Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Health care law case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health care law case - Essay ExampleMr Segedy appealed the comparative negligence verdict and the new trial order.Mrs Segedy suffered from lung and heart problems with likely causative agents emanating from rheumatic fever. She visited Dr I. Ibrahim who diagnosed her with mitral stenosis on June 2001 and on 21st kinfolk 2001 her cardiologist performed catheterization of the heart to evaluate the problem further. She was placed for heart performance on 24th September 2001 by DR Netzley after he was consulted by her cardiologist. Mrs Segedy excused herself to visit her children before the surgery though she had been advised to remain in the hospital by her cardiologist.The operation was performed on Monday and after Dr Netzley inflexible that she was stable, he placed her in the ICU. However this did not work out as the heart malfunctioned explanation Dr Netzley to refer Mrs Segedy back to the operation get on. She was placed under life support machine until 28th September 2001. T he surgeon and the nurses did every little thing that would have been done by any responsible brain surgeon to ensure the life of Mrs Segedy was not a risk.Mr Segedy sued Dr Netzley and company, Dr. Ibrahim and corporation and Summit Pulmonary and internal medicine Inc. for medicinal negligence. Mr. Segedy argued that Dr. Ibrahim failed the standard of care by failing to properly complete or reschedule a bronchoscopy, proximately make Mrs Segedys death through a delay in diagnosis. He accused Dr Netzley of standard of care assault through transferring his wife from the operating room before she regained stability and failing to return her to the operation room immediately for appropriate medicinal care causing his wifes death. The verdict was in upgrade of Dr Ibrahim thus he is not party to the appeal.The jury returned a verdict against Dr Netzley of amounts of $1,755,300 but was not back up by all the judges in the panel. After several consultations, the jury gave
Monday, April 29, 2019
Explain why Simmias and Cebes are so afraid of death in the phaedo, Essay
Explain why Simmias and Cebes are so afraid of death in the phaedo, whereas Socrates is not. Does Socrates explanation convince you, or are you, like simmias a - essay ExampleSocrates unequivocally asserts that any true philosopher will be willing to die (6). He is confident(p) that a better life awaits him. Death, as the harbinger of the greatest good (8), is something the true philosopher desires and pursues. Death may be defined as the separation of the mind and physical structure (8). The philosopher is a seeker of truth and rooter of wisdom, who pursues the essence of the knowledge of population. In this pursuit, the body, with its lusts, sensual pleasures and physical needs, is only a disturbing element, hindering the soul from the acquisition of knowledge (10). Therefore, the philosopher desires death, which will release the soul from the chains of the body (11) and free the soul to master the truth. His desire for the truth will be satisfied only by the separation of t he soul from the body that is, by death which is the purification of the soul. Death is the philosophers means to gain wisdom, while the body is his adversary (11). Socrates fearlessly and eagerly anticipates death and is ready to depart with joy (11) from this world.Cebes and Simmias acknowledge the truth of Socrates word, but run to fear death, as they are afraid that the soul may be destroyed and perish (12) when she leaves the body, vanishing into vacuum after death. Socrates allays their fears by convincing them of the immortality of the soul. The accepted belief that the animation spring from the dead (15) presupposes the prior existence of the soul, in another world, before it assumes human form. As recollection is an essential part of knowledge, this recollection is seemingly gained by the intelligent souls existence in another place. The rebirth of the soul is proof of the souls immortality, as everything living is born of the dead (19). Once it is accepted that the soul is invisible,
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Interview with a group of adolescents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Interview with a group of adolescents - Essay ExampleThey verbalise they were glad they were young and didnt need to worry with social functions the like that. They also agreed that being young was corking because they didnt need to spiel a full time job. Some of them had casual jobs they did for their own spending money, but they realized that they didnt need to go to work every day like their parents. This line of discussion peak naturally into what they didnt like about being a teenager. They expressed frustration about the lack of emancipation they had. They were forced to go to school, eat the food prepared for them at home and wear the clothes their parents bought for them. They didnt like the fact that they were required to go to school, but most of them agreed that school was more fun than it was work so they didnt mind being there. All of them agreed that not being able to bring forth a car yet was a pain. They all looked forward to getting their drivers licenses an d seemed to think that being able to drive would solve most of their problems. Life would be so much better after age sixteen. I can commiserate with these kids as I remember being a teenager. There was a fighting that seemed to intensify each year until age sixteen. On the one hand I felt I deserved more freedom, but on the other hand, there was no real way for my parents to pay that freedom until I could drive a car. I remember feeling exactly like these kids. A car would change every functionI received lots of different answers about what was the best thing in behavior right now for these kids. Interesting enough, most of the answers for both best and worst aspect of life dealt with some sort of interpersonal contact within the family of the peer group. Some of the kids said the best thing in their life right now was their girlfriend or boyfriend. Three said that the worst thing was that they had just broken up with their boyfriend or girlfriend. One girl
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Psychiatric Hospitals in Ireland Research Paper
psychiatricalal Hospitals in Ireland - Research Paper ExampleThe c altogether for uniformity of c ar for psychiatric illnesses has been fostered by some(prenominal) legislations across countries, and the current trend is to foster care increasingly in the community in quislingism with the family 2. Despite that, there are certain conditions where there is a need to detain the patient in the mental health hospitals with forceful and involuntary access code, where coercion plays an important role. Admission against the will of the patient is an ethically unsound area of practice and therefore justness directs the process. Within the legal framework, the mental health master keys then exercise their power to detain or incarcerate the patients with an adequate indication permitted by law. The problems or debates elevate when there is observed diversity in psychiatric practice, and the heterogeneity of sociocultural environment and differences in professional attitudes towards me ntally ill people, all may influence a decision regarding involuntary entrance money 3. This has been contributed to by lack of reliable markers of psychiatric diagnoses and management plan for them.The admission to a psychiatric healthcare rapidity in Ireland may be involuntary, although till now, the vast majority of such admissions are voluntary. Involuntary admission means the patient does not innocuously agree for the treatment or admission to an inpatient psychiatric unit. The other part of such admission may be that even though the patient agrees for a voluntary admission, there may be detention of these patients into the units in that they are not completely free to leave psychiatric care on their free will. Thus this leads to a detention beyond volition, and luxuriant rules, regulations, and laws guide such principles. The Irish mental health policies regarding involuntary admission or detention are governed by the Irish Mental Health Act of 2001 and have been in full implementation since November 2006 and all psychiatric facilities including public and private are under its regulations. According to this act, the psychiatric hospitals and units need to be registered as approved psychiatric concenters, and those hospitals and inpatient units which were providing care to people with psychiatric illnesses at the time of implementation of this law will be considered approved by November 2009. The mental health act 2001 sets out the criteria for involuntary admission to these approved centres for persons suffering from mental disorders. This act also creates provision for independent review of the involuntary admissions of such persons 4.In a short summary, this act recommends involuntary admissions and detention in an approved psychiatric centre due to psychiatric disorder. The main scenarios or conditions that may cause involuntary admission are temperament disorder, social deviance, drug addiction, and intoxication. Although psychiatric patients have their own rights, this act implies that involuntary admission is for the patients own interests in care and treatment through appropriate examination findings of the psychiatrists, where all information will be revealed to the patients, and in case of incoherence, the tribunal may review such decisions where sometimes the court of law may interject if appeals are made. These principles are also
Friday, April 26, 2019
Brand plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Brand plan - Essay Exampleark of worldwide quality, a brand that can be used as a yard-stick in daily jargon to equalize excellence in product by flawless craftsmanship. Every Rolex comply tells the tale of an instrument that passes through a series of stringent tests in the manufacturing units supplemented by individual c are in making certain(a) it truly represents this undisputed royal watch brand. Rolex watches are popularly regarded as status symbols (Khurana, 2010)There are many reasons why Rolex is positioned in the market the way it is. It was a pioneer in the invention of wrist joint watches through the skill of its co-founder Wildorf in innovating Oyster waterproof case and screw cr give birth. Rolex has many first which broadside for its father-figure, aristocratic and near-Godly stature. Rolex manufactured watches were the first to come with Kew A test, a prestigious achievement in the early 1900s that deemed it to be perfect in time keeping. Again, Rolex watches w ere the first to have perpetual self winding rotor mechanism that kept the watch at optimal tension and wound on its own at the slightest movement of the wrist. (Rolex.com, 2012)The watch and jewellery market is huge at the global level with international brands like Rado, Tag Heuger, Citizen, Gucci, Jaeger-LeCoulture, Schwarzkopf, Breitling, Victorinox (Swiss Army), Cartlier, Omega, Tissot, Movado, ESQ, Edward Mirell, marahlago, David Vurman, John Hardy, Roberto Coin, Ammolite, Llardo, Marco Bicego, Honora, Yvel, Tudor etc. Even though these watches make up for them mid-range watch and jewellery market they compete to a certain extent with Rolex to get a share of the big customer base who are not Rolex loyalists.Rolex has numerous competitors in the 43.6 billion USD watch and jewellery industry. Rolex has released its Tudor in 1946 to eliminate stiff competition faced from mid-range wrist-watch brand like Tag Heuger and Rado. Its model categories Prince, Princess, milkweed butte rfly and Sport entered
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Business law - Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business law - Case - Essay ExampleBut he has neglected the esthetical aspects of the treatment and thought that causing a burn to the patient is negligible as part of deliverance the life of the patient. In that sense the doctor was culprit of neglecting certain critical things in his profession. If the surgery was inevitable at that juncture, probably the doctors actions could have been justified.On the other hand, there are no such worries in declaring the ECR instrument manufacturing business as the major culprit in this case. This manufacturer has sell defective fruits in the market which ca customd insurance to the users. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to test the quality of the product full before introducing it in to the market. He should ensure that his product may not cause any damages to the users. No product manufacturer has the right to sell defective products in the market. The specifications and usage instructions of the product should be given to th e users by the manufacturer and the manufacturer is responsible for any malfunctioning of the product provided the users use it exactly as per the instructions given by the manufacturer through the product manual. So the manufacturer of the ECR instrument is 100% responsible for this crime and need to be compensated Karl for that.Apart from the doctor and the ECR manufacturer, the hospital management is also responsible for Karls agony. The management purchased cheap quality products and took the risk of using it in the treatment of patients. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure the quality of the products they purchased before testing it on others. So, in my opinion, Karl bottomland consider suing against the hospital management also.Anaesthesiologist and the nurses have nothing to do with this case. The duty of the anaesthesiologist is confined to the anaesthesia alone. He has nothing to do with the usage of
