years by expanding outside Shanghai and building manufacturing and distributing facilities in other parts of China. The company established sales and distributions across the country, which included urban cities and smaller inner towns. LHCL was able to establish a network of more than 400 dealers nationwide. Due to the aggressive marketing strategies and strong management capabilities of LHCL, the Oishi brand became a famous snack brand in the country. Oishi was eventually recognized as a Shanghai Famous Brand in 2001 and was awarded as a China Famous Brand in 2006. The company took bolder steps and entered the market of Vietnam in 1997 and Myanmar in 2006. At present, expansion in Thailand and Indonesia is under development ( 3 Strategic Objectives The creation of strategic objectives of the marketing plan is necessary, as it will serve as the companys guide and measurement in achieving its goals. The firms strategic objectives will aid it in gaining competitive edge in the industry and maintain its leadership. The primary objectives for this marketing plan are the following: To be the industrys leading manufacturer and seller of healthy and quality snack foods Deliver customer satisfaction and establish long-term relationships with customers Improve production and distribution process by establishing long-term relationship with both suppliers and distributors Increase profitability by providing quality snack food with added value but at lower costs In order to achieve these strategic objectives, the following specific marketing objectives and strategies will be employed: Raise market share to 20% for the next five years Increase advertising and promotional activities by utilizing all forms of media communications broadcast, print and electronic (primarily the Internet) to increase greater awareness of the Oishi brand and its products Augment and amplify nationwide presence by establishing more distribution points and getting more sellers and distributors Increase production and offer more product variants that use health-enhancing ingredients to capture other segments of the market Improve worker productivity The above strategic marketing objectives will serve as a guide in the creation and employment of a marketing plan. 4 Environmental Scan of Factors that Affect China Snack Industry Competition China is an attractive market due to its large population and strong economic potential. In almost any industry, numerous firms are vying position to become a leading player. The snack market is not an exception to this competition. Chinas snack food industry is highly competitive with various companies seeking competitive advantage. The Chinese snack market is a $3-billion-a-year industry (Terhune, 2005), hence foreign and domestic companies are competing to gain a sizeable percentage of the market share from this profitable industry. 5 Five Forces Model Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter (1998) said that the state of competition in an industry is dependent on five basic forces, which ultimately will determine the profit potential in the industry. These five forces are intensity of industry rivalry, threat of new entrants, and threat of substitute products, bargaining power of buyers, and bargaining power of suppliers. Combined, these forces dictate the profit potential of the industry and its competitiveness. In table 1, a summary of the five forces affecting the industry competition is shown. 5.1 Industry Rivalry The Chinese snack market is composed of domestic and international players competing for a share of the market. Among the major competitors of the Oishi brand are foreign companies like Pepsi as well numerous local firms such as Wangwang, Master Kong and Dali. These competitors offer almost similar products but of different brands or trade marks, making the industry highly competitive. Due to the highly competitive characteristics of the industry, the there are many companies competing. It will be too costly as well to leave the industry and change products. However, despite the number of companies competing, Chinas large population with an increasing number of people capable of purchasing the snack food, the China market remains competitive and is far from maturity or being exhausted. 5.2 Threat of New Entrants The threat of new entrants is high as barriers to companies entering the competition are relatively low. Government regulations on the formation of companies entering the snack market are not too strict. Even community-owned companies can enter into the competition. Capital requirements for entering into the snack food industry do not need to be large. However, if a new company wishes to compete with the largest companies, this will serve as a barrier to them. As stated earlier, product differentiation is not present. Although brand identification is an important barrier to new competition, smaller Chinese companies can easily set up business although at a local level. As such, many smaller firms manufacturing and selling snack food are being set up across the country. 5.3 Threat of Substitute Products Substitute products for salty snack foods are foods manufactured with health-enhancing ingredients. Consumers, most especially the health conscious parents, can easily shift to these products for their children. The prices of the substitute products are also almost the same with the traditional snack foods being sold. Thus, consumers will not hesitate to buy substitute foods that are enriched with healthy ingredients. The USDA Food and Agricultural Service stated in a report that youth perception in food consumption is changing toward a healthier diet, especially those living in Shanghai (Global Agriculture Information Network [GAIN] Report 3). 5.4 Bargaining Power of Suppliers Suppliers can possess significant bargaining power with regard to the pricing of their products if they act as a group dominated by a few companies and they more concentrated than the industry they sell to (Porter, 1998). However, in the case of China, suppliers are scattered around the country and are not acting in a group. They also do not offer unique or differentiated materials to sell to the industry players. Suppliers also do not possess that capability to integrate forward into the industry. Thus, suppliers do not have sufficient bargaining power in the Chinese snack food industry. 5.5 Buyers Bargaining Power Porter (1998) said that buyers can exert influence in the industry if the following characteristics are met: They act as a group, Purchase in large volumes, The products are undifferentiated, forms component form of the product and represents a significant portion of the cost, The quality of the product is unimportant to the consumer, The product does not save the buyer a money, The buyers pose a credible threat of integrating backward to make the companys product. Except for the products being undifferentiated, buyers do not possess the capacity to exert influence in the industry since most of the characteristics mentioned above are not present. Hence, Chinese consumers are not significant in influencing the industry players. However, with the recent trend of the changing consumer perception and demands on higher quality products, the consumers are now looking for healthier snack foods. Thus, they are beginning to acquire power to influence the manufacturers of snack food to create health-enhancing processed food. In sum, the Chinese snack food industry is highly competitive but is far from maturity. Profitability is still achievable at a high rate due to the large market of China. However, with the numerous companies jockeying for position in the industry and the changing consumer needs and value perception on snack food, LCHL needs to adopt a new strategic marketing plan in order to sustain its current leadership. 6 SWOT Analysis After identifying the factors affecting the competitiveness of the industry, an analysis of the organizational strength and weaknesses is also necessary in order to determine the aspects it needs to improve and alter. The identification of opportunities and threats is also important to aid the organization in drafting a marketing plan and identify the areas it needs to put focus on. A summary of the SWOT analysis is shown in table 2. Table 2 SWOT Analysis on LHCL Organization Strengths * Strong brand recognition * Good reputation in the industry * Adequate access to raw materials * Numerous varieties of products to choose from * Good networking and distribution system Weaknesses * Lesser appeal to the other segments of the market, especially the young adults * High cost structure * Insufficient patent protection Opportunities * Large portion of domestic market still not saturated * Shift or diversification to health-enriched food ingredients * Potential of expansion in the international market * Advancement in technology * Loosening up of international trade barriers Threats * Shift in consumer choice from traditional snacks to health-enhancing snack food * Emergence of new products * Flood of substitute products * Growing number of smaller firms entering the industry 6.1 Strengths The companys primary strength is its strong brand recognition across the nation. Oishi is a nationally recognized brand being awarded numerous titles. LHCL also has built a good reputation in the industry through its organizational management and innovativeness. The company has adequate access to raw materials and developed a good relationship with its distributors and sellers. Another strong point of the Oishi brand is the wide selection of product variants. Customers can choose from a range of products that suit their needs. 