Friday, May 31, 2019

Searching for Knowledge and Expert Opinions Essay -- Expertise Knowled

In the search for knowledge and truth, there are times in which assumed experts leave behind insubstantial and useless, if not uneducated, opinions and guidance on their assumed field of expertise. In most of these cases, the assumed expert is not truly an expert. An expert is one who is super knowledgeable and skillful in a particular field, through an unusually large amount of experience, training, and studies, to the point that he or she is sought after to gather up opinions, guidance, and wisdom on the particular field by people that are not highly knowledgeable and skillful on the particular field. A exposition equal to the previous one for expert is, a master in a particular field. The opinions of true experts in their particular field of expertise are very important and should be highly valued in the search for knowledge. People are able to seek guidance and educated opinions from experts because of the vast and long expertise in their field. People, contrastingly do not normally seek the opinions of non-experts because they lack sufficient knowledge, experience, and wisdom to be able to give educated and seemly opinions on the supposed field of interest. Experts, however, have enough knowledge and experience to give worthy opinions and ideas for the search for knowledge and greater understandings in the particular palm of interest. Both Payton Manning and Tom Brady are expert quarterbacks. Peyton Mannings anticipation and accuracy are virtually unmatched because he throws the ball before defenders are cause and puts it in a place where only his guy can catch it (Tucker 3). Tom Brady was an incredible leader who put up astounding numbers at times while seemingly willing his team to multiple Super Bowl titles... ...ecessary training and experiences to be extremely proficient, knowledgeable, and skillful in their specific palm of interest to the point that they are sought after for guidance and wisdom and further knowledge searching. Works CitedMarine army corps News Service. Marine Corps Scout Sniper Training. US Military., 3 Sept. 2003. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. cs/marines/a/marinesniper.htm.Naik, Abhijit. Famous Economists. Intelligent Life on the Web. N.p., 1 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. famous-economists.html.Tucker, Ross. Why Manning Is a discover NFL Quarterback than Montana, Brady.Editorial. Ed. Ross Tucker. Ross Tucker, 3 Feb. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2010. peyton.manning/index.html.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thoreau and Transcendentalism Essay -- Civil Disobedience, Transcenden

Followers of the Transcendentalist movement stressed the religious, philosophical and ideological importance of life. henry David Thoreau was a staunch supporter of the movement. Thoreau matt-up that a psyche lived a good life by following his conscience and instincts. He also felt that materialism was a sure way to distract a person from leading a good and moral life. Thoreau proposed for the government to be involved in as little of a citizens life as possible he felt too much government control just complicated a persons life. Like most Transcendentalists, Thoreau believed there was a direct connection to God through personality. If a person appreciated temper he would crystalize a higher understanding of God. Finally, Thoreau encouraged individuality versus conformity to the status quo.Thoreau challenged his readers to experience nature first hand he felt to truly experience nature was a way of experiencing God and marveled at the happiness it can bring. In his novel Walden he writes of the happiness and contentment he feels while listening to the birds in the chapter titled Sounds. His happiness is short-lived when it is interrupted by the sound of a train driving through the countryside. The reader gathers that, like many Transcendentalists, Thoreau is against the Industrial regeneration taking place in America. He felt this industrialization would poison nature and complicate life even more than it already was. The poisoning of nature would effect the connection a person could have with God as well.Thoreau wrote about living a simple and uncomplicated life in Walden. He argues against the things that mark status in American society, owning land, dressing in fashion, and earning a high pay. Thoreau reasoned th... content with just being average. He states that each person who explores themselves will be individual from one anformer(a). Each person should be concerned with only his business and motivations. Individuality was of the essence(predicate) to Thoreau. He had no concerns of what other people thought about his actions or ways of living and felt this made his life less complicated and simpler to concentrate on more important things.Thoreau was truly a Transcendentalist. He focused on the individual and the relationship he has with himself, nature, and God. He felt living simply and plainly would free him to gain a greater understanding of the world around him. Understanding of the world around you could only come after gaining a greater understanding of yourself. at a time a person let get of the constraints of society were they free to begin to explore themselves and the world.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Gay Men Should Be Allowed To Donate Blood :: essays research papers

A man who has had sex with another man within the last five years, whether literal or anal sex, with or without a condom or other form of protection, is not permitted to donate blood and must please not do so.This was the financial statement issued last Thursday by a spokesman from the South African National Blood Service (SANBS).This statement had caused a huge dispute amongst the SANBS and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance (GLA)Every newspaper has headline after headline about this new topic, every news update on altogether radio stations, every news program on the television, everybody is talking about this latest disruption in our some-what peaceful lives.The GLA states that on Friday, the day after the statement was made, they donated gay blood, some newspapers claim that 120 units were given, another says over 600 units were donated, all the stories are very conflicting, which one, if any, are we to believe?A big question everyone is asking is that if they did donate gay blood, why did they if they were clearly asked not to, and when they did, it means they lied on the forms about their sexual activities. What good is this going to do anyone one whitethorn ask, but if you were in that situation, would you not do something about it to? If they suddenly decided that any white female is forbidden to donate blood, no matter what your human immunodeficiency virus status is, would you not retaliate and cause a rebel?This causes us to think, (for once), what the gay men did was wrong by donating their blood, but we cannot point fingers and judge them if we would commence done the same.What the SANBS is totally wrong, discrimination of any kind is against the law and yet they are blatantly doing it in front of the whole country, and world.Way back when human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS was first discovered, the gay men were the only ones that seemed to be infected with this disease, so at that time it was a reasonable rule to ban them from donating. scarce now we are in 2006 and every single gender, race, religion and group has been infected with HIV so to only ban gay men is unacceptable.