PT.garuda indonesia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
PT.garuda indonesia - Essay ExampleIn the year 1990, the country has around 10 airlines where in the year 2005, the government issue has subjoind to more than 30. Some of the leading airlines include Indonesia Air Asia, Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Merpati Nusantara Airlines, wing Air, Mandala Air, Batavia Air etc. 1.2 Background of PT. Garuda Indonesia Garuda Indonesia is a leading airline organization. The airlines first outflow started off in the year 1949. Despite of financial downturn in 2007, the airline company has been adapted to secure considerable profitability in the years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Part B 2.0 Factors Affecting Demand and provide (theories & applications) 2.1 Factors Affecting Demand There are several factors affecting the train side of the airline industry. Factors bid price, quality, number of buyers, number of suppliers, income, expected future price, demo chartics, population growth, seasonality etc. In this segment, four factors have been discussed i n this sector to describe the impact of the same on the airline industry. 2.1.1 Price The following is the get prune showing the movement of demand against price movements. Figure Demand Curve (Source Stanford, n.d.) As the price of the intersection would increase the demand is supposed to decrease, while the demand would increase with the declining price. In the decreasing airfares will increase the demand. In case, the airline companies decide to decrease the airfares, they are expected to experience less demand than in front as more and more travelers would prefer to travel by train and other transportation mediums preferably than taking the expensive flights. In this case, the movement will happen along the demand turn. The figure 1.1 draw shows what would happen to the demand of any product or service incase of price variation when whole other influential variables are held constant. 2.1.2 Number of Buyers Number of Buyers is a significant factor to determine the demand in the airline industry. When the number of customers would increase, the quantity demanded would increase leading to increased market demand (Mankiw, 2008, p. 71). However, if the number of customers decreases in this industry, the demand would decline. For an instance, after the tragic incident of 9/11, the airline industry has experienced a decline in the number of air travelers due to some security related issues. So, if the number of buyers increases, the demand curve would tack rightwards. As more customers would want to buy the tickets, the quantity demanded would increase incorporating a shift in the demand curve in the rightward direction, from d1 to d2. As the quantity demanded would increase at a frigid price, the demand expected to increase keeping the price point constant. If the quantity demanded is less, then the demand graph is going to shift leftwards. In simple terms, as the number of customers would increase for the airline industry, the demand curve is expected to experience shift in its position. 2.1.3 Income The demand curve wo
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Role of Religion and REN in Wells and Byrn Essay
Role of Religion and REN in surface and Byrn - Essay grammatical caseThis essay declares that H.G. Wells in his work titled The Discovery of the Future and E.W. Byrn named The Progress of Invention during the onetime(prenominal) Fifty Years discuss how future might pan out influenced by various factors. Wells examine the trends past and present determines future, with various psychological and philosophical aspects playing inducing roles. On the new(prenominal) hand, Byrn focus on various scientific and technological inventions and discoveries of the past and the ways those things are orient contemporary times and might sway future as well. Although both writers take a clean-cut approach in hurlulating their vision of progress, they both deal with how morality and REN play an optimal influencing role, and in other cases, how they take a backseat and allow domain to play their roles in future and their vision of progress.This discussion stresses thathumans play prominent rol es, there are occasions when religion subtly and even explicitly plays a role in peoples living and thereby influences their future and progress. That is, religion in the form of god or superior power is shown to influence individuals or society and in a way their future.Although humans has invented and discovered many life sustaining and useful things, there is a view that superior powers and religion mainly played the facilitating role in that process.Wells point out that future is something that is ambiguous, complex, and difficult to grasp.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Museum Visit 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Museum Visit 1 - Assignment ExampleThe mesmerizing sculptures were a film of life incompatible from the modern world. Hence, these sculptures and portraits are the reminder of the people and civilization which was prominent, powerful, victorious and alive, but fag outt existent anymore ( Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University)The work which intrigued me most was the florists chrysanthemum Mask of a Lady whose artist was unknown and which belonged to 7th-6th Century BCE. Funeral ceremony in ancient Egypt include sculpted masks tradition, which was made for the deceased person to strengthen his spirit for the afterlife sake. Hence, these burial masks contained specifications in sculpted strain of a deceased person. Prominent Royal Family Members wore burial masks with specifications of their rank, shape, gender, beauty and personality attributes. Thus, youth, beauty and royal line were the evident features of such masks.Ancient Egyptians believed that spirits can recognize i ts body through the mask. Moreover, death was a transitional process for them, a journey from one life to the other. Therefore, these masks were considered to be objects which had a power to round of drinks a mortal into divine state.Masks hold significant position in the prevailing society as well. Thus, these invisible masks are often worn on daily bases, as available in the form of hypocrisy, selfishness, greed, lust and many more. In the prevailing society the aim of these masks, is to attain wealth. However, the ancients wore masks to become immortals. Since, there is a lack of agreement of life after death in the prevailing society therefore, people wore mask to gain material benefits only in this life.The Mummy Mask of a Lady transcended me into a different dimension of time. A time where funerals took over 70 days, mask of a deceased was a symbolism or verification object to enter into another life with an identity. The peculiar features of the mask embossed the status of the deceased, in a life which was over for him. However,
Monday, April 22, 2019
THE EARLY REPUBLIC Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
THE ahead of time REPUBLIC - Coursework ExampleHe one time owned more than 40 slaves in his orchard in early 1774 including children belonging to his slaves who began working for him at the age of ten. People felt that his acts contradicted his belief where every human had a right to liberty. He was forced to abolish the slave trade, thus upsetting other elite planters who depended on slavery for their riches.Thirdly, Artisans in England consisted of individuals such as Paul Revere who is termed as a revolutionary of his time. In 1964, he opposed the British policies that touched on revenue, thus spending a great deal of his time attending meetings and educating people through his anti-British slogans. One of the policies that he was upset at is referred to as Resisting the soaring Act which restricted their trading practices with other people. (Andrews 31)Yeomen farmers occupied the smallest lands in the southern colonies an idea that made tip off neglected by the government. Despite spending much of their energy working hard on their farms, they put up themselves in powerful positions in the imperial government. The main reason Yeomen wanted political positions were for them to get a favorable channel where they could address their grievances such as the infringement of a free mans right.Lastly, the frontier settlers included the Scots and Germans who were awarded a piece of land under the Declaration of trans-Appalachian settlement policies by King George III (Andrews 53). He declared that the mountainous land situated to the west of Appalachian would non be occupied by any white because it belonged to the Indians. The whites were upset with this decision because this land was not to be sold to them and that the existing residents were forced to
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Stakeholder and Governance Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stakeholder and Governance Analysis - Essay ExampleIts organise is to raise awareness on the dangers of the pandemic especially among the youths who are more vulnerable. The initiative is meant to promote musical note health to all through the provision of clean and safe water to drink as sanitary as awareness campaign against the cattle ranch of HIV/Aids.The main aim of the initiative is the fight against spread of HIV/Aids pandemic. The roundabout bolted on top of borehole was designed as a play force-out for the children hence they would be subconsciously consuming the Aids awareness in bounceation inscribed on the billboards succession at play. They would be pumping clean and safe water for domestic use into the overhead tank which promotes better, case health through the reduction of waterborne diseases and provision of water for vegetables.Stakeholders are often referred to as concourse who have interests in a certain project as well as those who are change by that pr oject. The major stakeholders in this case are the manufacturers of the roundabouts, local government, commercial advertisers, and children in particular as well as other ordinary members of the community who are beneficiaries of the project.Empowerment is mainly in the form of sponsorship from either the government or other charity organisations. The manufactures can be offered financial assistance for this overlord cause by donor agencies such as NGOs. This would go a long way in establishing similar projects in many areas across the country. Stakeholders in the category of beneficiaries can be empowered through the provision of financial assistance that can be used to start small scale income generating projects that may improve the quality of their lives.Projects should be run by local community members who are the beneficiaries as a way of creating a sense of belonging such that they would utilise the project to the fullest extent inorder to achieve the craved goals.This init iative is meant to
Saturday, April 20, 2019
W 3 Legal Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
W 3 level-headed Topic - Essay Exampleuse managed business organization organizations have over the years served as a consortium of organizations that use various managed bursting charge techniques to bring both affordable care and quality care to care users (Svorny, 2011). Whiles playing their role, there ethical and legal responsibilities that managed care organizations become bounded to. From the article of Leslie (1994), it would be noned that the application of ethical and legal principles go hand in hand. When arguing for whether or not managed care organization must be shielded from liability when utilization review results in an unfavorable event, it is important to consider both sides of the argument, namely ethical and legal.From an ethical perspective, one would notice that once managed care organizations agree to be responsible for the health care of patients, they forget me drug delimitations that have to with the fact that they do not become the direct care foun drs. Rather, the managed care organizations employ the services of health care service providers to give care. Meanwhile, adverse event can be noted to be a health risks that occurs at the stage of reception of care. According to the National Health Directorate, adverse event is considered an ethical issue that occurs at the sequence of receiving care from a professional (Kesselheim and Brennan, 2013). What this means is that when utilization review results in an adverse event, it is the professional health care provider that is to blame rather than the facilitator of the care. From this perspective, it can be argued that indeed managed care organization read to be shielded from ethical based liabilities that has to do with adverse event.From a legal perspective also, it is eternally important to ask the question of what the regulations state (Leslie, 1994). Leslie (1994) actually noted that the contractual provisions of managed care organizations set an indemnity clause that at tempts to establish their lack of liability. The basis for this legal provision is that in most of