6.2 Weaknesses A weakness of the Oishi brand is its lesser appeal to the other segment of the market, most especially young adults in the range of 15-25 years old. This segment comprises a significant portion of the population and can increase the revenue substantially. LHCl also has a high cost structure, by having numerous facilities and employees. Although this characteristic can be considered as strength that the company possesses over its smaller rivals and in order to achieve a greater market share, this could be a potential weakness in terms of reacting rapidly to strategic market changes. The company also has insufficient patent protection. Protecting the companys formulas and ingredients in creating products is an advantage over competitors. This provides differentiation for the Oishi brand over other brands in the market. 6.3 Opportunities A large portion of the domestic market in China is not yet fully saturated, thus providing core opportunities for LHCL to grow. The company can still expand its operations inside the country to reach more consumers, especially in the inner towns. The advancement in technology such as the increasing utilization and importance of the Internet also provides opportunity for the company to have greater access to consumers. Technological advancements also offer improvements in the manufacturing processes of the company and in research and development area to improve its products. There is also a potential to expand in the international market as developing countries become more responsive to globalization. The relaxing of trade barriers in many countries such as tariffs due to globalization provides an opportunity for Oishi to penetrate overseas markets. 6.4 Threats The biggest challenge that company faces is the changing consumer taste in snack food. Consumers are now more conscious about their health, most especially parents of children that eat or consume the products. Numerous studies show that ââ¬Å"junk foodsâ⬠such as salty snacks are a cause of obesity. Marshall et al (2007: 175) suggested that parents overindulgence to their childrens whims such as requesting so much junk foods cause obesity, thus they recommended that parents should not give in to their childrens requests. With this changing consumer perception is the emergence of new snack food products that are enriched with healthier ingredients. Substitute products are now also flooding the market due to the growing awareness on obesity among children. These serve as threat to Oishis traditional snack food products. Also, the increasing number of smaller firms poses a threat to the company as they can eat up a significant portion of market. Although they operate on a smaller scale, they are numerous and present in every market where LHCL operates. 7 Marketing Plan Strategy involves the creation of a plan that integrates the organizations objectives, principles, policies and decisions and sequences of action into a cohesive whole (Proctor, 2000). A marketing plan is a strategic plan of action that an organization develops and employs to achieve its strategic goals as well as deliver customer satisfaction. Strategic marketing is therefore a challenge upon organizations to manage marketing complexities, satisfy customer and stakeholders expectations and reconcile market changes with the organizations resource capabilities (Bradley, 2003). Hence, the creation of a strategic marketing plan will provide definite and measurable steps that an organization can take to achieve its objectives, gain competitive advantage and deliver customer satisfaction and meet stakeholders expectations. Various forms of marketing methods can be applied in the development of a marketing plan. One form of marketing technique is the marketing mix. The 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion) of marketing mix is designed to develop a mix or package of products that meet the customers needs and wants. 7.1 Products As stated earlier, consumers are now changing their perceptions on snacks. The consumers, particularly the mothers of young children, are more conscious about the health benefits they or their children could get from the products they buy. A very important question here is, ââ¬Å"Does the company produce the products that the consumers want?â⬠It is not the company who will dictate what products it would sell but the consumers should dictate what products they should buy. Hence, it is necessary for LHCL to manufacture snack food products that satisfy the desires of their consumers. The firm should start using health-enhancing ingredients while minimizing the changes it could make to the products. It is also necessary to create product differentiation. The Oishi brand should be differentiated with other brands by the adding more characteristics to the products, such as lowering its costs or providing incentives to consumers and customers. 7.2 Price The prices of Oishi products should be competitive in order to attract more customers and consumers. At present, the prices of the Oishi snack food are competitive. However, the firm can add more value to the products by giving freebies or additional benefits to loyal customers. This will ensure that loyal customers will not shift to other brands. It will also entice new customers, particularly those in the areas not yet covered by the company. 7.3 Place LHCL should expand its presence all over the country to include more inner townships and communities. The current distribution network of the company, which comprises large distribution enterprises and small family businesses, can be enlarged to include community-owned enterprises as well as direct sellers. In places where there are no available distributors, the company can put up its own distributing centers. The Internet is also another place for distribution or can be used to enhance the current distribution system of the company. Orders can be placed online and a tracking system can track the progress of the orders. Retailers can and wholesale distributors can use this facility with regard to their purchase orders. 7.4 Promotion Promotional or advertising programs are necessary to increase consumer awareness on the Oishi brand and its products. In increasing consumer-awareness, the company should increase its advertising and promotional activities. The company should put significant investment in advertising so that revenue-generation can be increased even more. It can enhance increase sales by 20-50% and entice more customers thereby increasing market share. All forms of media must be utilized such as the traditional advertising facilities in the print and broadcast media. The Internet is another major tool for promoting the product. Presently, the companys website provides basic information on the products. The website can be enhanced by adding more information such as the health benefits that the products can offer to the consumers. The US FAS said that young adults or the 80ers (those belonging to the 18-34 year-old range) are increasingly using the Internet in buying snack food. Thus, LHCL can use the I nternet to increase its sales and attract these ââ¬Å"high-techâ⬠consumers. 7.5 People In order to implement the marketing mix program, a creative marketing department or team must be established. The creative team will be responsible for the development of creative advertising materials and promotional tools. They will do further market research to identify which segment of the market is most receptive of the products and to identify more specifically the consumers needs, desires and buying behaviors. 8 Market Segmentation Market segmentation is necessary to identify the specific consumer base of the company. As stated by Proctor (2000: 189), segmentation is a powerful component of marketing strategy. The Chinese snack food market is composed mostly of young adults and children as the main consumer groups. Traditional consumers of the snack food belong to these generations. With the inclusion of parents as guiding their children in selecting snack foods, the Chinese snack food market is a $3-billion industry. Previously, Oishi is targeted towards children. Children below 15 years old were the previous main consumer group for the Oishi products. However, numerous studies (Mrshall et al.; Curtis McCluskey; French et al.) show that children are becoming obese due to eating ââ¬Å"junk foodsâ⬠such as salty snacks, potato chips, and other similar products. Parents are already concerned about this rising obesity trend on their children. Further, the US FAS also reports that young adults, particularly in Shanghai, are changing their perception on food consumption. The report states that the Shanghai youth are more likely to purchase high-quality food products such as fresh milk and organic produce (GAIN Report 3). LHCL should therefore target these consumers to be its main consumer base in the near future. The marketing mix design provided earlier specifically addresses this issue. The marketing mix is focused on attracting the young adults and health-conscious consumers. They will be the primary consumer base of the Oishi brand. Part 2 Report Marketing concerns satisfying customer needs and wants and in doing so paves the way for achieving the organizations objectives (Proctor, 2000). This is a general principle applicable to all organizations in the business community. Since the opening up of China in the global market, numerous companies have put their investments in the country in the hope of establishing a leading position or at least take a substantial portion of the large Chinese market. Due to the unprecedented increase of foreign firms, domestic competition in every industry has intensified. However, local or domestic brands are still preferred by Chinese consumers at the expense of foreign multinational brands (Ewing et al, 2003: 84). Nevertheless, the presence of global corporations in China provides competition against domestic companies. Developing an appropriate marketing strategy that will satisfy customer demands should be the goal of every organization in order to achieve competitive advantage and attain the organizations objectives. As Proctor (2000) stated, marketing is about the competitive positioning of products and services in the minds of the customers. It is also about the communication of messages and images (reflecting product and service positioning) and the means which are used to convey these messages and images to the customers. Although