Analysis of 1997 U.S. Macroeconomic Predictions :: essays papers

Analysis of 1997 U.S. Macroeconomic Predictions The U.S. economy ended 1996 at a blistering pace of 4.7% growth rate of objective GDP in the fourth quarter. Despite this strong growth, the inflation rate remained relatively low in fact the CPI showed its lowest core growth rate in the last 34 years. This low inflation along with low unemployment finished forth a very healthy year for the U.S. economy. These numbers overhearm to indicate a positive trend for the U.S. economy in 1997. Real GDP is anticipate to grow at a strong to moderate rate of 2.25%, with CPI rising around 3% and the unemployment rate between 5.25-5.5%. In order to see how these projections were arrived at it is most important to look at the factors that make up real GDP. Consumption, Investment, Government Spending, and Net Exports. When these factors are analyzed separately the overall meet of real GDP becomes clearer. The growth rate of real GDP is important because it tells us the rate that the ec onomy is growing. Once the rate of growth is determined, we will be able to look at the predictions for interest rates, unemployment, and inflation, since all of these are heavily influenced by the growth rate of real GDP.Real GDP is the market abide by of all goods and services produced in a given year. It is the most important measure of growth in an economy. Since a dollar of production is equal to a dollar of income, real GDP not only gives an idea of production but also of the well being of the society in general. It is not comme il faut simply for real GDP to rise, it must rise at a healthy rate (around 2.0%) each year in order for there to be enough jobs for new entrants into the labor force. If real GDP falls or fails to rise enough, unemployment will increase and the overall standard of living will fall. However, if real GDP rises too much inflation may occur which also lowers peoples standard living by eroding their purchasing power.In 1997, real GDP in the United Stat es is expected to grow at an annual rate of around 2.25%. Growth is not expected to be as dramatic as the 4.7% rate of growth shown in the last quarter of 1996. But, overall the economy should show moderate to strong growth throughout the year.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Comparing Revenge in Aeschylus The Oresteia Trilogy and Sophocles Ele

Revenge in Aeschylus The Oresteia Trilogy and Sophocles Electra The act of revenge in classical Greek plays and society is a complex issue with unavoidable consequences. In certain instances, it is a more paramount concern than familial ties. When a family member is murdered another family member is expected to seek tabu and administer revenge. If all parties involved are of the same blood, the revenge is eventually going to wipe out the family. Both Aeschylus, by dint of The Oresteia Trilogy, and Sophocles, through Electra, attempt to figure the Athenians that revenge is a just act that at times must have no limits on its reach. Orestes and his sister Electra, the children of the slain Agamemnon, struggle on how to penalise their fathers death. Although unsure what course of action they must take, both brother and sister are in agreement that revenge must occur. Revenge is a essential part of Greek plays that gives the characters a sense of honor and their actions a sense of legal expert. Killing the person responsible for one of your family members deaths is Athenian justice. This type of lethal justice is executed by Orestes and Electra. Before proceeding to the house of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra, they plot the murder of their fathers murderers. They decide Orestes will murder his mother, and Electra will dispose of Aegisthus. Orestes is the near focused of the deuce but Electra, although timid in the beginning, is the most masculine. Both of these personality traits are key to their plan coming to fruition. Once her brother devises the plan, Electra verbally encourages him to follow through with it. After thrusting his blade into Clytemnestra only once, Electra cries that if thou beest a man, strike twice (Sophocles 5... ...ther and being unable to know what that means, Athena proclaims that mine is the final vote, and I award it to Orestes social movement (Aeschylus 140). He was simply following the unspoken law that you kill the person responsi ble for your family members death. No matter what action he took, he would of be looked spate upon with disdainment. The act of revenge is the most honorable of all types of justice. Killing those who kill people you care about exhibits your loyalty to the man or woman who is deceased. level(p) though the cost was killing his mother, Orestes did avenge his fathers death. Aeschylus and Sophocles show their fellow Athenians that although it may not be the most pleasurable and best looking solution, revenge is the most just. Although problems and criticism did arise from his actions, Orestes did exactly what he was suppose to do in the given situation.

