Sunday, May 19, 2019

Facilitate the Counselling Process Assessment Essay

I declare that this assessment is my own cream, based on my own personal research/study . I to a fault declare that this assessment, nor types of it, has non been antecedently submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications.I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a invitee/Interviewee Consent Form has been read and signed by both parties, and where applicable parental consent has been obtained.1. Name two signs you would look for to let you know Vara is ready to terminal counsellor.Two signs I would look for to let me know that Vara is ready to end counselling are, firstly, if Vara is sounding a lot more confident and she looks a lot happier, then she probably is. Secondly, if Vara started to run out of issues to inflame and discuss in counse lling. I would be able to recognise that Vara is ready to end counselling.2. Briefly guide how you would fend Varas sense of autonomy.I would support Varas sense of autonomy by, acknowledging and helping her to recognise, her achievements since extraction with counselling. I would summarise these achievements for Vara. Vara has spoken to her preserve Alec, and made him aware of her feelings. This is roughlything she found quite difficult to do in the past. Since Vara communicated her feelings of being fed up and wanting to end the marriage, Vara and Alec have decided to visitation a three month separation. In speaking up for herself she has generated real change in her life. two Vara and her husband Alec, are looking into the possibility of seeing a marriage counsellor. In seeking this sympathetic of counselling she is showing strength of character, she is looking for solutions and not just running away from her problems. She has the friendship and support of Julie and is c anvasing to increase her work hours as a translator. I would hump that it was Vara that made these changes in her life, not me. This entrust empower Vara with the confidence to know that she is a strong and capable women who can stand up for herself.3. Briefly describe how you would inform her about opportunities for further support.I would inform Vara about opportunities for further support, by communicating to her that although our counselling sessions will be coming to an end, she is always able to reconnect with me, if she feels the fate. Vara has indicated that she and her husband are elicit in pursuing marriage counselling. I could provide Vara with or so contacts for marriage counselling in her local anaesthetic demesne. Or, if she felt more comfortable, I could arrange a referral for her to a marriage counsellor that I ring would be a good match for her.4. Briefly describe three key steps to service the process of ending the counselling process with this client.I w ould start this process a few sessions earlier the last(a) counselling appointment. Firstly, I would encourage Vara to express any concerns she may have in regards to managing on her own without the support of the counselling relationship. I would be encouraging Vara to express her feelings about ending the counselling relationship. This will give Vara an opportunity to gleam and prepare for ending the counselling sessions. I would set the final appointment sometime in the future, so that Vara can have time to adjust to the thought of managing on her own. Secondly, I would plan with Vara to have a longer interval between our appointments, so that Vara can try out coping with her issues on her own.This will enable Vara to discuss any lingering issues that may wishing some attention before ending the counselling relationship. Lastly I would summarise for Vara the progress she has made, and acknowledge all the accomplishments she has made. She is now a stronger more capable women, who can stand up for herself and take fear of herself. I would make sure that Vara knows that I have an open door policy, and that if she ever felt the need to reconnect with me, I would be happy to see her again. 5. Give an example of what you might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure the underlying issues are managed.An example of what I might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure any underlying issues are managed is, Vara can you describe for me some of the strategies you have been using to help use up about the changes you have made. This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has implemented these changes, and will beef up the fact that it was Vara who has facilitated these changes, not me. I would also say what do you think could be some coping skills you could use if these issues start to total up again.This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has coped with these issues in the past, and to list some coping strategies that work best for her and her situation. Again this will reinforce the fact that Vara is the one who is coping with her situation, not me. I would also say can you tell me again, what some of your underlying issues have been. This will help Vara identify what the core issues are, and will make it easier for her to recognise if these issues come up again, so that she is ready to deal with them.6. Provide an example of one of your session client notes.Client session notes.Clients Name VaraClients Age 56Date of session 20/11/14 academic term 8Session Duration 60 minutesOthers present NilStatus of session unplowedLocation OfficeInformation given by clientVara is a 56 year anile Polish immigrant. Came to Australia 25 years ago. She has raised 3 children who have all left home. Feeling real unhappy and trapped in her marriage. Husband is traditional male, who controls finances and has a ferocious temper. She has been secretly work and saving money. She wants to live her own life, but fear ful of how she will cope on her own. She still loves her husband Alec. Summary of clients issuesVara has spoken to Alec and they have agreed to a 3 month tally separation, they are looking into marriage counselling. I have offered her a list of marriage counsellors in her area and offered a referral if preferred. Vara will be living with her friend Julie during her separation, and will be seeking more work hours as a translator.Notes of counsellorI feel that Vara has made enormous progress in counselling, and weigh that at this point she would benefit from marriage counselling. I have agreed to see her again if she feels the need arises.

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