there is a preference for local brands by the Chinese, the presence of foreign companies are to be considered a major threat as they are capable of creating products and services that meet the needs and wants of the consumers. It is important that every organization should analyze the market conditions and the relationships that exist within the market in order to identify which segment of the market to target. Market segmentation is therefore another crucial factor in the creation of a marketing strategy. Proctor (2000) points out that market segmentation amounts to partitioning a market into a number of distinct sections, using criteria, which reflect different and distinctive purchasing motives and behavior of customers. Separating the market into various segments or groups helps companies determine their specific market and establish a loyal customer base. This is particularly important for entering new markets as well as maintaining current position in market. Another significant concept in marketing is the product life-cycle. This concept is a sequence of stages to determine the life-cycle of a product or service. There are four stages, namely introduction, growth, maturity and decline, in the product life-cycle. In the introduction stage, the new products are introduced into the market. An organization will seek to build market awareness on the product and establish a market for it. Once introduced and a market has been established, the product will be marketed and sold and new features may be added to expand its market this is the growth stage. The product will then reach its maturity, and at this stage improvements will be needed to maintain its peak such as lowering its price or new distribution channels are created. When the product saturated its maturity stage, a decline in sales will occur. This is the declining stage. At this point, the company may choose to maintain the product and sell it to a loyal segment of the market or stop its production. The product life-cycle concept is necessary so that LCHL can manage its products and plan for future products or services when the current offerings have reached their declining stages. An important marketing principle as well is the Boston Consultancy Group (BCG) growth-share matrix. This concept is relevant to companies with several portfolios. Under the BCG matrix, a companys different portfolios or divisions growth and market share will be analyzed and categorized into four elements; cash cows, stars, question marks and dogs. Cash cows represent portfolios that generate more profit than the expenses it incurs. Stars generate large amounts of cash, but also consume a large amount of money due to its relatively large market share. Question marks, on the other hand, are portfolios that grow rapidly but generate less income due their low market shares. Dogs, meanwhile, are those portfolios that have low market share and low growth rate, and therefore generate low income. ( This matrix is particularly important for Oishi brand so that the company can identify which of its product variants are cash cows, stars, question marks or dogs and which portfolio ne eds to be improved. All of the above concepts can contribute to achieving competitive advantage for a company. It is common that every business organizations ultimate and strategic goal is to gain competitive advantage over its rivals. Carpenter et al (2001) said, ââ¬Å"Competitive advantage can arise from satisfying customers better, faster or more cheaply than competitorsâ⬠. Porter (1998) said that the competitive strategy takes offensive or defensive actions to create defendable position in an industry, in order to cope successfully with competitive forces and generate superior return on investment. He added that the basis of above-average industry performance is sustainable competitive advantage (qtd in In the Porter model, competitive advantage has two basic types; cost leadership and differentiation. Cost leadership occurs when a company offers the same product or service at a lower price than its rivals. Differentiation advantage occurs when a company delivers higher quality products or services at the same price as its competitors. A third type, focus, appears as an advantage when a company focused its strategy on a particular or narrow segment of the market to create a loyal base of customer and become the company of choice in the same market segment. In sum, the above marketing concepts help in gaining competitive advantage and profitability for the company. Hence, LCHL should adopt all the concepts stated above and incorporate those in its corporate strategy and strategic marketing plan. It is necessary that LCHL should maintain its current leadership by creating a competitive marketing strategy. Reference About Oishi. Liwayway Holdings Company Limited, n.d, from Bradley, F (2003) Strategic marketing: in the customer driven organization. Chichester: Wiley Print. Carpenter, G., Glazer, R and Nakamoto, K. (2001) ââ¬Å"Market-driving strategies: toward a new concept of competitive advantageâ⬠, Kellogg on Marketing. New York: Wiley Press, pp. 103-130. ââ¬Å"Competitive Advantageâ⬠, 12 Manage, n.d. Web. Ewing, M., Napoli, J and Pitt, L. (2003) ââ¬Å"The development of domestic brands in Chinaâ⬠, Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy, pp. 84-95. French, S., Jeffrey, R., Story, M., Breitlow, K., Baxter, J., Hannan, P and Snyder, P. (2001) ââ¬Å"Pricing and promotion effects on low-fat vending snack purchases: the CHIPS studyâ⬠, American Journal of Public Health, pp. 112-117. ââ¬Å"Global agriculture information network. Shanghais youth market: changing perceptions in food consumptionâ⬠, USDA Food and Agriculture Service, People Republic of China Market Development Reports, Retrieved November, 2008. Marshall, D., ODonohoe, S and Kline, S. (2007) ââ¬Å"Families, food and pester power: beyond the blame game?â⬠, Journal of Consumer Behavior, pp. 164-181. Porter, M (1998) On competition, Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Proctor, T (2000) Strategic marketing: an introduction, London: Routledge Press. Terhune, C (2005) ââ¬Å"To bag Chinas snack market, Pepsi takes up potato framingâ⬠, The Wall Street Journal Online. ââ¬Å"The BCG growth-share matrix.â⬠ NetMBA, n.d. 360 Degree Feedback: Analysis 360 Degree Feedback: Analysis 1. Introduction The researcher has highlighted the research question, aim and objectives, before the specific introduction to give a clear picture of the dissertation. 1.1 Research Question To ascertain whether 360 degree feedback could prove to be a promising appraisal mechanism for the staff motivation and development in the current economic crisis and funding cuts? 1.2 Aims and Objectives The research sets out to explore the relevance of 360 degree feedback appraisal system in contrast to the traditional appraisal process currently functional in the library and technical services department of the University. What is 360 degree feedback and in what ways it could prove to be an efficient tool for continuous improvement, development? What is the current functional appraisal technique in the universities library/technical services department and the benefits of introducing 360 degree feedback as an appraisal tool? To analyse the functions/pitfalls of introducing 360 degree feedback within the library/technical services department of the University, with an emphasis on its use for the continuous improvement, development and motivation of the staff. 1.3 Specific Introduction ââ¬Å"University staffs tend to report high levels of stress at the best of times, and academic staffs usually rate their experience of stress as higher than other staff groups in the higher education setting,â⬠(Easton and Laar, 2010). The current funding cuts by the government and the global financial crisis demands a major change in the way various processes function across universities in United Kingdom (UK). The current study is an endeavour to address the numerous limitations in between the traditional appraisal system and the 360 degree tool. The researcher aims to expand the literature that previously exists on the 360 degree appraisal system and to analyse why the gap exists in between both the processes. The researchers primary focus is on the staff motivation and personal development as the key factors that need consideration within the University of Huddersfield. The researcher has given a thorough critical analysis of the 360 degree feedback appraisal system through the review of the academic literature and has focussed on identifying whether or not there are any benefits of using 360 degree feedback over the traditional appraisal systems. As stated by Mason,, (2009), multi-rater feedback is by fa r the best tool for staff development and monitoring effective continuous development in any organisation. Borman, (1997); Javitch and Burke, (1995); Yammarino and Atwater, (1997) state that one of the elementary assumptions of the 360 degree feedback approach is about the employees specific workplace behaviour and when compared to an individuals perception, can act like a catalyst and prove extremely beneficial for enhancing the employees self awareness, self development, motivation and subsequent behavioural change (Church, 2000). Concurrently, Cardy,, (2011), critic that although the evaluation from 360 degree feedback includes feedback from all directions managers, colleagues, customers and the responses from all the point of views propose immense probability for improvement, insight and learning, the feedback from these multiple source seldom agree. On the rating scale, colleagues may rate some characteristics higher while managers may rate those very characteristics lo wer and likewise. The whole prototype of 360 degree feedback interpretation and evaluations can draw a perplexing image of the feedback which will hardly be of any significance to the individual in improving their performance. The underlying rationale of this study has been to evaluate the pros and cons of the traditional appraisal system currently functional in the university, and to analyse by what extent the human resource department, can benefit by introducing 360 degree feedback as their employee appraisal mechanism, especially in relation to the motivation and development of staff. 