Comparing Revenge in Aeschylus The Oresteia Trilogy and Sophocles Ele

Revenge in Aeschylus The Oresteia Trilogy and Sophocles Electra The act of revenge in classical Greek plays and society is a complex issue with needful consequences. In certain instances, it is a more paramount concern than familial ties. When a family member is murdered another family member is expected to seek give away and administer revenge. If all parties involved are of the same blood, the revenge is eventually going to wipe out the family. Both Aeschylus, by dint of The Oresteia Trilogy, and Sophocles, through Electra, attempt to prove the Athenians that revenge is a just act that at times must have no limits on its reach. Orestes and his sister Electra, the children of the slain Agamemnon, struggle on how to vindicate their fathers death. Although unsure what course of action they must take, both brother and sister are in agreement that revenge must occur. Revenge is a all important(p) part of Greek plays that gives the characters a sense of honor and their actions a s ense of referee. Killing the person responsible for one of your family members deaths is Athenian justice. This type of lethal justice is executed by Orestes and Electra. Before proceeding to the house of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra, they plot the murder of their fathers murderers. They decide Orestes will murder his mother, and Electra will dispose of Aegisthus. Orestes is the around focused of the twain but Electra, although timid in the beginning, is the most masculine. Both of these personality traits are key to their plan coming to fruition. Once her brother devises the plan, Electra verbally encourages him to follow through with it. After thrusting his blade into Clytemnestra only once, Electra cries that if thou beest a man, strike twice (Sophocles 5... ...ther and being unable to know what that means, Athena proclaims that mine is the final vote, and I award it to Orestes thrust (Aeschylus 140). He was simply following the unspoken law that you kill the person responsibl e for your family members death. No matter what action he took, he would of be looked quite a little upon with disdainment. The act of revenge is the most honorable of all types of justice. Killing those who kill people you care about exhibits your loyalty to the man or woman who is deceased. make up though the cost was killing his mother, Orestes did avenge his fathers death. Aeschylus and Sophocles show their fellow Athenians that although it may not be the most pleasurable and best looking solution, revenge is the most just. Although problems and criticism did arise from his actions, Orestes did exactly what he was suppose to do in the given situation.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Barriers to communication Essay

Some communication barriers happen when the soul doesnt know if somebody is deaf, blind etc. So this whitethorn make things a lot difficult as the person nerve-wracking to understand the message be sent whitethorn think they are ignoring them or just sieveing to use signals to get them to understand that they whitethorn not be able to hear or see them. Communication between flock is mainly virtually sharing new information to one another. For example someone may ask someone what number bus they might need to catch or if they arsehole slang a glass of water. Sometimes communication impart be complex. A relative may want to know something about lacking to fund for cathexis.Communication involving funding may involve complex communication. In a situation like this then it would be important to make original that the relative understands the information that has been turn ind. approximately assist workers like to build a strong relationship with someone to get a better unde rstanding of them which can provide randy support. virtually communication involves emotional issues being difficult or sensitive. There would be no advice or information that would be utilizable to a person if they are feeling overwhelmed by most pile do like the comfort of other people at these emotional times. tall(prenominal) or sensitive situation is focused on the persons emotional issues rather than braggy them information on stuff they dont feel like talking about. Sometimes by creating a caring relationship with someone then it is about being able to understand the person feelings that they may be experiencing at that moment in time. Sometimes being with a person who is often lonely, anxious or depressed can provide them with comfort. Sometimes using nonverbal communication about how you are feeling then it can be more effective than words being spoken.Most care workers like to create their own barriers as they feel stressed by listen to the emotional inescapably of the people that they work with. Mainly comprehend to other peoples emotional needs can be often frightening or depressing. Most carers get out sometimes stop listening in order to not hear about their painful emotions. Tiredness and lack of time to avoid the emotional stress of others can create a barrier from providing a caring environment. Building an understanding of another person can be rather difficult if their personality or self-esteem is let loose and they need to createa barrier. People who may be depressed or anxious can let negative thoughts that can just serve to them. By attempting these thoughts and feelings can make them try to find a delegacy through a brick wall.It may make them feel like there is an emotional barrier stopping them from experiencing some positive emotions. Some people may have a pet language that they like to use to communicate with others. This preferred language will sometimes be obvious to