Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thoreau and Transcendentalism Essay -- Civil Disobedience, Transcenden

Followers of the Transcendentalist movement stressed the religious, philosophical and ideological importance of life. henry David Thoreau was a staunch supporter of the movement. Thoreau matt-up that a psyche lived a good life by following his conscience and instincts. He also felt that materialism was a sure way to distract a person from leading a good and moral life. Thoreau proposed for the government to be involved in as little of a citizens life as possible he felt too much government control just complicated a persons life. Like most Transcendentalists, Thoreau believed there was a direct connection to God through personality. If a person appreciated temper he would crystalize a higher understanding of God. Finally, Thoreau encouraged individuality versus conformity to the status quo.Thoreau challenged his readers to experience nature first hand he felt to truly experience nature was a way of experiencing God and marveled at the happiness it can bring. In his novel Walden he writes of the happiness and contentment he feels while listening to the birds in the chapter titled Sounds. His happiness is short-lived when it is interrupted by the sound of a train driving through the countryside. The reader gathers that, like many Transcendentalists, Thoreau is against the Industrial regeneration taking place in America. He felt this industrialization would poison nature and complicate life even more than it already was. The poisoning of nature would effect the connection a person could have with God as well.Thoreau wrote about living a simple and uncomplicated life in Walden. He argues against the things that mark status in American society, owning land, dressing in fashion, and earning a high pay. Thoreau reasoned th... content with just being average. He states that each person who explores themselves will be individual from one anformer(a). Each person should be concerned with only his business and motivations. Individuality was of the essence(predicate) to Thoreau. He had no concerns of what other people thought about his actions or ways of living and felt this made his life less complicated and simpler to concentrate on more important things.Thoreau was truly a Transcendentalist. He focused on the individual and the relationship he has with himself, nature, and God. He felt living simply and plainly would free him to gain a greater understanding of the world around him. Understanding of the world around you could only come after gaining a greater understanding of yourself. at a time a person let get of the constraints of society were they free to begin to explore themselves and the world.

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