1.4 Research Plan The below figure (Figure.1) gives a diagrammatic representation of the research plan. The researcher has used the mind mapping technique to construct the research plan (Buzan and Buzan, 2007), which gives a clear picture of how the research task is carried forward as per the time line set by the researcher. The research plan has helped the researcher to carefully pre-plan the actions that needed to be taken during the research. In the following chapters the researcher has critically analysed the 360 degree feedback tool. The literature review covers the latest developments in the 360 degree feedback mechanism along with a thorough comparison with the traditional appraisal system currently functional in the library and technical services department of the University of Huddersfield. The research methodology chapter gives a thorough account of the research design chosen by the researcher, the various techniques used for the research, discussions about the semi structured interviews and questionnaires, followed by the analysis of data, research findings and conclusion. Chapter 2 2 General Literature Review 12-21 2.1 Specific Literature Review 21-27 2.2 Summary of the Literature Review 27 2. General Literature Review ââ¬Å"The way 360 degree feedback is done seems to be critical to successfeedback interventions depend for their effectiveness on the extent to which they augment task motivation and encourage learning, although there are moderating variables such as the nature of the task,â⬠(Kluger and De Nisi, 1996; Tyson and Ward, 2004). 360 degree feedback is an appraisal system used in strategic Human Resource management (HRM) as an intervention and an evaluation technique for personal development of the employees (Cardy,, 2011; Fleenor, 2008; Tyson and Ward, 2004). It has also been referred as the ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëvital sign of the modern organization (Fortunato and Smith, 2008; Church and Waclawski, 1998). In this process the employees receive confidential, anonymous response from colleagues, managers, customers, family members etc (Figure 2). About three to five people fill out an anonymous online feedback form that asks questions covering a broad range of workplace competencies. The feedback forms include questions that are measured on a rating scale and also ask raters to provide written comments. The person receiving feedback also fills out a self-rating survey that includes the same survey questions that others receive in their forms. Various authors have outlined that 360 degree feedback is quite effective as it is a non bias process which makes performance management a more objective and fair process (CIPD, 2009), in contrast to the traditional appraisal processes where in a lot depends upon how the appraiser perceives the individual, which can be bias and less transparent. The 360 degree feedback has been used in many organisations for the development of staff members, and the gap in the two appraisal systems is due to the bias nature of the traditional appraisal mechanisms over the transparency of the 360 degree f eedback process. While traditional measures of appraisal systems date back to decades, current literature highlights the multiple developments in the field of appraisal techniques (Dalton, 1996). One among the later developments in the field is the 360 degree feedback appraisal mechanism. This research has explored the relevance of 360 degree feedback appraisal system in contrast to the traditional appraisal process currently functional in the University. Specifically, the author has examined how employee motivation and personal development are affected by 360 degree feedback. The aim throughout the research has been on comparing the traditional appraisal system functional in the University of Huddersfield (UOH) with the 360 degree feedback methodology by exploring how it could contribute in the personal development and motivation of the staff members within the University of Huddersfield. Meyer, (1991); and Folger and Cropanzano, (1998), disagree that evaluations of traditional appraisals are often positively inflated as usually the appraisers are not trained to give negative feedback, and if this is the manner in which the appraisals are conducted then the effectiveness of the performance management process will significantly be undermined (Guangrong, 2010; McCarthy and Garavan, 2001). Therefore one could state that if the tool if used accurately it can provide a non bias and more transparent appraisal system, which may decrease the possibilities of employee dissatisfaction in contrast to the traditional appraisal mechanism, and can emerge as an excellent motivational factor for the employees. As a matter of fact ââ¬Ë360 degree feedback can significantly enhance the performance management process (Staff360, 2011; CIPD, 2009). However Fleenor, (2008) and Vinson, M.N. (1996) disregards the facts about the effectiveness of 360 degree feedback as people may use their role as a feedback provider as an opportunity to criticize others behaviour at work. According to Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, (2009) if the 360 degree tool is perceived to be in any way threatening, it can seriously damage both commitment and performance. ââ¬Å"It is important that people receive regular honest feedback on their performance. They should understand how their role contributes to overall organisational aims and objectives and how they are performing against agreed criteria. 360 degree feedback can enhance this process by widening the scope for information from the line manager relationship to embrace a wider range of opinion. However, it is important that this is carried out sensitively and fairly,â⬠(Staff360, 2011). Lepsinger and Lucia, (2009); Fleenor, (2008); Tyson and Ward, (2004) comprehend that there are direct evidences of employees performance improvements from 360 degree feedback appraisal mechanism. Various authors research prove that 360 degree feedback also results in improved customer satisfaction, improved management skills and these improvements motivate the employees to work on their identified strengths and use them for advancement in their carrier (Edwards and Ewens, 1996; Hazucha et al. 1993). Hence, the current study is an attempt to deal with the several limitations, and develop the literature that previously exists on the 360 degree appraisal system and to analyse why does the gap exist in between the traditional appraisal system and the 360 degree tool. ââ¬Å"The University of Huddersfield has charitable status as an exempt charity under Schedule 2 to the Charities Act 1993 (amended by the Charities Act 2006). It is therefore subject to charity legislation but is not required to register with the Charity Commission and is not regulated by it. As an exempt charity, the University does not have a registered charity number. In 2010, the Higher Education Funding Council for England took over as the ââ¬ËPrincipal Regulator for the institutions it funds and now has a general duty to promote compliance with charity legislation. This does not affect the Universitys status as an exempt charity,â⬠(, 2011). The UK governments educational funding slice and the recession hit economy demands a drastic alteration in the way various processes function across the Universities in UK. However, since the 360 degree feedback is a tool primarily developed and used mainly in the private sector organisations, there is a challenge in its implementation in a public sector or a third sector organisation and as in this case, the University of Huddersfield which is a registered for charity organisation. Brutus et al., (1998) support that the reactions to performance measurements may vary between public and private sector organizationsââ¬âpublic sector managers underestimate their achievements compared with private sector managers, for example. Hence, based on these findings one could ascertain that there is a greater need for motivation and development of employees in the public/third sector organisations, and the 360 degree performance appraisal system is an HRs ideal response to combat such issues. As suggested and supported by Lepsinger and Lucia, (2009); Borman, W.C. (1997); Javitch, M.J. and Burke, W.W., (1995); Yammarino, F.J. and Atwater, L.E. (1997), one of the elementary assumptions of the 360 degree feedback approach is about the employees specific workplace behaviour and when compared to an individuals perceptions, can act like a catalyst and prove extremely beneficial for enhancing the employees self awareness, self development, motivation and subsequent behavioural change (Church, 1995, 2000). The researcher has explored the 360 degree appraisals methodology that has become popular in human resource circles over the last few years, wherein the employees performance is assessed by their colleagues, managers and others and has analysed its benefits over the traditional appraisal processes. Brown, (2006) criticizes that while the 360 degree process seems like an interesting idea; it involves more meetings and many forms to be filled out in comparison to the traditional appraisal systems. However Maylett, (2009) and Wiley, (1993) supports that 360 degree feedback can prove to be a good instrument for the staff development as this process gives an individual in-depth performance feedback and hence based on the findings the employee can work on their personal development, by getting trained in the area where there weakness lies and the time lost in filling the extra forms are worth the effort. Arguments from different authors suggest that the feedback systems have always been in to existence in the organisations in some form or the other, but of-late has been developed and given a name ââ¬Ë360 degree feedback and according to Garavan, et al., (1997) 360 degree feedback