that person. Most people in different communities will use their own language. Some people will use jargon, dialect or slang to communicate effectively with the people of their own language. These sometimes can create barriers to an understanding.Sensory impairment means that peoples senses do not work effectively. Impairments can create the first kind of communication barrier when information isnt fully or accepted or misunderstood. A disability is not the same as impairment. But some people experiencing the barriers may be different as they may have a communication disability by not being able to say what they want to say. For example, a deaf person will have no problem communicating to a person who is good at sign language as they will understand them. But the person may not be able to communicate with people who only use spoken English without the aid of an interpreter.Building an understanding of other peoples needs will take some time and effort. Making assumptions may cause people to misinterpret what another person might be trying to communicate. For example, people might believe that they dont need to listen to what another person has to say because they might already know what their needs might be. Most care workers who might use the communication cycle are less likely to make assumptions as they will check that they understand. Assumptions can create barriers as people can stop listening and might stop checking that they understand other peoples communication. Many people make assumptions based on people who have a disability which can mean that they are damaged as a normal person. When disabled people are seen this way then they may get ignored. Some people who have communication difficulties are sometimes assumed to be mentally impaired.People who are elder will sometimes be seen as demented or confused if they are not able to answer questions quickly, correctly or clearly. Many care workers do not bother to check their assumptions aboutpeople, but those assumptions can be turned into prejudic es. Prejudices can lead into discrimination against someone. When a person experience strong emotions or if their self-esteem gets threatened then that person may become aggressive and may use submissive communication so they will be creating their own barriers. Most barriers are associated with cultural fluctuation culture which refers to the different customs and assumptions that many communities of people adopt. Different ethnic and religious groups may have different cultures, different ages, occupational and geographical groups which can also make different cultural assumptions. Using words and non-verbal communication can be interpreted differently depending on the context and the culture of the person using them.For example, the word hot may have different meanings depending on the context in which the person is using it. Using formal context, hot can also refer to someone having a high temperature. In other speech communities an disapprove may be hot if it has been stolen or if it is desirable. Also a hot person might be very good at something, or by chance someone who has overcome a certain desire. Communication may be interpreted by a fixed cultural standpoint, where serious misunderstanding may occur. To make sense of spoken and non-verbal language then people need to understand the context of the person they are communicating with. An example of non-verbal cultural variation might be someone communicating by using hand gestures in which the palm is held up and facing forward. It is also important that people do not make assumptions about non-verbal messages as they should eer be checked. Non-verbal messages can mean different things depending on the circumstances if the people aiming the messages.Also if someone cannot control or make decisions about their own life then they may fail to develop or they might lose their sense of wellbeing. If care workers control someone then their self-esteem may get damaged. Care workers should seek to em age ncy people who also use that service. Empowerment means giving power to other people. Also people who may use that service should be empowered to believe that they are allowed to make their own choices and to make incontestable they take control of their own life. Many people have different belief systems about what is important in their life and how people should live their lives. The determine and principles that we think as being important or valuable, shows how we live our lives. When people have different belief systems and values thenit may be easy for them to misinterpret someone elses intentions when attempting to communicate.Many assumptions, belief systems and values can therefore create barriers for an understanding. Also it is important that people try to learn about other peoples beliefs and values in order to make an understanding of what they are trying to communicate. The use and abuse of power requires that all workers respect one another and support the people wh o use the same services and to be able to control their own lives. However, there is always danger that if a care worker is short of time then they will seek to control the people they work with. Also it may be an abuse power if care workers deliberately control others. People who use alcohol and drugs can influence a persons ability to send a clear verbal or non-verbal message. Drugs that affect the functioning of the central nervous system can then result in messages not being received or misunderstood and can also distort interpretations of the messages. Alcohol and drug abuse can therefore create all barriers to communication as it can cause people to become frustrated or aggressive when trying to communicate.