The four basic management strategies to compete internationally Essay
The four basic management strategies to compete internationally - Essay guinea pigThis research will begin with the statement that marketers have to find ways and means to expose unceasing demand and match the demands with the products and services which they are best at the offering. If the demand has saturated then marketers consider to identify unmet needs and demand and create demand. In fact, marketing chance is being able to identify unmet needs or create new demand. The globe presents a plethora of new markets with a soldiers of unmet needs and demands and hence implying a host of opportunities. Globalizing an organizations operations can be conclude by saying that an organization seeks to enter new markets. Yet entering new markets means committing the limit resources required to produce a targeted return on the investment which could have been put to other marketing decisions each having their own return on investments, or we may also say that globalization has its opportunity cost. Thus organizations usually decide to globalize their operations when they foresee a sufficient profitability in assigning their limited resources to foreign market(s) higher than the expected rate of return from other marketing decisions. Ansoffs grid clearly juxtaposes the decision to enter new markets with other marketing decisions. The strategies which an organization adopts to compete globally depends on many factors such asIts objectives, competitiveness, resources, products, and services.The attractiveness of the foreign market.The cost of entering the market.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Being a Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Being a loss leader - Essay ExampleLikewise, the paper also highlights various leadership styles, which a leader might subscribe to adapt in its process of leadership. Moreover, it also highlights the cultural and motivational aspects for a leader in an organisation.The reference of a leader is to assimilate the skills of the people in an organisation to achieve the desired results and organisational objectives. It is also considered that a leader has the role of providing direction to the employees in an organisation, act as a medium of communication amongst the low-level watchfulness and the top-level management of an organisation. Moreover, a leader also has to play the role of a learn for a group of employees along with providing knowledge to them. Motivation along with providing encouragement to the group of employees also travel under the role of a leader (Kashfi, 2007). Similarly, the responsibilities associated with leadership include communicating the message from the top-level management to the lower-level management of an organisation and help in the smooth execution of organisational operations. A leader is also responsible for empowering quick employees along with convincing them with a vision of meeting the organisational objectives along with their personal requirements (Burton-Jones, n.d.).Communication skills are perceived as quintessential for a leader, which mustiness be inherent within the people in this position. Moreover, a leader must also have the knowledge of planning regarding the resources in an organisation applying their foresightedness skills. companionship of controlling a group and its overall performance is also a vital aspect for leaders to become successful, where the foresightedness characteristics prove to be a virtue for them. A leader also must be able to set the example for its group that would provide them an understanding regarding the skills
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Academic essay on Fatigue Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Academic on Fatigue - Essay ExampleThe frighten off after malignant neoplastic disease treatment is normal, but it is recommended that if it persists, then one should consult their physicians for assistance lest it develops into a more complex condition. This resulting fatigue can be a problem in itself, and as such, requires to be managed. To evaluate on the authorization evaluations which can save the situation, this study text will analyse the case of one John, who is a longanimous recovering from pubic louse and is experiencing fatigue from the chemotherapy. He feels that his life has been limited by the fatigue and requests a intermediation strategy to help him out of the situation. The study highlights the causal factors of fatigue, an intervention approach to curb his current fatigue, and at last an approach to prevent him from experiencing fatigue during the rest of his chemotherapy treatment.This study text is based on a cancer patient, John, who is a recuperating canc er patient. He has undergone surgery and included in his after-treatment is chemotherapy. He has undergone four chemotherapy sessions while in hospital but the fifth he receives from an outpatient clinic. The chemotherapy is having side effects on him, and especially fatigue which comes with cancer treatment. He complains of excessive tiredness, has reduced his working time, and still feels tired after resting for long hours. Additionally, he has maintain his pre-treatment diet, and says exercising at the gym is not necessary since he has been participating in some projects which solemnize him busy such as helping in local charities and looking after his grandchildren. He thus requests information as to how he can deal with his current fatigue, and the extra fatigue expected as he continues with his chemotherapyFatigue resulting from cancer and chemotherapy is similar to the common fatigue. It is simply lack of energy which adds up as tiredness and weakness. A person with fatigue feels that their normal
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Principles of marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Principles of merchandiseing - Essay ExampleP&G has always tried to position their product diametrically harmonise to the changing need and preferences of the people. In the detergent market, marketers are launching their detergents in small easy to allot containers at low price. In this way marketers wanted to prove that they were charging less for more. P&G decrease their commercialization and increase their perceived value by introducing Tide with bleach, cold water Tide, Tide with bounce, and so on So by this it could be clearly assumed that P&G has an excellent marketing police squad to plan out such marketing strategies, so that it always remains the market leader. Table of confine PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 14 1 4 Mission, Vision and Objectives of Procter & Gamble 5 Mission and Vision 5 Objectives 5 Market Overview 6 Competitors 6 Customer Expectations 7 Consumer Behavior 7 Cultural Factors 7 Social Factors 8 Psychological Factors 8 Personal Factors 8 SWOT Analysis 9 en duringness 9 Weakness 9 Opportunity 9 Threat 9 Marketing Mix 10 Product 10 Price 10 Place 10 Promotion 11 Conclusion 11 References 13 Mission, Vision and Objectives of Procter & Gamble Mission and Vision Procter & Gamble is one of the largest packaged product companies in the world. This fact has always motivated the community for their purpose inspired growth. The companys mission is to improve the lives of the customers round the world. The prospicient term visions of Procter & Gamble are The company wants to use 100 percent renewable and recycled material for the products and packaging. The plants of the company should be powered by 100 percent renewable energy. They want zero manufacturing waste to go to landfills. The company wants to design the products for maximum customer delight and conserving the natural resource (P&G, 2012). Objectives The company wants to win the customers, and financial aid its leading brands to grow and expand into different countries. It wanted to f ocus mainly on the core line of credit and build is strong global market leaders. The company also has the objective maintaining growth and sustainability in different parts of the world. Market Overview In this study we would see the different aspects of the marketing principles and strategies with regards to a very touristy brand of Procter & Gamble known as Tide. It is one of the most famous detergent brands of Procter & Gamble. It is one of the flagship brands of P & G. The basic policy of the company is to boost the sales and stimulate the customers to buy the products. This popular detergent was counterbalance launched in the market in 1946. The logo of Tide that we see today was slightly modified in 1996. P & G enjoys a well-established recognition in the developed countries of the world like United States, and Europe. The chief operating officer of the company Bob McDonald announced in 2010 that they wanted to expand their markets and penetrate more into Chinese and India n markets. Their aim is to reach the target of 1 billion customer base in these parts of the world. The close at hand(predicate) competitor of P & G is Unilever and Henkel. In Figure 1 we can see that Tide is the market leader in the US detergent market among all the other brands and products of other companies. In fact, the P & G has the greatest market share among all the companies producing detergent. P & G has all its detergent brands in the top list of the consumers. Tide magnetises about 45 percent of the market alone. The other detergent brands capture 13 percent of the ma
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Problems Related to Internet Addiction on Children Essay Example for Free
Problems Related to Internet Addiction on Children EssayInternet could be considered as one of the best useful technological invention of our cadence. One can find both kind of information which s/he looks for on the earnings. Be gain it is very useful, it is used by almost everybody specially by young people. Sometimes using internet too overmuch whitethorn cause a serious fuss named internet addiction, which affects mostly children. Internet addiction is a serious problem affecting especially children in two possible ways. Firstly addiction to internet influences children negatively regarding their socialisation. Children argon affected by internet addiction because it takes too much time. For example, children who spend too much time with computer can non spend enough time with their family. They can not have manoeuvre enough with their family. So they evaluate a weak relationship with their family. In addition, spending too much time with computer instead of reading b ooks may cause a weak talking skill. Moreover, not compete classical children games might affect childrens socialisation.Children who spend time with computer instead of playing classical children games with their friends because of internet addiction will probably have weak social relationships in future. Having great childhood friends is vital for having a good adulthood social invigoration. Also, they can not learn how to struggle with real people outside because of lack of playing classical children games. It may cause being unsuccessful in their work life in future. Secondly, using too much internet might set up to psychological problems in children.Overuse may cause increasing desire to use internet related to insufficient joy. Children addicted to internet can not get the same joy with their first internet using. The jot decreases day by day. They increase their daily internet using time in suppose to reach the same joy with the joy which they get previous day. Overuse may also cause being aggressive and anxious when being kept away from internet for a long time. These symptoms may even turn into symptoms of depression. Furthermore, children addicted to internet could become not to able to differentiate real life from online life.They may be extremely happy when they reach a higher level in an online game. They do not care about as much as they care about online games. They also fall upon themselves with virtual characters in online games. To sum up, internet addiction may cause two possible problems on which are related to their socialisation and psychology. Children should be protected from internet addiction in order to be raised as a healthy generation. Parents should make their children attend real activities (such as scouting). They also should strangulate their childrens internet using time.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Influence the Age of Exploration Had on the New World and Africa Essay Example for Free
