Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Legality of Risk Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Legality of Risk Management - Research Paper Examplerbide for two eld jail term for a crime which resulted in the killing of more than 15000 people (Bhopal gas calamity Accused awarded only 2 yrs in jail, get bail, 2010).Bhopal gas disaster was an industrial catastrophe in which the toxic gases leaked out of the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal in 1984. Methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas and other toxic gases liberated from the plant affected around 500000 people staying nearby. Another controversial aspect of this diagonal is the fact that even after 25 years of gas leak accident, still tons of chemicals left over(p) abandoned at the accident sight which is contaminating the groundwater in this region. The above accident is one of the expose examples in which how injudicious industrialization may harm the interests of the public. Moreover, this accident teaches us how carelessly the big companies treatment the industrial equipments which can cause severe dama ges to the human life. The importance of human life is zip fastener for such greedy industrialists and even after killing many people, these industrialists were able to escape from the severe punishments. This writing briefly analyses the Bhopal gas tragedy case and provide recommendations to avoid such tragedies in future.The Bhopal gas tragedy happened purely because of the human errors and handling of risky equipments with carelessness. The Union Carbide report after the accident indicates that purely adept negligence and personal negligence caused this tragedy.A stainless steel tank emplaced in concrete contained credibly 45 tons of liquid Methyl isocyanate (MIC). The Union Carbide Manual calls MIC (CH3N = C = O) an extremely hazardous chemical.. by all means of contact and regards it as an oral and contact poison even though it is not classified among poisons. It is also extremely flammable. Most probably, water got into the tank through a pipe. The MIC, which reacts violent ly with water, false into an explosive gas vapor that blew out the

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