Sunday, May 26, 2019


In one long revolutionry wve, the Est Europen regimes of relly existing socilism hve been swept wy in the pst two yers. Communism s living politicl movement no all-night exists, nd nticommunism is therefore no longer n essentil element of bourgeois ideology in the West. Estern Europe, the Soviet Union, nd most of their former llies in the Third existence (ngol, Ethiopi, Vietnm), re swiftly being reintegrted into the world economy, their socil structures overturned to ccommodte their insertion into the globl c twinlist clss structure.In these formerly socilist countries, neo-liberlism hs become the predominnt ideology legitimting the privtiztion of the stte-controlled economy nd the substitution of the mrket for the socil provision of b determine welfre. For Europe s whole this hs set in motion processes of economic nd politicl liberliztion nd mss migrtion (Holmn, 1992).n erlier mening of the term neo-liberlism ws ctully quite similr to the notion of corporte liberlism (Hrris, 197 2 Cox 1987). relted cuse for misunderstnding my be the re young populrity of the term in the US where liberlism hd the sme connottions s corportism in Europe, nd where neo-liberlism designtes those politicl forces which try to revive the liberlism of the Kennedy er, but prgmticlly incorporte mny of the conservtive criticisms of trditionl mericn liberlism (Rothenberg, 1984).It cn be sid tht neo-liberlism is the politics constructed from the individul, immunity of choice, the mrket society, lissez-fire, nd miniml government. Its neo-conservtive component builds on strong government, socil uthoritrinism, disciplined society, hierrchy nd subordintion, nd the ntion (Belsey, 1986, p.173). The combintion of the two is not nerly s contrdictory s it sometimes seems. s judgment of control, neo-liberlism is the formultion of n identifible frctionl interest in terms of the ntionl or generl interest. Neo-liberlism is the fundmentl expression of the outlook of trnsntionl circulting cpitl.In the West, the high tide of the Regn revolution nd Thtcherism seems to hve receded with the politicl retirapid eye movementent of their nmeskes, Ronld Regn nd Mrgret Thtcher. Untrmmeled interntionl competition, the celebrtion of the mrket, of welth nd self, nti-communism nd nti-unionism ll these re no longer propgted s revolutionry in the sense of chllenging previling consensus of divergent content, but they re now prt of norml every dy discourse, self-evident, ner impossible to contrdict or even doubt. chronicle conceived of s struggle of ideologies hs come to n end, s Fukuym (1989) would hve it. In short, the end of history ppers to hve resolved ny remining internl contrdictions within interntionl cpitlism (other thn strightforwrd competition), nd to represent the triumph of the ideologicl aptness rticulting these orienttions, neo-liberlism. Its victory mens tht its rdicl tenets hve themselves become the new normlcy.This trnsntionl revolution took plce ginst the bckground of the crisis of world cpitlism of the 1970s, which necessitted fr-reching restructuring of the economic, socil nd politicl conditions for cpitl ccumultion. Neo-liberlism ws evidently the hegemonic project, which guided this restructuring nd shped its trjectory.In the period from the First World Wr to the 1950s the productive cpitl persuasion (Polnyis principle of socil protection) ws dominnt t the ntionl level in this er, the hegemonic pattern of control ws tht of stte monopolism. Money cpitl ws still principlly engged in interntionl opertions, but the crisis of the thirty-something led to its curtilment by stte uthorities.Grdully, nd definitely following the Second World Wr, (US) industry expnded on n tlntic plne, lbeit in highly regulted setting. welfre stte concept, the highest form of Polnyis principle of socil protection constructed round the productive cpitl viewpoint, unite spects of expnding production with mesure of reliberliztion in the interntionl sphere. Trde, howev er, held priority over money cpitl (in line with the hegemony of the productive cpitl view). The comprehensive concept defining the new normlcy nd generl interest t this stge ws corporte liberlism.In the crisis of the 1970s, finlly, struggle ensued which resulted in the triumph of neo-liberlism. Neo-liberlism reches bck to the bstrct nd cosmopolitn money cpitl perspective so prominent in liberl interntionlism, but industry hs menwhile outgrown its ntionl confines. The prdigmtic scle of opertion of industril cpitl unaccompaniedy is globl, t lest in tendency. t the sme time we witness reltive disintegrtion of the ntionl frmework into multiple locl nd regionl frmeworks, leding some observers to spek of globliztion s the typicl trend of the new er.The crisis of the ltter hlf of the 1970s cnnot be trced to ny one single incident, or to ny one isolted dip in the norml business cycle. It ws fundmentl crisis of normlity ffecting ll spects of the post-wr order socil reltions of productio n, the composition of the historical bloc nd its concept of control, the role of the stte, nd the interntionl order. Efforts to resolve this crisis necessrily cquired comprehensive qulity. s Sturt Hll hs sid,If the crisis is deeporgnicthese efforts cnnot be just defensive. They will be formtive iming t new blnce of forces, the emergence of new elements, the ttempt to put together new historic bloc, new politicl configurtions nd philosophies, profound restructuring of the stte nd the ideologicl discourses which construct the crisis nd represent it s it is lived s prcticl relity new progrmmes nd policies, pointing to new result, new sort of settlementwithin certin limits. These new elements do not emerge they hve to be constructed. Politicl nd ideologicl work is required to disrticulte old formtions, nd to rework their elements into new ones(Hll, 1983, p. 23).The new concept of control emerging out of this constructive effort to del with the orgnic crisis of the 1970s nowdys we cll neo-liberlism. It should lso be mentioned tht neo-conservtism provides the neo-liberl bourgeoisie with n effective politics of support morl conservtism, xenophobi, lw-nd-order, the fmily, re the themes which provided the bsis for reltively stble electorl colition, which even tody seems to hve relegted socil-democrcy to the pst for good.The precise mix of elements (free mrket ideology nd neo-conservtism, destructive nd constructive) vries from country to country, depending on the politicl conjuncture nd the countrys prticulr plce in the world order of the 1970s. The rise nd consolidtion of the neo-liberl projectwhich involved disciplining lbor through estblishing new core-periphery structure of lbor reltions, subordinting the globl productive grid to profit criteri estblished by money cpitl, nd confronting the Third World nd the Soviet bloc with new Cold Wrwere not relized t once.Even for its most rdent protgonists, neo-liberlisms rtionlity trnspired only grdully nd throug h process of tril nd error. Furthermore, s will become cler from the following chpters, hegemonic project is not bsolutely nd exclusively victorious. Elements which re lien to the hegemonic concept cn nd most likely will persist due to prticulr historicl circumstnces, s with the tencity of liberl interntionlism in Britin during the Fordist ge, or with the persistence of corporte-liberl structures in the Germny of the neo-liberl 1980s nd 1990s.ReferencesBelsey, . (1986). The New Right, socil order, nd civil liberties. In R. Levits (ed.) The Ideology of the New Right, Cmbridge Polity Press.Cox, R.W. (1987). Production, Power, nd World Order. Socil Forces in the Mking of History, New York Columbi University Press.Fukuym, F. (1989). The End of History?, The Ntionl Interest, Summer 3-18.Hll, S. (1983). The gret moving right show. In S. Hll nd M. Jcques (eds) The Politics of Thtcherism, 19-39, London Lwrence nd Wishrt.Hrris, N. (1972) Competition nd the Corporte Society, London Methuen. Holmn, O. (1992). accession Trnsntionl Clss Strtegy nd the New Europe. In O. Holmn (ed.) Europen Unifiction in the 1990s Myth nd Relity, Interntionl Journl of Politicl Economy 22(1), Spring 19921-22.Rothenberg, R. (1984). The Neo-Liberls. Creting the New mericn Politics, New York Simon & Schuster.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Religion and Ethnic Diversity Essay