Influence the climb on of Exploration Had on the untried World and Africa EssayThe Europeans, during the Age of Exploration, had an influence on both the youthful World across the Atlantic Ocean, and the much closer continent of Africa. In both Africa and the New World, Europeans had same influences in that they negatively affected the natives in their search for riches such as spices and precious metals, and wheresoever they traveled they would spread Christianity to the natives. One example of this is when Cortes arrived in the Aztec empire he demanded they convert to Christianity, and when the Portuguese began colonizing tocopherol Africa it didnt take long for the Jesuits to come. However the spread of diseases, the slave parcel out, and the economic takeover of natural goods differed in the New World and Africa. Africans were accustomed to the diseases of Europe, the natives of the Americas were not enslaved as the Africans were, and the Europeans were unable to tak e over the natural resources of the Africans because of their unanimouser government structure.In both the New World and Africa the Europeans were constantly in search of riches and devoted to the spread of the Christian faith. Christopher Columbuss first expedition across the Atlantic was in search for spices. In Africa, they valued precious metals such as gold. In the New World and Africa the native people had their prop interpreted from them by the Europeans so that they could search for these valuable things. When the Portuguese were settling the east African coast they pressure the leader of the Mwene Mutapa to grant large sections of land to their officials. In the New World the natives also lost land but the Europeans were much more forceful. When Cortes came to the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan a battle broke out that killed the majority of the local anaesthetic cosmos. This negatively influenced both the two worlds. Another influence on the native population was the spre ad of Christianity.The Spanish had forced the Aztecs to convert to Christianity but when they refused, a battle broke out. In Africa Jesuits had started to come to the Portuguese settlements in hopes to convert natives. Although the Portuguese Jesuits were slight violent than the conquistadors, both Africa and the New World were influenced by the spread of Christianity European exploration and colonization had different effects on the New World in contrast with Africa in regards to disease effecting society, the effect politics had on slave trade, as well as the economic takeover of natural goods in the New World. European diseases alone wiped out at least half the population of the Americas. When Columbus arrived toHispaniola the population was 100,000 but just 77 years later and it had dwindled to 300. Diseases had a massive dissemble on the New World whereas it had little to no effect on Africa. Due to the fact that Africa is so much nearer to Europe, they had more exposure to these diseases, specifically Malaria. African ascendents were able to build up a stronger immunity to the diseases carried be European therefore it had contact with Europe via the Trans Saharan Trade Route, it is believed that African ancestor exposure to many diseases created resistance in further African generations.Therefore, the African population was much less effected by diseases carried by Europeans explorers than the Native Americans. When the Europeans arrived to the Americas they were able to take the population by storm. The Native Americans were listless and defenseless compared to the Spanish, who had horses and modern weapons. Columbus himself called these people nave innocents. Due to their innocence it was easy for the Spanish to make them and put them to work in sugar cane fields. This was quite the opposite however of the slaves captured from Africa. These slaves were actually negotiated in the midst of African slave traders and the Europeans. Slave merchants w ere paid with East Asian textiles, furniture, and spices. This differentiates from the completely forced capture of the slaves in the Americas because Africa was already well established.The indigenous people had a strong form of government and trade was strong along the Trans Saharan Caravan Trade Route. The Native Americans on the other hand did not clear a stable enough government to with conduct the Europeans. Looking at this form and economical stand point, natural resources were taken over in the Americas by the explorers. They harvested all the sugar cane, gold, and silver for their own trade purposes. The Indians were forced to work the fields, not own them like before. In Africa though, due to its strong establishment, Europeans could not forcibly take resources.Instead they negotiated and traded with slaver merchants to get what they wanted slaves who would be forced to go the Americas to be the diligence force for harvesting the natural resources there. The New World an d Africa were affected by the Europeans during the Age of Exploration in similar and opposite directions. Both were negatively affected in the Europeans search for riches and spices. They were also influenced by the spread of Christianity by the Portuguese Jesuits and Spanish conquistadors. There were differences however in the way Europeandiseases effected the foreign populations, how slavery in Africa was handled compared to the New World, and the economic takeover of natural goods in the societies.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Socialization and Criminal Behavior Essay Example for Free
Socialization and Criminal Behavior EssayHe was attractive, smart, and had a prospective in politics. He was also one of the most prolific serial killers in U. S. history. Ted Bundy screamed his innocence until his wipeout in the electric chair became imminent, then he tried to use his victims one more conviction to keep himself alive. His plan failed and the world got a glimpse of the true evil inside him. Theodore Robert Cowell was born on November 24, 1946 in the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers in Vermont. Teds biological father was an Air Force veteran, and was foreigner to his son his whole life. His induce was Lousie Cowell. After she had her birth with him, they has moved back to Teds grandparents in Philadelphia. musical composition growing up there, his was taught that his mother was actually his sister, and that his grandparents were his parents. They did this in order to protect his mother from harsh review and prejudice of being an unwed mother, At the ag e of four, him and his mother moved to Tacoma, Washington, with some relatives.It was there where his mother had fallen in love with a military cook named Johnnie Culpepper Bundy, In May 1951, his mother get hitched with the cook, and Ted had then assumed his stepfathers last name, and had gotten the name Ted Bundy. During the marriage, they had more children, and Ted found himself babysitting many old age after school. In school, he was terrible shy and uncomfortable in many social situations. He was often the one teased in school or made the head butt of the jokes and pranks. cause Stephen Michaud analyzed his behavior and decided that he was not like the other children.Despite his parental sight and meager surroundings Bundy was well behaved and grew into an attractive teen who was generally liked and who performed well in school. end-to-end his years at high school After high school he entered the University of Puget Sound and go along to do well academically, but felt unco mfortable around his fellow peers who were predominantly wealthy. In his soph year Bundy transferred to the University of Washington to escape the uncomfortable feeling of his financial inadequacy.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Summer of the Gods Essay Example for Free
Summer of the Gods EssayThe butler venture refers to the law prohibiting teachers in Tennes look into to teach their students, theories that purport to go against the creation surmise as found in the volume. It prohibits teaching of either theory that would allude to the notion that man has gradually evolved from a lower primate. This law passed in January 1925. The perfunctory of this law sparked a lot of controversy pitting more than half of the Christians living in the put up of Tennessee against political and civic rights activists. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) had been vehemently opposed to this act and vowed to offer its serve in defence of any teachers acc utilise of violating the Butler Act. It is in the bid to accomplish this that ACLU and other civil rights activists placed an advert seeking for a volunteer teacher. John Scopes responded and volunteered to test the act. A case was make out of this on the belief that Scopes had indeed taught against the creation theory to his student in Clark County High School.Scopes with the military service of the civil right movements deliberately incriminated himself in the greater mission of bringing to the public limelight the iniquity of this act and how it was a grave violation of a teachers freedom. The trial that would follow would see the meeting of great legal minds. One of this was Clarence Darrow,a self proclaimed atheist and William Jennings Bryan, assisting the prosecution at the signal of the World Christian Fundamental Association.A look at this trial indicates that Scopes was just being used as pawn in what had become an ideological turf of war as demonstrated by the sort of the high profile personalities it attracted. William Jennings Bryan had been alleged to have been instrumental on drafting the Butler Act in the belief that citizens should have a say in what was taught in schools. Clarence volunteered to join the defense to merely use it as a forum to propagate his beliefs and attack the basis of Butler Act peculiarly the foundation of Christian beliefs.The American Civil Liberties Union on the hand was seeking to mount its resister and challenge the constitutionality of the Butler Act. (Carson 91) Clarence Darrow was highly agonistic and used this trial to attack the fundamental Christians. It is to be remark that the main aim of the trial as projected by ACLU was to defend Scopes by invalidating the Butler Act. However, Clarence Darrow would go ahead and take it to a level where he sought to invalidate Christian teachings, a radical shift and diversion from ACLU key intention.Darrows argument in courts and his cross examination of William Jennings Bryan was divinatory to be a clear illustration of his stand. In this cross examination and the argument regarding whether the Jonah was swallowed by a big fish or by a whale was supposed to invalidate the bible and hence attack the very foundation of Christianity, diminishing its importance a nd hence the Creation theory. This trial, as Carson says, was in-chief(postnominal) not only to Darrow and ACLU but even to the rest of the Americans. It sought to embody the characteristically American manage between liberty and majoritarian democracy (265).Darrow had an intention of throwing a spanner in the already turbulent get by that had dominated the public domain for long science and religion. The stand of ACLU was that the Butler act was inappropriate and unconstitutional, it impede on teachers independence and freedom of imparting knowledge to the students. They agreed that teaching of evolution theory did not in any way counterbalance the teachings in the bible but rather was merely large-minded a science perspective of the extraction of man to students (Carson 89).Darrows cross examination of Bryan was meant to cast a doubt to Bryans convictions in the biblical teachings. Bryan was fronting an argument that Butler Act was but a thoroughly meaning effort by the leg islature to have a say in the curriculum that students were heart-to-heart to. Clarence Darrow was maintaining that the arguments given by the prosecution were invalid. He saw the Butler Act as an unconstitutional dodge by the legislature to promote the views of one religious group over others.Butler Act had nix any teaching that was contrary to the biblical teachings. The Scopes trial brought a lot of attention to the issues of evolution and biblical teachings. It is this trial that would ignite and spark a far reaching debate wishing to delink religious views from science. The defense was trying to argue that Scopes was trying to teach the various perspectives of the origin of man and not seeking to contradict biblical teachings. It was been by Christian fundamentalists as a wider war on culture.Teaching of evolution theory was seen as way of putting into disrepute the biblical teachings. Most religious groups have come to communication channel that this debate is inevitable an d have demanded that evolution theory be taught as one of the many theories of the origin of mankind but not be taught as a scientific fact.Works citedEdward J. Larson. Summer for the Gods The Scopes rivulet and Americas Continuing Debate over Science and Religion. Basic Books New York, NY, 1997, 99-269
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Social Biases Essay Example for Free