process is like an ââ¬Ëold wine in new a bottle. It is also known as multi-rater feedback and is an appraisal process in which the individual is assessed by themselves, colleagues, managers, stakeholders, customers, etc. The 360 degree instrument can be used to achieve various goals and one aspect of it is the need of continuous measurement of improvement efforts, development of staff and their motivation. Ward, (1997) defined 360 degree feedback as ââ¬Ëthe systematic collection and feedback of performance data on an individual or group derived from a number of the stakeholders in their performance. â⬠Because of their shorter expected tenure, women are less likely to be as motivated by the deferred rewards of career ladders. As a consequence, she argues that employers with large shares of women have historically used shorter-term rewards and undertaken more routine and extensive monitoring,â⬠(Brown and Heywood, 2005; Goldin, 1986). Various authors criticize that traditional appraisal techniques are not that effective in case of female employees and there are many incidences of gender bias in appraisals. Renowned authors, Brown and Heywood, (2005) support that ââ¬Ëa major and recurrent criticism of the traditional appraisal process is its openness to subjective and discriminatory outcome. The primary goal of this research has been to expand beyond the current literature by analysing the data and results to create suggested policies for the University of Huddersfield, to implement pertaining to the improvement of staff morale and productivity. Furthermore, on reviewing the growing body of literature and the research on 360 degree feedback, the researcher was able to identify the usefulness of having 360 degree feedback over the traditional appraisal processes in the University of Huddersfield; the study has also given ample scope to the researcher in developing more insightful questions. The author has identif ied the various factors on which the success of 360 degree feedback mechanism depends; the literature supports that more effectively the 360 degree instrument is implemented the better are the results. Newbold, (2008) highlights that that if the tool is implemented accurately, with the proper training and the correct resources, a 360-degree appraisal could prove to be a powerful and positive addition to any performance-management system. The 360 degree feedback has been used in many organisations for the development of staff members, and the gap in the two appraisal systems is due to the bias nature of the traditional appraisal mechanisms over the transparency of the 360 degree feedback process. Various authors have outlined that 360 degree feedback is quite effective as it is a non bias process which makes performance management a more objective and fair process (CIPD, 2009), in contrast to the traditional appraisal processes where in a lot depends upon how the appraiser perceives the individual, which can be bias and less transparent. Maylett, (2009); Meyer, (1991); Folger and Cropanzano, (1998), argue that evaluations of traditional appraisals are often positively inflated as usually the appraisers are not trained to give negative feedback, and if this is the manner in which the appraisals are conducted then the effectiveness of the performance management process will significantly be undermined (McCarthy and Garavan, 2001). Therefore one could state that if the tool if used accurately it can provide a non-bias and more transparent appraisal system, which may decrease the possibilities of employee dissatisfaction in contrast with the traditional appraisal mechanism, and can emerge as an excellent motivational factor for the employees. However Vinson, (1996) disregards the facts about the effectiveness of 360 degree feedback as people may use their role as a feedback provider as an opportunity to criticize others behaviour at work. ââ¬Å"Multirater feedback has several significant advantages over single-rater assessment. Rather than relying on the perceptions of one individual, multirater feedback takes into account multiple perspectives. Those working with the employee, along with the supervisor, are generally able to provide a more comprehensive picture of an employees behaviour or performance. This is especially critical when the supervisor does not have the opportunity to observe all areas of an employees performance,â⬠(Maylett, 2009). Maylett, (2009); DeNisi and Kluger, (2000) support that ââ¬Ë360-degree feedback for decision making affects the actual ratings given to the individual being appraised and these systems should be primarily, if not exclusively for developmental purposes (Figure 3). Furthermore, the conditions in which 360 degree feedback work in an organisation largely depends upon the perception of 360 degree feedbacks potential to enhance human resource management system of the organisation. As suggested by Lepsinger and Lucia, (2009) factors like culture (that supports openness and honest feedback) and systems (that minimise irrational responses and have built in ways to identify people whose ratings are untrustworthy) assess if the organisation is ready to implement the 360 degree feedback process, and the researcher has explored the possibilities of its implication in the University of Huddersfield, based on these grounds. 2.1 Specific Literature Review This section of the dissertation takes a specific critical standpoint on whether 360à ° feedback as strategic Human Resource tool have a profound strategic justification in the University of Huddersfield (UOH) which is a registered for charity organisation (, 2011) . The researcher has given a critical account of the 360-degree feedback tool, as an option for performance development appraisals and for motivating the staff in performing better, in the registered for charity organisations. Currently, the 360 degree tool is not very common in the third sector, registered for charity organisations and the investigation could be a scope for a research elsewhere. According to Berk, (2009); and Fortunato and Smith, (2008) 360 degree feedback is an appraisal tool used by approximately 90% of the Fortune 1000 organisations (Fortunato and Smith, 2008; Bracken et al., 2001; Tornow and Tornow, 2001; Edwards and Ewen, 1996, 2001). Cardy, Leonard and Newman, (2011) believe that the incre ased popularity of the 360 degree feedback is unquestionable and that organisations have spent innumerable amount of funds in implementing the feedback system. However, Cardy, (2011) argue that many Fortune 1000 companies have implemented the 360 degree feedback without having considered the purpose, which is not very advisable, as 360 degree feedback is at its best for staff development, motivation, and for administrative use such as in determining performance related salary. The utility of 360 degree feedback, mainly upward feedback, may be constricted when appraisers provide erroneous ratings (Bernardin and Tyler, 2001; Bracken and Timmreck, 2001). Kuvas, (2006) highlighted that the relationship between the performance appraisal and work is interrelated to the employees inherent motivation at work. For an employee to perform in an organisation, job satisfaction and motivation to execute an activity for itself, in order to experience the pleasure and satisfaction inherent in the activity (Kuvas, 2006; Deci et al., 1989; Vallerand, 1997). Cardy (2011) highlight that when feedback received from too many sources are used for the estimation of an employees performance the diverse sources of feedback seldom agree in their evaluation, although a broader understanding can be attained. Analysis and criticism of traditional appraisal system in contrast with 360 degree feedback The primary principle of appraisals is to put forward an opinion or feedback on how the employee performs in their current job role and to discuss further what could be done to facilitate the employee to perform the expected job, if they are not performing as per the objectives. Prowse and Prowse, (2009); and Randell, (1994) argue that appraisals are the systematic evaluation of an individuals performance linked to the organisations culture and behaviour. The various departments in the University of Huddersfield (UOH) use different appraisal mechanisms. The computing and library services, technical services and other administration departments of the University use a competencies framework for the staff appraisals. The appraisals are conducted half yearly (every 6 months) to follow up on the employees personal development plan. There are three documents that are usually taken in a one on one appraisal, the filled employee preparation form, the filled up competencies framework and the competency framework Role Profiling document which provides a brief idea of which level each role is at (Figure. 