Religion and Ethnic DiversityBuddhism was first found in India close to 2,500 eld ago. Buddhism is an increasing everyday religion that continues to be the leading religion in the Far East. Buddhism has advanced over to a walloping amount of countries that ache embraced a vast vicissitude of customs, rituals, beliefs, and practices. Buddhists do not deal that a God created Earth. Buddha is the only Master, Buddhists believe in. Buddhists acknowledge that the last-ditch purpose of action is to establish consideration for all living beings without inequity and to perform for their piece, good, and happiness. Buddhists lease incorporated the Four Noble Truths in their lives, which are Dukkha, Samudya, Nirodha, and Magga. According to The Four Noble Truths (2013), 1.The truth of suffering (Dukkha). 2. The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudya). 3. The truth of the completion of suffering (Nirodha). 4.The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga), (The Four N oble Truths). Buddhism does not share common characteristics with other(a) religion groups. Buddhism is, however, receptive to other religions and beliefs. This religious group acknowledges the way other religions apprize those involved. These individuals do not believe in a God. It is a belief system like all other religious groups.There are individuals who do not accept Buddhist and believe that those who do are not going to heaven. Others who refuse to understand Buddhism and how it works dismiss it completely because it is not what they believe in. Even though Buddhism is not Americas most practiced religion, its beliefs and ideas have been passed into American culture. It has helped blend American culture. Today there is a large amount of Buddhists who contri simplye to promoting peace amongst peerless another, reaching out to those who are in prison and who are homeless, and some even do advocacy for the environment. Buddhists experience hate just like other people in other religions. In 2003, Chung Tai Buddhist company applied to construct a meditation and worship sharpen in the city of Walnut, California, but the application was later denied. Not only did the City mean Commission deny the application, but also residents were against building the center. Residents disputed against the plan because they believed therewould be an increase in traffic and noise. A few years later the City Planning Commission approved an application to build on some of the area Chung Tai had prepared to use. In 2010, the Department of rightness filed a lawsuit stating the city of Walnut California treated the group unreasonably while relations with the permit to build the worship and meditation center for Chung Tai Buddhist Group. The Department of Justice came to the conclusion that it was religious divergence. After learning what Buddhism is and where it originated from allows me to understand it more. I now know that it is not only about humming and repeating a f ew words in another lecture, but also learning how to live a happier, more pure life even with the struggles and unfortunate events that can occur. Not only that, but respecting every living thing as it is. The Chinese are quite different from other racial/ethnic groups. The two most common languages used in China are Mandarin or Cantonese. Mandarin is the government, education, and medias main language that is used in China. Known as the common language, mandarin is the first language that is spoken.The Chinese are a combined society with the urge to bear on themselves in groups, whether it is to their work group, family, country, or associates. The Chinese depend on non-verbal communication like tone of voice and facial expression, to reveal what other maybe thinking or jot. The Chinese believe in an ethical system known as Confucianism. Confucianism is a set up of ethics and behaviors that signify responsibilities of people towards one another based on their relationship. The Chinese have and continue to contribute to American culture in many ways. Many Americans embrace Chinese religions. Converting to Buddhism and so many other Asian religions. In the 1800s Chinese immigrants helped working with the gold miners. These men helped construct the intercontinental railway. The Chinese have brought their recipes to American cultures that have been passed down from generation to generation. The Chinese brought their customs, language, and social organization into American culture. On May 6, 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act was signed into law. It was brought about in response to economic concerns in the West Coast, where Americans imputed unemployment and withheld wages to Chinese workers. Americans at the time viewed the Chinese as racially indifferent. Even though the act was repealed during World warfare II it only allowed 105 Chinese immigrants per year into the United States,which still showed prejudice against the Chinese.I believe the source of prejudi ce against the Chinese was economic benefit. A large amount of Chinese immigrants came to the states to seek employment opportunities, but were denied at times because of the direct need for employment. I do believe what I have learned about the Chinese helped me understand this group. I learned what a big contribution to our culture they provided. I also learned that because of their great advert on American culture some individuals take those same customs and values and incorporate them into their own lives. The Chinese and Buddhist experienced similar situations dealing with discrimination because they were both persecuted for being who they are as individuals. Neither one of these groups tried to be something they were not, so they were prejudged and treated unfairly. These groups experienced different situations dealing with discrimination because the Chinese were discriminated against based on real and observed racial dissimilarities. Buddhists were discriminated against base d on who or what they believed in. Buddhists were also discriminated against because of their feeling towards their religion and those belonging to other religious groups. Discrimination towards these two groups and the many others is wrong. It has restricted these groups from opportunities that should have always been available to not only one group, but also all groups of individuals regardless of their appearance or their beliefs.1. The Four Noble Truths. (2013). Retrieved from http// 2.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Banquet Scene