Social Biases EssayDr. Deirdre Teaford Abstract People come differently toward other culture and groups and discriminate in many forms of amicable preconceived idea. These parti prises can impact gratingly an psyches c atomic number 18er and social life. Discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes can influence adversely an individuals quality of life. The concept is more prevalent in society that most batch authenticize. This problem could be unfavorable to group cohesion, cooperation, and the success of society.Humans prefer to go with the f depleted of a crowd. When an idea is chosen by the masses (an entire nations or a small group), the individualized brain enters a kind of hive mind mentality. This trys social norms and manners to propagate among the individuals careless(predicate) of the evidence in support. This type of social prepossess is built with the desire to conform or retard in. Social biases be in possession of been a barrier humans have experience d from generation to generation. They take brusk cuts to make sense of the world.Humans have made rash decisions or discriminatory practices based on gender, race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, political preferences, and socioeconomic tatus. Humans have become fallible and has been subjected to their many flaws by qualification errors in Judgment, memory, and social attri simplyion. Social psychologists have claimed these biases can be eliminated if the individuals have the motivation and capacity to transfer their attitude. According to Fiske (2010), Some people think bias is a thing of the past, and others think it is a real and present danger that targets diverse social groups (p. 28). Moreover, there are subtle and obvious misunderstandings among groups of individuals that affects the bias of people in heir lives, but strategies for change are possible (Fiske, 2010). In this analysis, the concept of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination testament be defined. In the same aspect, the analysis will describe the differences between blatant and subtle bias while identifying some car park biases that may affect the lives of individuals and Stereotyping, and Discrimination Gender and ethnic stereotypes are inevitable.In the context of affirmative action, the inevitability has played an important practical implication. One arguments against affirmative action is that employers and educational administrators should be ender-blind and colorblind in their hiring and recruiting process (Stewart, Weeks, Lupfer, 2003). Individuals are often hurt by discriminatory and prejudicial behaviors and attitudes. The incumbent laws cannot halt prejudicial or stereotyping attitudes, but they can address instances of discrimination. Discrimination, stereotyping, and prejudice are somewhat similar, but they are very different.Prejudice The operational definition involves reacting fervently to an individual on the pedestal of ones feelings approximately the group ( Fiske, 2010). It is a belief that formulated without considering the facts. It is also an unwarranted or negative attitude toward a person based on his or her association of a social group. Stereotyping The operational definition entails an individuals cognitive associations and expectations around a group. These expectations will encompass the beliefs about the characteristics of a group (Fiske, 2010). Moreover, it is an indiscriminate belief about a class of people or particular group.Advantage It allows the individual to respond hastily to sure situations because he or she may had a related experience. Disadvantage It will make us veer the differences between people. Discrimination The operational definition involves acting on the basis of ones prejudices and stereotypes, rebuffing equality of treatment that individuals neediness to have (Fiske, 2010). Moreover, it is the negative behavior, or actions toward a group of people or individual on the basis of social/race/gender c lass. In this context, discrimination can be either blatant or subtle.Subtle and Blatant Bias In the last two decades, there is no doubt that women have made strides in the fight for equality. Many can recognize that women have overcome the many prejudices against their connection in the workforce (Earnshaw, 1993). In our society, blatant bias is being replaced by subtle bias to go down the broad- mindedness for obviously biased behavior. Subtle bias is also acknowledged as modern prejudice. This does not signify that women do not get discriminated at work even though they have achieved equality of chance (Earnshaw, 1993).The first generation bias was more hostile towards women who needed to be in home with the children. On this second generation bias, for example, women may get more narrative praise than the male co-workers but low rating point related to Job performance (Earnshaw, 1993). Subtle Bias This particular modern bias is indirect and is manifested by withholding respe ct and sympathy. It is ambiguous and sometimes involves corroborative and hostile feelings that can cause extreme responses (Fiske, 2010). Blatant Bias This old-fashioned bias ensues as a result of threats to the struggle for positive group identity.They include segregation, physical attack, ex edgeination, avoidance, opinion clearly in regard to a particular individual or group. Impact of Social Bias The lives of individuals can be influenced by social biases. Negative outcomes the like neglect, hostile surroundings, or avoidance may be created by discrimination. When a biased individual interacts with an outgroup members, the convey behavior of the individual will solicit negative and ill attitudes. Prejudice will influence the individuals lives with instances of ageism, sexism, and racism that will affect their career and social life.According to Vaish, Grossman, and Woodward (2008), When adults display a negative bias across an array of psychological situations, they will use the negative information instead of the positive one (p. 383). Moreover, the electronegativity bias may serves as an evolutionary adaptive purpose of helping individuals afely explore and examine the environment to avoid harmful situations (Vaish et. al. , 2008). Two Strategies to Overcome Social Biases There are several strategies to minimize social biases, such as affirmative action, and equal opportunity laws.The majority of these strategies involve constant intergroup contact. The key term for a biased individual is change. Old habits die hard but and individual can cleave those habits. According to Fiske (2010), Intergroup contact and mutual differentiation are two possible strategies to minimize the bias. Intergroup Contact These are interactions between members of different social groups. During the contact, there is equal status in the groups, there are common goals, and there is no competition but cooperation.They are not easy to meet, but they make virtuoso(a) sens e (Fiske, 2010). Mutual Differentiation In this context, mutual differentiation is important for two reasons (1) People throw awareness of individuals social identity in the contact situation, and (2) Individuals seem typical in the sense that they array their own groups (Fiske, 2010). In Conclusion The motivation of change is the key to steer away from social biases. The bias will be the individuals preference toward a peculiar way of viewing or thinking omething. This behavior will be influenced by a certain prejudice.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Husman Ahmed Memory Assignment Essay Example for Free
Husman Ahmed Memory Assignment EssayThus we erect now say that the boys had a mean number of nomenclature remembered as 10. 2 and the median as 12, proving that the short essayal condition memory capacity of the boys is definitely greater, as they tend to recall more. The mode moreover was 10 for both genders meaning that if the results was to be generalised the we could say that both sexes had the same capacity in the short term memory.Also the experiment that was carried out contained a few flaws, firstly there was the illusion mentioned earlier of assuming that everyone had the same IQ levels, this was a huge assumption as rough students could impart had only five GCSE passes whereas others could have had 12 to get into the course, meaning that the teacher had no knowledge of the other(prenominal) of the students. Another flaw with the design was the influence of the Long term memory, the list of words consisted of animal name calling and the names of various fruits and vegetables.The list was constructed as followsThirdly the participants could have employed various strategies to remember the words, if some participants were acquainted(predicate) with a certain strategy then they could have aimd that. Meaning that some participants had a better way of remembering thus we endure similarly add that different people use different methods to store items into memories, some of these methods are particularly favourable to some people. Individual differences can also influence the results.Finally structured learning techniques could have had shaped the results, as some people can automatically relate words, for example the Monkey, Gorilla and the Banana all fit together, as does the dolphin and the whale. miller 1956 mentioned that the recall of people was usually seven plus two or seven minus two. This surmise however does not fit into my results as the mean, mode, and the median proved that the recall was much more high for both of the grou ps.This could be favourable towards the fact that we have used words which the participants are very familiar with since they have learnt the names of these animals and the names of these fruits and vegetables since they were very young, which means that they are words which are from the long term memory these words have been revised and repeated for many years. Baddley in the year 1975 conducted a experiment, afterwards redone by Naveh-Benjamin and Ayres in the year 1986 concluded that the English language was easier to memorise, rather than the Arabic language.The fact that the words are from the English language, also works against our result as they are easier to remember though our experiment clearly agrees with this experiment. Murdock in the year 1962 carried out his Free recall Experiments, which were very similar to our experiments, expect that he used non sense trigrams, which had no effect from the Long term memory.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Basketball and Favorite Club Essay Example for Free
Basketball and Favorite Club striveClub My favorite club is the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America). It really is a nice grow to help others and give advice. I like being in a club that is dedicated to serving others. We as well go on field trips which are pretty fun. It gives us a chance to meet a good time with friends. The FCCLA is hands down my favorite club. When we get to help others it really makes me proud.We took a trip to an elementary school and read to some kids. The kids really enjoyed us coming. We read to them and helped them with arts and craft. We also helped the needy by giving them canned goods. FCCLa gives us a good chance to show our warmth side. Field trips are another reason The FCCLa is my favorite club. This year we have a chance to go to King Dominion. I have only been once, and Im really looking forward to going.They give us chances to do fundraising to reduce the price, which really helps us. We also have a chance to go to a basketball game. IVe eternally wanted to go to an NBA game, but I never had a chance. All these reasons make the FCCLA my favorite club. The fccla helps us grow as a person, unlike some other clubs. Giving us situations to help others and providing for those in need. There is no other club that does that. This makes me proud to be in the FCCLa.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Race and Racial Group Essay Example for Free
Race and Racial assemblage EssaySearch the Internet for groups and organizations promoting racial comparison to help you complete this assignment. You may also have in mind to the Internet Resource Directory in Ch. 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups. Using the information from the text and your entanglement searchIdentify one racial group from the list below Hispanic American/HispanicWrite a 500- to 750-word paper from one of the perspectives below A historian writing about the racial group in a book chapter A news reporter writing a paper article or blog entry about the racial group An individual member of the racial group, writing a personal letter to a friend who is not a member of that racial group Answer the following questions What have been the experiences of this racial group throughout U. S. history? What have been the political, social, and ethnic issues and concerns throughout American history? What legislation meant to constrain race within prejudicial boundar ies was enacted? How did the various groups you researched press this legislation? What legislation meant to alleviate prejudicial boundaries has been enacted? How did the various groups you researched promote this legislation?Assignment Historical theme on RacePurpose of AssignmentStudents explore a variety of resources on racial equality and write a paper from a historical perspective relating to the experiences of a particular racial group in the United States. By understanding the history of experiences of various groups, students will be better ready to connect historical experience to racial diversity today.Resource RequiredInternet Resource Directory in Ch. 13 of Racial and Ethnic Groups.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
To What Extent the East Asian Model Is Transferable To Other Developing Countries1 Essay Example for Free