4). After the discussion the appraising line manager fills up the appraisal record which both the appraiser and the ââ¬Ëappraisee sign and get a copy. This process is followed up every 6 months (Please refer to appendix 1 for appraisal documents). The purpose of the process is to facilitate the employees to develop in a systematic way so that university as an organisation functions in the best possible way utilising the optimum talent identified. Various authors support that the appraisal system also offers an opportunity to put across and discuss the employees achievements over the past year with th eir managers to confer their performance in general and make plans for the year ahead. The performance appraisals are potentially a solution for the organisations to get the most out of their employees (Prowse and Prowse, 2009; Armstrong and Baron, 2005). The scheme currently functional in the university is highly participative, with a huge emphasis on appraisal ââ¬Ëself and making sure that the staffs have a key responsibility in determining their own improvement and personal development (UOH, 2011). ââ¬Å"In order for an appraisal system to be absolutely flawless and effective a number of elements have to be in place, as in the understanding and agreement on performance goals, a process for collecting ongoing performance data and a framework of productive periodic review and formal appraisal discussions,â⬠(Lepsinger and Lucia, 2009). Although the current appraisals seemed to have worked fine till date, the literature provides evidence of the flaws in the traditional appraisal processes. Lepsinger and Lucia, (2009); and Lee, (2006) highlight that disagreement on set performance criterion, the line managers inability as an appraiser to process the bulk of information received and the employees need, while being appraised to defend their self image, are the key factors which act as a barrier in the smooth functioning of the traditional appraisals. It could be argued that the two parties involved in a traditional appraisal usually do not agree with the performance criteria set and it is highly likely that a difference of opinion may crop up between the appraisers and appraisee on what it takes to perform the job effectively. Prowse and Prowse, (2009); and Lee, (2006) argue that that the appraisal practice cannot be executed successfully unless the appraiser has the right interpersonal skills to provide the feedback t o the appraisee. If the appraiser and appraisee do not come to a conclusion on what can mutually be agreed as a requirement for excellent performance, then it is quite evident that both may end up with diverse conclusions about the staffs effectiveness in meeting the set performance criteria. Furthermore, rather than reassessing the actions necessary for a thriving performance at work, if the traditional appraisal attempts to achieve a specific target or result, it hardly does anything to seize the gap in perception or help the appraisee in comprehending what amendments are vital for their advancement and development in performing the job (Lepsinger and Lucia, 2009). ââ¬Å"Traditional performance appraisal systems are flawed in their design, implementation and use. Supervisors seldom are effective in using such systems because the assumptions that guide how we use performance appraisals are unsubstantiated,â⬠(Lee, 2006). Lepsinger and Lucia, (2009); and Lee, (2006) solicit to discontinue the use of the traditional performance appraisal methods and state that the traditional appraisal processes that rely upon ratings should be discontinued and advanced performance management mechanisms should be adopted which are designed to produce ample quantitative and qualitative information. The line managers inability as an appraiser to process the mass information received is another major issue in the traditional appraisal processes. The though process behind an effective appraisal is very complex. Experts break down the intricate process for collecting and processing information used in the appraisal process (Lepsinger and Lucia, 2009). Merits of introducing 360 degree feedback as an appraisal tool in the University of Huddersfield ââ¬Å"Critiques of appraisal have continued as appraisals have increased in use and scope across sectors and occupations. The dominant critique is the management framework using appraisal as an ââ¬Å"orthodoxâ⬠technique that seeks to remedy the weakness and propose of appraisals as a system to develop performance,â⬠(Bach, 2005). As discussed previously The University of Huddersfield uses competencies framework for the staff appraisals. The competencies framework is a description of the relevant behaviours needed to be competent in the job roles and support the organisation in remaining an exceptional University. The competencies appraisal framework boasts to benefit the employees by providing precision of performance expectations, uniformity and fairness throughout the appraisal, allowing superior identification of individual development requirements and giving a clearer picture of required skills to progress in the career path. In turn the university benefits by a lucid method of continuous development and performance management, enabling the identification and prioritisation of improvement needs to facilitate the improved stipulation of the learning and development courses or other areas of development (Source: HR, 2011). ââ¬Å"360 degree feedback can make a positive contribution to the appraisal system. It can help to gain agreement on expectations, by using a broader range of information, and by facilitating open discussion,â⬠(Lepsinger and Lucia, 2009). There are numerous benefits of introducing 360 degree feedback in the University of Huddersfield. As per the discussions with the human resource staff and the appraising managers it can be argued that the current appraisal system functional in the university is not flawless. The bias nature of the one on one performance appraisals is prone to disputes among the appraising manager and the employees, and although the university has a procedure in place to resolve such conflicts it could still benefit by introducing 360 degree feedback along with the traditional appraisal mechanism to rule out any such possibilities of conflicts. 2.2 Summary of the Literature Review To sum it could be concluded that the 360 degree feedback has a proven record as an excellent tool for staff development and motivation. The researcher has observed that the tool has become increasingly accepted in the organisations worldwide ever since the masses have discovered its value. Since the academic literature supports the research question proposed by the researchers. Chapter 3 3 Introduction to the Research Methodology 29 3.1 Research Design 29-33 3.2 Research Strategy 33-35 3.3 Review of Research Data Collection Methods 35-36 3.3.1 Semi-Structured Interviews Qualitative Data 36 3.3.2. Questionnaires Quantitative Data 37-39 3.4 Pilot Test 39 3.4.1 Questionnaire Pilot Test 1 40 3.4.2 Questionnaire Pilot Test 2 40-41 3.5 Alternate Research Methods considered but 41-42 3.6 Ethical Considerations 42-43 3.7 Methods of Data Analysis 43-44 3.8 Summary of the methodology 44 3. An Introduction of the Research Methodology In this section of the research paper the researcher has explained the various types of research methods and techniques available, and used by the researcher, followed by a justification of why these methods have been considered appropriate for this dissertation and why the other methods have not been considered. The process of data collection and data analysis has also been described in this chapter. 3.1 Research Design The researcher throws light on the research design and gives a general idea of how the researcher has gone about addressing the research question and description of its approach with rationality, followed by an account of the objectives derived from this research, gives an account of the sources which has been used in this research to collect data, and a description of the ethical considerations (Creswell, 2011; Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). To quote Saunders,, (2009): ââ¬Å"Combining both quantitative and qualitative analysis ââ¬Ëthe researcher may possibly use the quantitative data and ââ¬Ëqualitize it that is converting it into narrative that can be analysed qualitatively. Alternately, the researcher may ââ¬Ëquantitise the qualitative data, converting it into numerical codes so that it could be analysed statistically,â⬠(Saunders, 2009). The author has carried out the research by conducting semi-structured interviews followed by a brief experimental introduction of 360 degree feedback process, and the analysis of the results were done by the careful examination of combination of the mixed methods. Various authors justify that there are diverse rationales for research; however practitioner researchers are faced with queries that demand versatile responses (Creswell, 2003) Hence, a mixed methods approach that uses qualitative and quantitative research can be considered as appropriate for several p
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The History of Puerto Ricans Migration to the United States Essay exam
The History of Puerto Ricans' Migration to the United States Immigration to the United States has been occurring for centuries now. For years people from all different parts of the globe have dreamed of living in the United States, which is known to many foreigners as the land of opportunity. There are so many ethnic groups that exist in the United States that it has become known as the melting pot of the world. The Puerto Rican's migration to the United States was not an easy process. The Puerto Ricans faced discrimination in many walks of life in the USA. They were taken advantage of because they were naive and vulnerable to this new life. Eventually, in the twentieth century, the Puerto Ricans realized that they could stand up for themselves and what started out as class politics ended up giving rise to ethnic politics. The Puerto Rican's first migrated to the United States in the1860s. It wasn't until the US domination of the island economically that the numbers of migration to the US started to grow. The Unites States found it necessary to implement a capitalistic way of life, which in turn brought about the problem of overpopulation. A way for the US to handle this situation was to ship many Puerto Ricans to the United States. Once they reached the mainland the Puerto Ricans were in need of work and willing to work for low wages. Puerto Ricans had absolutely no say in what their salary would be. They only received $.05 above the minimum wage for agricultural workers in New Jersey. For more history on Puerto Ricans and their migration to the United States read Paul Alfonso's paper. His paper describes the Puerto Rican history and struggle in migrating to the United States. Puerto Ricans also f... ...rea resented the constantly growing Puerto Rican times the fights in the neighborhood bars would become serious. After the disturbances up in Harlem, this situation got even worse. Hardly a day went by that a Puerto Rican child didn't come home from school with a black eye. Mothers lived in constant fear. (Vega p.151) These organizations that were formed in the 60s and 70s helped better the life of Puerto Ricans in the United States. Puerto Ricans are now fully recognized as citizens of the United States. Although the struggle still exists Puerto Ricans have come a long way and have many people in politics that represent a strong voice for many of the Puerto Rican communities. Cruz helped stand up for ethnic politics and paved the way for many soon to be Puerto Rican-American leaders.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Financial Accounting Concepts: Pepsico, Inc. and the Coca Cola Company