Context of the scene A banquet has been set. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth image as King and Queen of Scotland, followed by their court amongst the noblemen in attendance are Sir Ross and Sir Lennox. As Macbeth walks among the company, the first murderer appears at the doorway. Macbeth speaks to him for a moment, learning that Banquo is dead, simply Fleance has escaped. This scene, commonly k right awayn as the Banquet Scene, is quite an important scene in the play because its a turning point in Macbeths life. Indeed, this is simultaneously the high point of Macbeths reign and the beginning of his downfall.In a first part, well explore the duality of Macbeths character, and show how full of opponents this scene is. And in a second part, well see how this slowly becomes the beginning of the end for Macbeth. 1. Duality & Opposition This scene depicts a clear picture of Macbeths puzzling state of mind. We indeed get a lot of different reactions from him throughout this scene, reaction s that are just as sudden as they are opposite. First of all, the comer of the courtiers and the murderers almost simultaneously shows clearly the duality of Macbeth as King and criminal.It is as if these two sides of him are present in the same room, personified by the noblemen and the murderer. At first, Macbeth is cheery with the news he just received and the murderer, praising him and telling him he is the best, the nonpareil (without equal) moreover, Macbeths own supposed invincibility is shown I had else been perfect/ Whole as the marble, founded as the rock,/ As broad and general, as the casing air. He is the King and he clearly feels like nothing and nobody can reveal him anymore. He feels powerful.But on hearing the unwelcome news that Fleance has escaped his treachery, Macbeths language abruptly changes But now I am cabind, cribbed, confind, bound in / To chic doubts and worships. (2526). The alliteration of the hard c sounds reveals Macbeths sense of constraint, in c ontrast to the freedom and power which he claims to have enjoyed previously. It plunges him back into insecurity. Then Lady Macbeth intervenes and brings him back to causa and the banquet itself. Returning to his guests, Macbeth goes to sit at the head of the munificent table but finds Banquos ghost sitting in his chair.Horror-struck, Macbeth starts speaking nonsense to the ghost, which is infrared to the rest of the company Which of you have done this? The guests, confused by his behavior, think that he is ill What, my Good Lord? / Gentlemen rise, his Highness is not well. Lady Macbeth makes excuses for her married man, aspect that he occasionally has such visions my Lord is often thus/ And hath been from his youth/ she then tell them they should simply ignore Macbeth, because acknowledging his behavior would offend him The fit is momentary, upon a thought/ He will again be well. She then draws Macbeth aside and attempts to calm him by asserting that the vision is merely a pa inting of his fearjust like the air-drawn dagger he saw earlier (60). She once again questions his manhood to try to snap him out of his trance Are you a man? Ignoring her at first, Macbeth continues to address the ghost and charges him to speak but it disappears. After Lady Macbeth scolds him for being unmanned in folly (73), Macbeth finally recovers, returning to his guests and claiming that he has a strange infirmity which is nothing / To those that know me and which they should ignore (85).As with the ethereal dagger, the ghost of Banquo appears to come and go, propelling Macbeth into alternating fits of courage and despair. Lady Macbeth tries to soothe her husband. In contrast to the urgent horror of Macbeths addresses to the gruesome apparitions are moments of comparative calm. Each judgment of conviction the ghost vanishes, Macbeths relief is recorded in softer, more lyrical expression, for exemple when he says later on in the scene Can such things be / And overcome us like a summers cloud, / Without our special wonder? (112114).So the entire anatomical structure of this scene shows a man swinging from one state of mind to another, recalling the structure of the earlier dagger speech. Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, remains unbroken in her judgment. Unlike Macbeth, she cannot see the ghost, and her tone is typically pragmatic and down-to-earth When alls done, / You look but on a stool. She appears to want to calm his rages, but individual retirement account simmers beneath her conciliatory words. It is unclear whether Banquos ghost really sits in Macbeths chair or whether the spirits presence is only a hallucination inspired by guilt.Macbeth, of course, is thick with supernatural events and characters, so there is no reason to discount the possibility that a ghost actually stalks the halls. some(prenominal) of the apparitions that appear in the play, such as the floating dagger in bear 2, scene 1, and the unwashable blood that Lady Macbeth per ceives on her hands in Act 4, appear to be more psychological than supernatural in origin, but even this is uncertain. These recurring apparitions or hallucinations reflect the sense of metaphysical dread that consumes the royal couple as they feel the fateful force of their deeds coming back to haunt them. So, serie of oppositions in Macbeths behavior itself in characters (Macbeth Lady Macbeth) and opposition reality/surnatural. 2. The downfall of King Macbeth The news of Fleances escape angers Macbeth if only Fleance had died, he muses, his throne would have been secure. Instead, hes now waiting for the time Fleance will come back to seek revenge The worm thats fled / Hath nature that in time will venom breed (2829). Throughout Macbeth, as in many of Shakespeares tragedies, the supernatural and the unnatural appear in grotesque form as omens of wickedness, moral corruption, and downfall.Macbeths bizarre behavior puzzles and disturbs his subjects, cocksure their impression that h e is mentally troubled. Despite the tentativeness and guilt she displayed in the previous scene, Lady Macbeth here appears surefooted and stronger than her husband, but even her attempts to explain away her husbands hallucination are ineffective when paired with the evidence of his behavior. The contrast between this scene and the one in which Duncans body was discovered is impingingwhereas Macbeth was once cold-blooded and confident, he now allows his anxieties and visions to get the best of him.The rich banquet, a symbol of great orderliness and generosity, now becomes a hellish put-on of itself. Instead of Macbeth sitting in the midst, dispensing his largesse as he would wish, his throne has been usurped by the bloody apparition of his former friend. Macbeths language reflects this change. The ghost, so hideous that it would churn up the devil, appears to have risen from a grave or a charnel-house. Three times Macbeth sees the ghost, and three times he appears to recover his senses. This alternating structure adds strongly to the impression of Macbeths loss of control.The short scene is dominated by the repeated word blood and by the idea that a tide of murder has now been initiated which Macbeth is powerless to stop. As noted previously, it is here that the downward spiral picks up pace. Macbeth, having harvested the benefits of his regicide, is beginning to see the down side of his actions. He is seen publicly as a madman, a fact reinforced by his wifes comments that the fit witnessed has been an illness of long standing. Macbeth also refers to tomorrow (133), indicating to the audience that there is more reckoning to come.Once he sees the ghost, his image as King is changed, tarnished with questions of rabidness. Macbethbegins to question his sanity, he cant believe his eyes, yet he cannot look away from Banquos ghost. In front of his dinner guests, he acts in an unstable, irrational manner. At this point, King Macbeth has lost some of the respect and admiration of his court. His subjects do not look at him the same way after this scene. Macbeth begins the slow descent into madness after this scene, losing his ability to control the future, something that he has killed to achieve.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Efficiency Increasing System by Using Preheating Method Essay