To What consummation the eastern linked States Asiatic precedent Is Transfer adequate to(p) To Other create Countries1 EssayThe stinting status of einsteinium Asia has flex unriva direct of the crocked to flourishing and overbearingly puzzleing regional economies in the globe in novel generation and some(a)thing to reckon with. The region has produceed to be the home of the global signifi en contourlece as well as the most affluent economy consisting of countries much(prenominal) as Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore S revealh Korea and Taiwan. There chip in been legion(predicate) and study factors that wargon turned the frugal success of the region to be a supreme realize to the countries (Chang, 14). whatever of the key constructive factors that entertain contri plainlyed to the ontogenys of the positive frugal status in the region includes positive legal and semipolitical environss for dickens commerce and industry, through with(predicate) t he plentiful natural wealth of different kinds, to consider equal supplies of comparatively low-cost, trained, and flexible employment. The success of the regional frugalal festerings screw highly be take in many a nonher(prenominal) ramp uping countries. This paper looks into the extent into which the assume that has been espouse by the eastside Asiatic region, and how well is it suited to be adopted by other maturation countries globally (the suitability of the easternmost Asiatic puzzle into the organic evolution of aiming countries economies) (Hira, 21).Literature reviewThe most successful developing countries over the last over the last half a century have come from East Asia. The rapid frugal appendage of the eight Asiatic economies which is often referred to as East Asiatic Miracle brought along ii major questions (I) what policies and other factors contributed to that growing? (ii) And buns other developing countries replicate those policies to sti mulate equally rapid growth? There have been numerous analyses on the success and too establish on grapheme studies econometric data, and economic theory, offers a list of the ingredients that contributed to that success (Kwon et al, 32). Researchers have been d iodin, concerning the get deployed by the East Asiatic economies and how the countries have managed to navigate through economic crises. World Bank and pecuniary institutions, has conducted the applicability of the development shape applied by the East Asian countries into the developing countries. The development evidence of the East Asian pecuniary dodging has been impressive, especially when compargond to that of other developing countries. How potentiometer such a record be accounted for? What lessons can we draw from it? What has been the role of public indemnity? These argon questions that have aroused heated debate in recent years, especially among the mainstream neoclassical school and the non-Orthodox or revisionists (Saggi, 36). tally to World Bank 1993, the East Asian Miracle illustration has been a positive gain to the Asian economies which can as well be adopted in the developing countries. In addition, Haggard, 2004 n angiotensin-converting enzymed that, in that respect is no fixed definition of what is contained in the East Asian bewilder of development. How economies grew, how industrial structures were transformed, how governments intervened in solving coordination problems, pursuing efficient policies, making credible commitments, etcetera varied dep nullifying on time and location (Hughes, 18). Different writers select different characteristics, often depending on what earth (or countries) they atomic bet 18 studying, and, at times, in function of their ideological preferences. At the clear risk of over-simplification, but so as to maintain the discussion manageable, four major features will be selected that have, arguably, been twain common to, and pivotal for , the experiences of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea over the periods here examined (Chang, 26).IntroductionThe diachronic, trade and industrial growth in East Asia described as East Asian Miracle brought a huge attention into the world and has provided a outstanding literature on the economic development theories since then (World Bank, 1993). The countries, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, followed Japan, which itself was the very first commonwealth that succeeded, becoming an industrialised country outside the famous Hesperian economy, and achieved similar economic success in the phase of development following the Second World War from the 1950s to the 1970s and named as the four Asian Tigers. then(prenominal) the three newly Industrializing economies (NIES) of atomic digit 34 Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Ind onesia overly managed to take off becoming large enough to return the respective status of middle income countries in the second phase from the 1970s to the 1990s. (Chang 2006, World Bank, 1993, Jomo, 2001).The adoption of the given up model light-emitting diode to the adoption of a strategies directed towards this regional economic development and in turn coming to be a central aspect in development these economics and the model was denoted as the East Asian maturement Model (EADM). The model has different defining clauses and includes factors such as separate control over finance, direct support for subject owned enterprises by the government, import substitution industrial enterprise in heavy industry and shift to export-led industry, a high dependence on export markets and a high rate of domestic savings among other practices.The nature of this model EADM was opposed to the protestations of the IMF-led Washington Consensus, model, which itself constitutes principles, and policies that are aimed at global economy transaction through the act of harmonizing the way that field of study economy operates. For ex large, the models work through the act of reducing barriers to international trade such as tariffs deregulation led to reductions in government control with the pushing for free trade practices. However, the World Banks influential study, on the East Asian Miracle represents the neo-classical claim in the current East Asian debate by ack at one timeledging that, the patronage use of state interpolation in the East Asian development process, but also inefficiency of the intervention. harmonise to World Bank (1993), the intervention was not harmful, though console not helpful.However, it is widely recognized like a shot that the export-push strategies in East Asia are very much linked to selective industrial form _or_ system of government and state intervention actively promoted economic growth in the region. According to Wade (1992), the development of a archetype of the governed market theory, explains the East Asian success by three causes (I) high levels of productive investiture. (ii) Rela tively an change magnitude investment in certain key industries and finally (iii) exposure of many industries to international competition. It is argued that such economic policies, incentives, controls and risk spreading mechanism allow them to sustain rapid development, which produces different level productions and its huge sequels in the private sector. This theory emphasizes on hood accumulation rather than resource allocation as per the orthodox theory as the principle source of growth (Nissanke Ernest, 11).It is unrealistic to assume that there is yet one development model and it can be mostly agreed that nations have been taking their own or different ways of pursuing the EADM model with diverse development strategies. Hence, this paper will argue establish on the World Banks famous distinctions of the modelNortheast Asian model based on the Japanese paradigm of industrial policy and more active state intervention, which refers namely the NIEs countriesSoutheast Asian m odel described that more open and market-friendly regimes, which refers ASEAN-3 countries Thailand, Malaysia, and IndonesiaIt is often criticized that, the re-applicability of the Northeast Asian model by claiming is not possible in the contemporary context, not completely because it ignores the immensity of the global market, but also owing to the Unique historical context of Northeast Asia and the constraints under the new regime of the WTO. Therefore, the first polish of this paper is to refute the initial condition argument while addressing analytical shortcomings of this orthodoxy theory it deals mostly with static concerns and thus has little say about dynamic changes, and also it down exemplifys the social-political dimensions of the economic development, adopting just a kind of economic determinism in their climax (Richter, 44).Positives from the East Asian ModelDiversity in ecosystem, population, ethnicity, religion, social structure, and political regimeEqually huge d iversity in GDP, per capita income, and economic developmentHigh growth carry on over a long period almost throughout the region. Associated with this high growth are high, savings and investment rates, active, but managed external opening, export orientation, industrialization, and general improvements in social indicators.Accomplishments and Characteristics of the East Asian training Paradigm hotshot of the major achievements of the model is the rapid economic growth of the region. For example, the implementation of the model led to the real income per great grow four times bigger than it was previously in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea. another(prenominal) accomplishment of the model was declining inequality. This is whereby the positive gains and economic developments were planely distributed throughout the populations. Thirdly, the model led to a libertine reduction of the technology gap through massive investment in forgiving capital, importation of conflicting technology, export orientation, and the opening of markets for foreign direct investment as a means of introducing advanced technology. Finally, the model led to reduction of poverty rates in the region (Saggi, 51).Adaptability of East Asian Miracle into the Developing Countries (To What Extent Can the Model Be Used By the Developing Countries)Less essential, countries or better still developing countries globally are nations denoted by the poor living standard as well as underdeveloped in industrial aspects. Base as well as a low man development index, when compared to other countries. One of the aspects used to differentiate mingled with a developed and an underdeveloped country is the value of the countys GDP per capita. Less developed nations are countries that have not realized a considerable degree of industrialization in relation to their populations. In most cases, they are said to have medium or poor standards of livelihood. There is a well-built relationsh ip connecting low earnings and high humanity growth. Once an magnification strategy is chosen, the proper policy systems will in turn certainly be formed or laid down as the foot print to development, and in turn the outcome of economic growth is, to a greater extent, determined by whether the preferred developmental strategies are compensate or wrongly. If only the macroeconomic scoreting and government guiding principles are well thought-out, and not smell into positives and negatives of the given development plan, then a general idea of where the problems lie is impossible. Modification plans thus elevated can barely give solutions to problems existing in the wealth of African states (Hughes, 40).The implementation of the East Asian Model in the developing countries would somehow be of great achievement in wrong of development. One of the major contributors to the development of the East Asian is the growth driven by trade and investment. For each of the countries in the region, the long term growth path as well as the achievement of industrialization can be tracked by income trends as well as structural shifts in GDP and exports. The exceptional(a) feature of East Asian growth is that it has been achieved through the very existence of East Asia as a powerful arena of economic interaction among its members, and not merely by market-friendly policies or ingenuous regime of individual countries alone (Kwon et al, 57). One of the achievement or actualisation that has contributed to the development of the East Asian regions in terms of economy is the realization of the economic growth through participation in a series of dynamic production network that is generated by private firms. This has been benefited by Linked by trade and investment, a system of international division of drive with clear order and structure exists in the region. Taking this surface into the developing country, the model can be of positive gain to the developing nations. Th e model also explains the importance of the private sector in the economic development of a nation. This can be adopted in the developing nations as it would lead to the make up of the countrys GDP (Kwon et al, 68).Another point that can be borrowed from the East Asian development model is the interaction among the members of the region. Thus, can be deployed in other regions such as Africa and also becomes a success. This would lead to the formation of powerful arena in terms of economic interactions between different countries. Moreover, good governance should be adhered in order to achieve the benefits from the model implementations. For the developing countries to develop and adopt the model into positive gains, the developing countries, have no prime(a) but to initiate development, and undertake international integration via trade and investment. The East Asia model has also described the lack to have well established political, social and economical conducive environment fo r a better economic development. This van as well be adopted in the developing nations which are greatly denoted by poor political establishments, and deteriorated social and economic aspects (Hira, 71).One of the developing regions or countries is the African states. The biggest question that mud for the African states is Can African learn from the East Asia miracle development model? Yes, the model can be of great help to a number of African nations as majority of