Financial Analysis Randall Meeks Financial Accounting Concepts Mr. Carraher 9-12-2010 PepsiCo, Inc. and The Coca Cola Company have both been in production for ages. Both PepsiCo, Inc. and The Coca Cola Company have become common house hold names through out the world today. Pepsi is one of the best selling products in American history. ââ¬Å"Pepsi is the number 2 soft drink company producer, the world over. Pepsiââ¬â¢s number one priority is making sure that their shareholders investments are profitable. Pepsi has been able to achieve this goal for the most part via increased sales, keeping cost low, and spending money wisely.Pepsi takes pride in the name, they have built an excellent brand by deliver a product that is satisfying to the consumer, as well as safe. The investors in the company also can be happy with the return of investmentâ⬠(investorguide. com). ââ¬Å"The Coca Cola Company is likely, one of the most significant brands in American history. Coke can go in a ca tegory with a company like McDonalds when it comes to brand value, these two trademarks are 2 of the most recognized in the world. Coke is the highest seller of soft drinks, moving 1. 3 billion beverages that are served dailyâ⬠(investorguide. com).Pepsi and Coke have been mass producing soft-drinks on an assembly line for a very long time and they both have been competing for the number one soft drink seller spot. PepsiCo, Inc and The Coca Cola Company targets all income segments of customers in the entire world as their products are high quality and very recognizable. Coke and Pepsi offer products so similar that you probably could not tell the difference in a blindfolded taste test. It is a well known fact that when a business goes outside of the United States borders, that production and supply channel become very important concerns.Both Coke and Pepsi own plants that manufacturer their products all over the world in many different countries and continents.. Both companies c ompete with each other and try to make sure they stay relevant. They also tend to copy each other and try to outdo one another on a day to day basis. I will go in detail to explain the financial comparison and contrasting between both companies. I will also explain the vertical and horizontal comparison between the two companies. The main point I will make is to show the difference between both companies financially. Vertical AnalysisConsolidated Income Statement The cost of goods of PepsiCo Inc was $11,031 and $12,314 in 2004 and 2005. The price of product sold in 2004 was 38% of net sales and in 2005, it was 37. 82% of net sale. The price of goods sold went down in 2005. The cost of commodities was $7,674 and $8,195 in 2004 and 2005 for Coke. It was 35% and 35. 47% of net sales in 2004 and 2005. Cost of commodities sold increased for The Coca Cola Company and decreased for PepsiCo, Inc. The operating expense for PepsiCo, Inc was 43% and 43. 54% of net sales in 2004 and 2005. The o perating expenses for Coca Cola were 36% and 37. 2% of net sales in 2004 and 2005. PepsiCo, Inc and The Coca Cola Companies operating expense increased in 2005. The earning before T&I of PepsiCo Inc was 18% and 18. 19% of sales in 2004 and 2005.The operating income for The Coca Cola Company was 26% and 26. 34% in 2004 and 2005. PepsiCo, Inc and The Coca Cola Companies operating income increased. The net income for PepsiCo, Inc. and The Coca Cola Company for 2005 was 21. 09% and 12. 52% The Coca Cola Companies net income ratios was higher than PepsiCo, Inc. Consolidated Balance Sheet The current and total assets for PepsiCo, Inc were 31% and 32. 5% in 2004 and 2005. On the opposite side, the total current assets were 39% and 34. 83% in 2004 and 2005. The liquidity position for PepsiCo, Inc. decreased in 2005 and The Coca Cola Company increased in 2005. The additional assets and fixed assets for PepsiCo Inc, were 69% and 67. 05% in 2004 and 2005. The Coca Cola Companies fixed assets w ere 61% and 65. 17% in 2004 and 2005. The current liabilities for PepsiCo, Inc were $6,752 and $9,406 in 2004 and 2005. The total assets were 24% and 29. 65%. The current liabilities for The Coca Cola Company were $11,133 and $9. 836 in 2004 and 2005.The total assets were 35% and 33. 43%. The current liabilities for PepsiCo, Inc increased while the current liabilities for The Coca Cola Company decreased in 2005. The total liabilities for both companies in 2005 were 55. 08% and 44. 42% of total assets in 2005â⬠¦ The equity for PepsiCo, Inc. was 48% assets in 2004 and 44. 92% assets in 2005. In 2005 PepsiCo, Inc. share holderââ¬â¢s holdings reduced. The equity shares were 55. 58% of assets in 2005 for The Coca Cola Company while in 2004, there were only 51% equity shares. The Coca Cola Companies equity shares were more in relative value as compared to PepsiCo.Horizontal Analysis Consolidated Income Statements The total revenue for PepsiCo, Inc in 2005 and 2004 were $32,562 and $29,261. PepsiCo, Inc had a considerable amount of net revenue in 2005 compared to 2004. The base year of analysis is 2004. The net revenue for PepsiCo, Inc. was 111. 11% in 2005. The total revenue for The Coca Cola Company in 2005 and 2004 were $23,104 and $21,742. Both 2005 and 2004ââ¬â¢s revenues were less than PepsiCo, Inc. The net revenue of the company in 2005 was 106. 26% over 2004. The net revenue for 2005 was 6. 26% while 2004 was less.The growth rate of revenue for The Coca Cola Company is less than PepsiCo, Inc. The growth rate of revenue for both PepsiCo and Coca Cola was 11. 11% and 6. 26%. The cost of commodities sold for PepsiCo, Inc was $11,031 and $12,314 in 2004 and 2005. The price of goods sold went up as sales went up. The price of goods sold was 111. 63% compared to 2004's. The cost of commodities sold for The Coca Cola Company was $7,674 and $ 8,195. The cost of commodities sold increased for The Coca Cola Company in 2005 than in 2004. In general and adminis tration expenses of PepsiCo, Inc were $12,674 and $14,176.The operating expenses was 111. 85% in 2005 and 11. 85% more than 2004's. The total operating expenses for The Coca Cola Company was 110. 75% and 10. 75% in comparison to 2004's. PepsiCo, Inc had higher operating expenses than The Coca Cola Company. The operating income for PepsiCo, Inc was $5,259 and $5,922 in 2004 and 2005. The Coca Cola Companies total operating income was $5,698 and $6,085 in 2004 and 2005. PepsiCo, Inc. total operating income was 112. 61% over earlier years. The Coca Cola Companies total operating income was 106. 79% over earlier years.The Coca Cola Companies interest expenses for 2005 were $240 and for PepsiCo, Inc $256. PepsiCo, Inc. interest expenses were more than The Coca Cola Companies. PepsiCo, Inc. net income was $4,078 and $4,212 in 2005 and 2004, PepsiCo, Inc sustained losses in 2005 compared to 2004. The net income for The Coca Cola Company was $4,847 and $4,872 in 2005 and 2004. The Coca Cola Company earned more in 2005 than 2004. Consolidated Balance Sheet The total current assets of PepsiCo, Inc. were $8,639 and $10,454 in 2004 and 2005. The total current assets of PepsiCo, Inc. were 121. 1% prior yearââ¬â¢s current assets. PepsiCo, Inc. current assets increased in 2005. The total current assets for The Coca Cola Company were $10,250 and $12,281 in 2004 and 2005. PepsiCo, Inc. current assets were 21. 01% more than prior yearââ¬â¢s and The Coca Cola Company were 16. 57% less than previous year's assets. Further more the quick assets of PepsiCo, Inc were more than The Coca Cola Companies quick assets. It shows that PepsiCo, Inc liquidity was more than The Coca Cola Company. PepsiCo, Inc total assets were $27,987 and $31,727 in 2004 and 2005. PepsiCo, Inc. total assets increased by 13. 6%. The Coca Cola Companies total assets were $31,441 and $29,427. The Coca Cola Company decreased by 6. 41%. It shows that PepsiCo, Inc. increased in 2005 more than The Coca Cola Co mpany. PepsiCo, Inc. current liabilities were $6,752 and $9,406 in 2004 and 2005. The total current liabilities of company were 139. 31% over prior year's liabilities. The current liabilities of Coca Cola were $11,133 and $9,836 in 2004 and 2005. The current liabilities were 88. 35% of previous year's liabilities. The Coca Cola Companies current assets and current liabilities decrease in 2005.The total liabilities of PepsiCo, Inc were $14,464 and $17,476 in 2004 and 2005. The total liabilities in 2005 were 120. 82% prior years. The Coca Cola Companies total liabilities were $15,506 and $13,072 in 2004 and 2005. The Coca Cola Companies assets and liabilities decreased in 2005. In 2005 PepsiCo, Inc. share holderââ¬â¢s equity were $20,638 and The Coca Cola Company $16,355. The share holderââ¬â¢s equity increased in both PepsiCo, Inc. and The Coca Cola Company. PepsiCo Inc. equity increased by11. 90% and The Coca Cola Company 2. 64%. Ultimately after reviewing and analyzing PepsiC o, Inc. nd The Coca Cola Company I have came to the conclusion that the net profit of PepsiCo, Inc. and The Coca Cola Company decreased in 2005 and in 2004 there was a profit. The operating expenses of PepsiCo, Inc. and The Coca Cola Company improved quite a bit in 2005. I believe both companies should reduce their operating expense. The interest expenses were also high in 2005. I believe all expenses for interest on a loan made to a corporation or other entities or finances from equity shares should be kept at a minimum. The main purpose of this paper is to explain the financial comparison between The Coca Cola Company and PepsiCo, Inc.Further more I explained vertical and horizontal analyses for the years of 2005 and 2004 for The Coca Cola Company and PepsiCo, Inc. The main idea was to show how both companies are financially different from each other. References Coca Cola Company (2010). Coca Cola Company. Retrieved September 8, 2010. From www. coca-cola. com PepsiCo Inc. (2010). PepsiCo Inc. Retrieved September 9. From www. pepsico. com Investorguide (2010). PepsiCo, Inc. Retrieved September 8, 2010. From investorguide. com Investor Guide (2010). The Coca Cola Company. Retrieved September 8, 2010. From investorguide. com
