Friday, May 31, 2019

Searching for Knowledge and Expert Opinions Essay -- Expertise Knowled

In the search for knowledge and truth, there are times in which assumed experts leave behind insubstantial and useless, if not uneducated, opinions and guidance on their assumed field of expertise. In most of these cases, the assumed expert is not truly an expert. An expert is one who is super knowledgeable and skillful in a particular field, through an unusually large amount of experience, training, and studies, to the point that he or she is sought after to gather up opinions, guidance, and wisdom on the particular field by people that are not highly knowledgeable and skillful on the particular field. A exposition equal to the previous one for expert is, a master in a particular field. The opinions of true experts in their particular field of expertise are very important and should be highly valued in the search for knowledge. People are able to seek guidance and educated opinions from experts because of the vast and long expertise in their field. People, contrastingly do not normally seek the opinions of non-experts because they lack sufficient knowledge, experience, and wisdom to be able to give educated and seemly opinions on the supposed field of interest. Experts, however, have enough knowledge and experience to give worthy opinions and ideas for the search for knowledge and greater understandings in the particular palm of interest. Both Payton Manning and Tom Brady are expert quarterbacks. Peyton Mannings anticipation and accuracy are virtually unmatched because he throws the ball before defenders are cause and puts it in a place where only his guy can catch it (Tucker 3). Tom Brady was an incredible leader who put up astounding numbers at times while seemingly willing his team to multiple Super Bowl titles... ...ecessary training and experiences to be extremely proficient, knowledgeable, and skillful in their specific palm of interest to the point that they are sought after for guidance and wisdom and further knowledge searching. Works CitedMarine army corps News Service. Marine Corps Scout Sniper Training. US Military., 3 Sept. 2003. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. cs/marines/a/marinesniper.htm.Naik, Abhijit. Famous Economists. Intelligent Life on the Web. N.p., 1 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. famous-economists.html.Tucker, Ross. Why Manning Is a discover NFL Quarterback than Montana, Brady.Editorial. Ed. Ross Tucker. Ross Tucker, 3 Feb. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. peyton.manning/index.html.

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