them are categorized as developing countries. Since 1970s all the way to the late 1990s, East Asia has experienced has embarked on a model that has resulted in an outstanding evidence of high and unrelenting fiscal growth. The model has become a development model to other developing regions as is the case of African states (Chang, 49). One of the major aspects of the model is the East Asian regions embarked on the plan to plus the value and the amount of exported goods and as well reduce the number of imported goods. T hrough the increase in the intensity level of exports from the Asian countries, there was an increase in the volume of finished goods and the success in export trade has seen maintenance of high deposition and domestic take chances rates. This provides the capital essential for economic expansion. Consequently, reducing the dependence on foreign investment and embark on home trade, investment and in turn increasing the value of GDP (Nissanke Earnest, 63).Following the attainment of emancipation, the deuce-ace world countries were confront with the task of identifying the redress approaches to build up their economies. This was meant to exterminate poverty as presently as they could. Many of these countries (developing) turned to strategies that targeted industrialization acceleration. This opted choice by some countries brought along an economic system that was an unclear macro policy setting and designed distribution structures for properties and the micro-management need fo r self-sufficiency. The result of the countries that deployed this approach to develop their economy, were shocked as such economic structures smothered economic growth. In return the economies of these countries which followed such strategies didnt step forward at all, as some of the nations fell git development as they were face with more problems (Chang, 80).In contrast to this scenario, the development plans adopted in the East Asia signified an extra choice and approach to economic development. The region members gave massive contemplations to their resource state of affairs, and in turn they took benefit of their ample labor availability resources which provided them with low costs of labor. This approach allowed them to establish industries that are labor intensive as an economy development take-off. In addition, in order to achieve positive results in their economy development, the countries had to coordinate their industrial organization. This approach was deployed in t he East Asia miracle model, which turned to be a success in the region. However, the approach of the equivalent by the developing countries would be of great benefit to the countries and their regions such as Africa (Richter, 55).Another advantage of the miracle model for the developing countries is that, it teaches the developing economies to sustain a constructive macro-economic situation as well as the correct basic policies. The Asian countries have maintained their debt within bearable limits. One of the factors that has dragged the economic development and prosperity of the developing economies is the massive and inability to control their debts. The countries are heavily indebted to the financial institutions such as the World Bank and IMF, such that, they are unable to control their debts owed to another shelter and developed countries. With the inability to control their debts, the developing countries couldnt control their inflation as well as both their home and foreig n debts to a definite extent. Most of the developing countries are kitchen-gardening products dependent in terms of their productions. The East Asian models for economic development guaranteed the efficientness of their policies which in turn was to enhance an increase in agri acculturation production (Jomo, 76).Other positive which can be of great advantage and can also be adapted into other developing countries includes the make upation of primal sound development policies. A large portion of economy development in East Asian can be attributed to acquire the primals inevitable correctly. These factors or fundamentals include responsible and disciplined fiscal and monetary policies, which are beneficial in maintaining moderate rates of inflation in the developing countries. Inflation is one of the factors that are a hindrance to economic stability in these developing countries. In addition, the model called for the conducive economic environment for private investment. For t he developing countries, it helps realize the zippy and the importance of the private sector in the economic development of the countries. In addition to the importance of the private sector in the economic development, the East Asian miracle model also advocated for high investments in education. To the developing countries, investment in education, such as beam secondary education, vocational and technical skill training developed a better educated labor force suited for rapid economic development (Kwon et al, 86).High rising and saving rates were also a practice advocated by the model. The East Asian governments developed a relatively sound and stable financial system. This was achieved through strengthening prudential regulations and supervision of financial institutions and setting limits on competition. They also expand the financial system network by promoting postal saving systems to successfully increase the accessibility of financial savings instruments to non-traditiona l savers. Finally, the fundamentally sound development policies included actively seeking foreign technology through foreign licensing, capital goods imports, and liberalization of foreign direct investment. The policies were some of the adaptable policies what would work well with numerous developing countries globally (Hughes, 98).In fact, since the 1970s, Africa nations have straightly explored and re-assessed their development strategies, so as to seek out with a unique development pattern suited to Africa. This exploration is still underway. In this regard, African country can gain some ideas from the experiences of East Asia. A favorable macroeconomic policy environment is needed to support the practice of comparative advantage development strategies. For this purpose, productive factor markets and finished products, markets, which are possible and fully competitive, must be established, so as to conform to the smooth operation of the market mechanism. Some African countries are making efforts in this direction while adjusting their structure. Meanwhile, they should pay special attention to adjusting policies (Hira, 89). rude policy for agriculture remains the mainstay of the economy in most African countries the support of the hoidenish sector is significantly to economic development. The experiences in East Asia have shown that with the right agricultural policies and a measure, agriculture plays an important role in pushing the national economies forward. Many African countries have improved, to differing degrees, in prices and the circulation of goods, as well as agricultural tax policies. moreover there is a long way to go. meliorate the management of State assets and raising profits in most African countries. State enterprises play a significant role in production and employment. However, poor profits and large losses have become an emerging problem facing economic development. Many countries have proposed the privatization of State enterprise s. So far, the process has make little progress and has had little effect. In this aspect they still need to explore new methods of crystallise (Nissanke Ernest, 78).Defining government functions either under the marketing economy or the planned economy, government plays a very important role in economic development, only differing in its functions. The experiences in East Asia have indicated that the government should intervene only in the fields where it is needed, leaving markets to operate freely. Only in those fields, such as developing human resources, constructing and protecting infrastructure, environmental protection and so on. Where markets are not able to operate, will the government need to intervene? This will create a stable, sustainable and fair environment for the operation of market mechanisms. Choosing suitable development strategies and forming correct policies, this is a precondition for achieving favorable results, but not the full condition for ideal developm ent. An effective and powerful government is a basic guarantee for the realization of the development aim. During the past three years, the African economies have continually risen and the overall situation has been improved. But the adjustment of strategies and improvements in external conditions requires time. Africa will be able to step on the path of continuous economic growth only if it undertakes long-term efforts and carries out suitable economic reforms (Chang, 101).Reasons why the development model wont work with other developing countriesLetdown of the East Asian growth Model contempt the progress made by the East Asia region in terms of economic developments, criticisms of the model have been raised as well as the models, adapted to other countries such as the developmental one. In addition, the adaptability and sustainability of the model have been questioned. The path trodden by East Asia has not always been smooth as some nations in the region failing to achieve high g rowth, and the states were hit by occasional setbacks. East Asia has had its grapple of hardships in its history, with hot and cold wars, social instabilities and financial crises. In addition, the structural weakness of the model is a posing threat to the adaptability of the system into other countries economy development. patronage the weakness, not a sign of the end of the system, it may instead be a signal that the model in dire need of enliven in order to be a success plain to other different regions (Nissanke Ernest, 92).Moreover, the East Asian model has evolved over time and adapted to the changes that has occurred in the region such a political, social and economic changes which have not only occurred in Asia but also in other parts of the world. The fundamental question from this is whether the model can adapt to some of the most significant changes and developments that change the economic decorate of the developing countries such as democratization and domestic eco nomic liberalization, globalization in parallel with regionalization, and the consequence of a new economy driven by information technology. The model can be able to adjust to significant changes in the region, but at the same time fail to adapt to the same changes in other regions such as Africa (Chang, 120).East Asian countries were constantly showing a bay window of structural strains and rigidities. The model was hampered by four main failures that affected the credibility and applicability of the model into the developing nations globally. One of the failures is that, the model neglected the differences involving the government mechanism and the elected policy as well as the market liberalization. In addition, the failure to reorganize the financial structure was a stumbling block for the model to be adopted in the developing countries. Finally, the congested and non-transparent corporate sector within the developing countries such as the African states was a stumbling block to the implementation of the model (Kwon at al, 136).Asian Financial Crisis In 1997Despite the growing status as one of the blossoming economic growth globally, the east Asia economy had to flog some worrying and threatening financial crises. The Asian region was at some time faced with a severe financial crisis, Fro example is the Asian financial Crisis in 1997 also known as Asian Contagion. This was a succession of money devaluations that had spread through a good number of Asian markets. This financial menace started in Thailand, and spread to other Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and South Korea. TheAsian financial crisiswas a period offinancial crisisthat gripped much of East Asia beginning in July 1997, and raised fears of a worldwide economic meltdown due tofinancial contagion (Harrold, 66).The currency markets first failed in Thailand as the result of the governments decision to no longer peg the local currency to the U.S. dollar. Currenc y declines spread rapidly throughout South Asia, in turn causing striving market declines, reduced import revenues and even government upheaval. According to Krugmans Paul view, the east Asia economic growth had historically been due to the increase of capital investment. However, the total factor productivity of the region had only increased marginally or not increased at all. In the case of long term prosperity, there ought to have grown only in total factor productivity and not capital investment.The collapse of the Thai Baht in July 1997 was followed by an unprecedented financial crisis in East Asia, from which these economies are still struggling to recover. A great deal of effort has been devoted to trying to understand its causes. One view is that there was nothing inherently wrong with East Asian economies, which have historically performed very well. These economies experienced a surge in capital inflows to finance productive investments that made them vulnerable to a fin ancial panic. That panicand inadequate policy responsestriggered a region-wide financial crisis and the economic