Friday, November 8, 2019
Life During the Roman Empire vs. Life Today â⬠World Civilization Essay
Life During the Roman Empire vs. Life Today ââ¬â World Civilization Essay Free Online Research Papers Life During the Roman Empire vs. Life Today World Civilizations Essay As the world we live on gets older, the people and materials on it change. You may ask yourself, ââ¬Å"How did they live without television and radios?â⬠It may seem to you that it would have been horrible and boring to live back in a time period such as the Roman Empire. The truth is, we do a lot of stuff today that they did back then. Donââ¬â¢t get me wrong there were some differences, but it wasnââ¬â¢t a different world. Keep reading and youââ¬â¢ll see what I mean. There are many similarities between life during the Roman Empire and life today. If you were a child back in the Roman Empire you would still go to school as we do today. Another similarity is that people today still enjoy the same activities as the Romans did. Some of these may include gambling, sports, and socializing. They socialized at public bathhouses, which are very similar to modern country clubs. A third similarity is that today we still live in houses and apartments. A fourth and final similarity is that both time periods have the same problems. These may include pollution, low housing, high taxes, crime, and a low amount of available jobs. Although life during the Roman Empire and life today are in fact very similar, they also have their differences. One difference is that in during the Roman Empire, the father would arrange his childrenââ¬â¢s marriages, while today you can pick your own spouse. Another difference is how long a child would attend school. Back in the Roman Empire, when a child turned twelve, the rest of their life would be decided. If you were a rich boy, you would continue your schooling and when you turned fifteen you would enter the school of rhetoric, or speech and writing. If you were a poor boy, you would go to work at whatever your father did. If you were a rich girl, you would continue school at home with a tutor. If you were a poor girl you would help your mother at home. Today, you go to school as long as you need to. If you donââ¬â¢t have the money, there are scholarships available. A third difference is that back in the Roman Empire, the father was the head of the house and his word wa s law. Today, it could be just the opposite, or a child could live with its older siblings. A final difference is that in the Roman Empire, the athletes they watched compete were usually killed. Today we treat out athletes with respect and protect them. In conclusion, life during the Roman Empire and life today have their similarities and differences. It is true that they didnââ¬â¢t have electronics or cars, but they thought they had it pretty good. People two thousand years from now may think the same of how you live. Research Papers on Life During the Roman Empire vs. Life Today - World Civilization EssayBringing Democracy to AfricaThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeQuebec and CanadaBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XTrailblazing by Eric AndersonStandardized Testing19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Hannibalic war essays
Hannibalic war essays The war between Rome and Hannibal can be presented in many different ways. Livy and Polybius are the two main historians on the subject of the Hannibalic war with these two historians presenting the war with both differences and similarities. It is these differences that will be brought forth in the following text with closer attention paid to, the differences between Hannibal and the Roman generals, Hannibals march to Italy, the preparation for battle, tactics that were used during the wars as well as the controversial number of men brought forth to battle by both sides. According to Polybius command in war is the most honorable and serious of all employments (Polyb. 9.20.9). It was the command that won or lost the wars. The qualities for great command were both shrewdness and courage. Courage being defined as leading your men to victory, as well as being the first and last man on the battle field. Generalship on the other hand is defined as more of a skill of shrewdness, gathering intelligence about ones opponents and terrain to lead his men to victory. Polybius (3.48.) tells us that Hannibal had the aid of the Celts that lived near Rhone have crossed the Alps many times and fought side by side the Celts of the Po valley against the Romans. Along with the knowledge of an opponents terrain it is also essential to be able to deploy and maneuver troops in swift decisive movements in order to take advantage of opponents weaknesses. It is with these guidelines that Polybius has set forth that are to be considered the best way to examine the roles of commanders throughout the second Punic war and most importantly the battle of Cannae. The Roman consuls during the battle of Cannae are said to be Gaius Terentius Varro and Lucius Aemilius Paullus. Varro according to Livy (22.26.3) was considered a novus homo who served as a praetor in 218; Varro was also the consul that is to be identified with the lo...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Brief synopsis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Brief synopsis - Assignment Example The article shows through interviews with John, who suffered greatly and later had a sex change back to being male, that the true facts of the case were suppressed by the medical establishment and that many such operations were both wrong and ineffective. Nowadays the medical advice is to raise childred cosmetically in one or other gender, until the child himself or herself can participate in permanent physical and hormonal re-assignment decisions. This web page gathers materials relating to the case of a young gay man called Matthew Shepard who was killed in 1998 in a violent way by homophobic people in his home town of Laramie, Wyoming. Soon after his death, which shocked the nation, interviews were held with members of the local community. Following that a play was written, to explore the origins and consequences of prejudice and hate against gay people. The website gathers articles and reports on the original crime, reactions to it, the play and its reception, and reflections ten years later on what these efforts have done to highlight the ongoing issue of homophobic violence. It is a useful collection of fact and opinion, keeping the issue alive, and reminding people not to be complacent about instances of homophobia in their community, however mild they seem at first, because they can escalate into terrible consequences. This is a campaigning website providing information and links on the subject of equality for gay and straight people in marriage laws. There is very useful map of all the states of America showing where marriage is legal for homosexual couples, where civil partnerships allowed, and where few or not rights in terms of partnership and marriage are allowed in all the different state laws. There is a possibility to make a pledge for gay equality and donate funds. Articles and information are gathered and this is a serious, comprehensive presentation of arguments and facts in favour of legalizing marriage for gay people uniformly across all
Friday, November 1, 2019
DX wk 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DX wk 7 - Essay Example he patients history, lab tests and often their brain injury studies who that there may have been stroked, untreated high blood pressure or coronary artery disease (Beidel, Bulik, and Stanley, 2010). The damage can be to a single blood vessel or to many blood vessels that will then be called an infarction in the brain (Beidel, Bulik, and Stanley, 2010). In contrast, 293.0 Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition is a "disturbance in consciousness that is accompanied by a change in cognition" (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 136). Delirium in this case, the cognitive disturbance has to be due to direct physiological consequence of the general medical condition (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 136). Generally, delirium is brought on by a serious medical illness such as a serious infection, toxic effects of medication or AIDS (Beidel, Bulik, and Stanley, 2010). Although both of these conditions are due to serious medical conditions, delirium affects the cognition because of a lengthy illness that affects the brain directly. Although Vascular Dementia also affects cognition, it is a heart problem that has to be present (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Hans is a 66 year old male who is a retired mail carrier. He did his job well until he began to have challenges with his memory. Hans retired from his job five years ago because he was not able to carry out his duties correctly anymore; in fact, he began to make mistakes as he delivered the mail. At the age of 62, Hans was hiking in an area that he knew well and suddenly he was lost and could not find his way home. Soon after, he also mislaid things and forgot appointments and could not find his way around anymore. His memory continued to fail as he was unable to recognize his friends and lost interest in watching television and newspapers. According to Biedel, Bulik, and Stanley (2010), Alzheimers disease (AD) is a "common subtype of dementia" (p. 458), than other forms of Dementia. It
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