disruption that followed. In addition, The weaknesses of the financial sector in the East Asian region were masked by rapid growth and accentuated by large capital inflows, which were partly advance by pegged re-sentencing rates (Harrold, 103).Key Root Causes Of The Asian Financial CrisisIn summary, the main causes of the financial crises in Asia wereLarge current account deficits that left the countries vulnerable to changes in investor confidence and macroeconomic conditions (i.e., sluggish growth).Overvalued exchange rates that were often pegged to the U.S. dollar, which was, at that time, appreciating quite rapidly.Rapid and unsustainable increases in asset prices, especially stock market and real estate prices.A currency mismatch between assets and liabilities that left banks and enterprises vulnerable to exchange rate devaluations.Inadequate bank regulation and s upervision. Implicit and explicit government guarantees that made high-risk projects (including projects which relied upon go along appreciation in real estate prices) agreeable to investors.Political instabilityLessons learned from the Asian crisisIn East Asia, in addition to supporting the International Monetary Funds programs, the Bank provided Structural qualifying Loans to prop up and re-capitalize on selected banks by supporting bond issues. In addition, the World Bank set up credit lines to help finance imports. The Asian crisis menace came as an eye unfastener and as a surprise to policymakers, investors, and academics alike, where buy despite majority accepting the menace was expected it would have been controlled and avoided too. This would be of great help to the developing economies such as the African States cases. The recommendations that were passed for the measure of Asian financial crisis prevention would be of great help to prevent the re-emergence of such a cas e again.In addition, the crisis was an eye opener to the economies of developing countries as well as the importance of the IMF. These include conditional financing, bail out from the such menaces as well as the structural adjustment package. As seen from the Asian Financial Crisis case, financial intervention from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank played a vital role in reversing the scenario. As a result of the crisis, many nations adopted protectionist measures to ensure the stability of their own currency. Often this led to heavy buying of U.S. Treasuries, which are used as a global investment by most of the worlds sovereignties. Financial and government reforms in countries like Thailand, South Korea, Japan and Indonesia. It also serves as a important case study for economists who try to understand the interwoven markets of today, especially as it relates to currency trading and national account management.In summary, of the Asian financial crisis in 1997, the East Asias experience suggests that while a classic panic may have played a role, financial sector weaknesses were a major contributor to the recent financial crisis. Such weaknesses appear to reflect the inability of lenders to use business criteria in allocating credit and implicit or explicit government guarantees against risk. This implies that it would be prudent to accompany efforts to spur recuperation in East Asia by reforms designed to strengthen the financial system.East Asian Miracle Application To African Countries (Kenya)From the early 1970s onwards, the nations of East-Asia, also known as the Asian Tigers due to their astounding growth and expansion economically that demystified the conformist economic theory based on the horse opera model of growth that adopted industrial development as an approach for overall development. Numerous researchers have pointed out that, contrasting the western model, the Asian model is premised on capital build up as well as that of hu man capital, which are seen as influential in the growth of these countries economies. The Asian economic growth has been very renowned such that it has served as a textbook case for strategy makers in numerous Least Developing Countries such as is the case in Africa (Nyongo, 2007).This growth incident has baffled various economic historians as well as geographical experiences recorded so far leading to researchers to argue that, success in Asian countries was based on an updated version of primitive accumulation and that, their success can be a model if only their high savings rates can be replicated. This is in contrast to African economies such as Kenya, which took off at the same time and indeed rate as the Asian economies. Contlarry of the Asian countries, Kenya recorded dismal and unsatisfactory growth and development over the last two decades move a number of scholars to call the incident a crisis of proportion. This rather tremendous contrast between the two regions, that so recently shared a similar turbulent past, raises many questions which should be of inte sojourn as well as a challenge to policy makers, especially in Africa to discern what went wrong with their policies and policy implementation, against what went right with Asian countries.Such questions that beg urgent answers are even more pertinent when one considers that, Kenya was poised to grow faster than the Asian countries considering its resource advantages. For example, at the time of self-government countries such Kenya and gold coast were said to have had a healthier growth prediction than any country among the Asian tigers. According to the world bank, (2003) it would be hugely important for African researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to have the opportunity to observe straight the economies of East Asia and Southern Asia themselves to discuss economic policy reform directly with the academics, practitioners and policy makers from the Asian region.However, one point th at should be kept in perspective is that, there are no two nations that are similar so as to assume that expansion and growth in one can be replicated in the other. One point to be noted in cases of development, there are some fundamental factors that must be in place for a country to latch into the development phase and the rest depends on the model the country pursues to sustain the development. Many policy makers and indeed some academics in Kenya, and Africa at large have, for quite some time now, tended to attribute Africas poor development record of its historical past, specifically blaming it on her colonial legacy, and later neo-colonial manipulation by western countries. Such attitude holds no ground when one considers that Asian countries had a comparable historical environment, which limits the extent to which these arguments can be held to unblock the poor development record of many African states 50 years on.One point to be noted when it comes to Kenyan case and other African countries is that, African economies at the time, were not capable of creating good governance on their own, nor could they be expected to assemble the human and capital resources necessary to ensure a development process. According to Nissanke (1998), the failure of African states to economically develop like the Asian case, aft(prenominal) independence is that, whilst all seemed to have a common goal of accelerating the pace of economic growth and thus development, they tended to turn on such issues as the role of the state, the degree of openness that could be accommodated, the desirable partner of investment in social services versus economic services, and the government-private sector relations. The long-standing results obtained were not dissimilar, suggesting that, failure was the outcome of a wrong mix of policies which are uncoordinated, absence of institutions, external environment, lack of societal preparedness, which were by and large constraints overcame by th eir Asian counterparts.Elsewhere OConnel (1996) commenting on such failure, emphasized that, African states and especially Kenya, have evolved from a shortage of capital diagnosis of the 1960s and 1970s, to a diagnosis of policy failure of the 1980s and, finally, to a diagnosis of institutional failures of the late 1990s. However, other researchers who, when comparing the source of growth in Asia with those of Germany, UK, USA and Japan, conclude that, by far the most important source of economic growth in these countries is capital accumulation, accounting for between 48% to 72% of their economic growth (Nyongo, 2007).Others have pointed out that, it is rather a combination of both capital accumulation and human capital accumulation (learning by doing) which have been the productive engine behind the unprecedented growth, pointing out that, physical capital critical in the growth process, is rather passive and foot soldier to human capital accumulation. This contrasts to the abo ve group of industrialized nations where technical progress played a vital role in their development, accounting for between 46% and 71% of their economic growth (Aryeetey International Conference).Whereas capital accumulation and indeed human capital development accounts for growth differentials between Africa and Asian countries, it all depended on policy choices each the countries in Asia took, for such development has not been uniform in most Asian economies either. Rather, Asian countries which have recorded unprecedented growth episodes have combined not only right and consistent policies over time, but also their societal preparedness had an even greater role to play to this end. It has thus been pointed out that, countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, and of late Vietnam have all had an element of societal preparedness, which is highlighted in the culture of hard work, drive to succeed, and high propensities to save (Nyongo, 2007).Others ev en argue that, the Chinese culture (of hard work and their strive for excellence) entrenched in most of these countries in part explains their drive to grow at the rates that far exceed the growth recorded elsewhere. The dismal performance of a number of African economies has also been explained in the context that, factors attendant in the Asian region, were not to be found in African countries, and no wonder that, no one country latched into development phase close to the Asian Tigers (Aryeetey International Conference, 2003).Although many African countries have borrowed a leaf from their Asian counterparts, especially in the areas of human capital development, the new paradigm shift has mainly focused on institutional development. This is even more pertinent considering that, Africa has not been short of capital. Indeed, despite the massive foreign aid and to a lesser extent direct capital flows, African economies have not developed as expected. This reinforces the belief that, capital inflows, whether local or foreign, cannot make an impact in the absence of a conducive environment characterized by transparency, governments, good governance, democratic political economy, conducive economic, social-cultural, and legal environment (Harrold, 96).Findings and conclusionsAt the turn 21st century, there has much dialogue and discussion about the miracle model in East Asia and its effectiveness in the economic development and its sustainability. The East Asian economic development model, which built the hypothetical and institutional structure of growth in the area, is liable along with the rest of what was one time called the East Asian Miracle. In an search to give a rich, textured analysis, its clear from the paper that, the model can be of positive gain to the developing countries in terms of economic development. Despite the East Asian development model a workable option for the developing and less developed countries, it had its own shortcomings. The cont ributors provide a adhesive review of the East Asian development model, exploring its cultural heritage, the political context through which it arose, its basic assumptions, and its recent failures. In particular, they identify the causes and consequences of the Asian economic crisis, describe the features of economic development throughout the region, and discuss the strategical responses of Asian firms to newlydeveloping economies of countries such as African states.The sustainable and swift economic growth in East Asia has attracted wide attention in Africa, and they believe the successful experiences of East Asia should be followed to develop African national economy vigorously. Its clear that the model deployed by the countries in the region (East Asia) was effective in raising the countrys GDP and in turn it was worthy to be deployed in the African countries which are an example of developing states. Despite the growing challenges over the time, the model can be of great help to numerous growing economies.However, the fact that the East Asian model is so attractive to many African countries is bound to have profound implications for development practitioners. Western aid is not the only game in town anymore, and the global developmentagenda is no more immune from the charm of a rising Asia than the global economic system has turned out to be. Developing countries can now choose between an ever-growing variety of donors, trading partners, investors and development strategies. Whether or not we agree with the models they pick or even with the idea of a development model at all we would do well to listen to and engage with these views. 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