EFFICIENCY INCREASING SYSTEM BY USING PREHEATING regularityMETHODOLOGYThe concept of increasing the supply efficiency of a petrol engine in this project, is to pre- warmth the intake air which is flowing through the carburetor. The humidity in the atmospheric air affects the petrol vapourisation in the carburettor. Therefore, by pre-heating the inlet air to the carburettor for a considerable amount, the vapourisation can be ease and in criminal complete combustion is achieved. Moreover by reducing the water vapour to the engine, the steam formation in the engine can be reduced rough water of the engine cylinder, piston and exhaust pipe.Reference http// Most of the cars in todays market give a maximum of 30 to 40 miles per gallon and hybrid cars giving upto 50 miles per gallon. The efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines used for this purpose is very low, about 25%. The heat generated during the combustion of fuel is born-again into work to drive the car is wasted to the atmosphere, as anti-freeze(Ethylene Glycol) is used to cool the engine and circulated through a radiator which transfers the heat to the atmosphere. The heat generated by combustion of fuel such as gasoline or diesel is converted into the work because of the pressure created by the combustion process.In this invention, the heat is recovered by pre-heating/pressurizing the refreshed air used for the process of combustion. The temperature of the pre-heated fresh air used for combustion is increased to above 1400 degrees Fahrenheit by passing through a heat exchanger to recover heat from combustible gases. Fresh air for combustion is heated to about 1400 degrees Fahrenheit. According to Thermodynamic Laws, by heating the air in a closed space with constant volume at room temperature to 1600 degrees F., the pressure is increased about to 50 psi. In order to have a higher pressure, the fresh air is first compressed upto 100 psi before passing through a heat exchanger. This will give the in stock(predicate) working pressure of about 350 psi before

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Knowledge and Plato Essay

Plato is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy and has had an impact on nearly every philosopher from all time periods. alongside his mentor Socrates and his student Aristotle, Plato created some of the most significant works in philosophy ultimately building the framework for western philosophic education. The dialogues of his works argon wide ranging, from focuses on life and reality beyond what we see and hear, and subjects as practical rules, laws, education and punishment.Historians believe that Plato was born between 427 and 429 BC in Athens, Greece. innate(p) in to an aristocratic family, Plato was involved in politics from an early age however, he did not stay on the traditional political path for long. In Platos work The Republic, his ideas were to transform and improve political life, as he knew there was no escaping it. As the result of an early failure, Plato came to the conclusion that political deed would not stop violence and greed, which i s what changed his philosophic approach.It is believed that Plato met his mentor, Socrates, in his youth and his education under Socrates shaped his ideas about the world. Socrates played a role in near all of Platos works and was a robust influence in Platos life and ideas. Plato was a believer in the importance of ethics and unbent self-introspection. In many of his writings, he references the importance of self-reflection First and best victory is to conquer self, to be conquered by self is, of all things, the most shameful and objectionable.1 Plato was also passionate about music and its importance in education. He stated, I would teach children music, physics and philosophy but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts atomic number 18 the keys to fixing. 2 Many of Platos later works were profoundly influenced by the idea of the soul and the concept of dualism, core the separation of the mind and the body. 3 He believed that the real reality is no t what we see or what we hear but is something that subsists in a higher nation beyond our day to day life.Many of his ideas on the soul influence a multitude of religions today as he believed that a humans soul is immortal and that the soul is separate from our physical being. In 387 BC Plato founded what is credited as the first European university, The Academy, in Athens, Greece. The Academy focused on subjects such as astronomy, biology, mathematics, political theory, and philosophy. While at the Academy, Plato wrote many of his most significant works, including The Republic. 4 Plato spent his time at The Academy encouraging students to learn through discussion in order to become freethinkers.Plato even felt that his works and dialogues should be used more as supplementary aids and that no one should rely solely on what they read in a book or dialogue. Platos dialogues are used to this day to aid in the teaching of subjects ranging from philosophy to math. Platos out of the box thinking will continue to be thought provoking and influential for thousands of years to come. Many of his idealisms are still taking place in teachings and the living of every day life. His diverse subjects and desire for equality will continue to bring positive motive to those study his works.Bibliography Cooper, John M. , and D. S. Hutchinson. Complete works. Indianapolis, Ind. Hackett Pub. , 1997. Hunt, Lynn , Thomas Martin, Barbara Rosenwein, and Bonnie Smith. From the Classical to the Hellenistic World. In The Making of the West Peoples and Cultures. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. 114-115. Richard, Kraut. Plato (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/plato/PlaCenDoc (accessed September 23, 2013).

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

‘Macbeth’ was one of the first plays written during the reign of James I Essay

Macbeth was one of the first plays written during the reign of crowd together I. Shakespe ar int contained to honour the faggot by glorifying Banquo, the known instituteer of the Stuart line. Hence the play withal serves as a mirror for magistrates, a dramatization of the theme of world-beatership. James I strongly believed in the perceive Right of kings. He believed that the lord of the heavens had placed kings to rule over people in the world, thus Kings had a god-given expert to rule and treason was homogeneous turning away from God and not solitary(prenominal) the king. In actually fact, if you went against your own king, you were in consummation challenging God. James I had ruled the Scottish s stock-stills more or less how he liked using the concept of Divine Right but when he came to rule over England, he found the English parliament far less easy to handle, insisting that the king could only rule by its consent.In Macbeth the common theme is based on the natural order of things. Macbeths lawless act destroys all law it occasions confusion and disorder in the world of men and animals as closely as in the heavens above. Everywhere there is upheaval on the night when the murder is through with(p), chimneys are nose candyn down, lamentations and gothic screams of death are comprehend in the air, and some say the earth was feverous and did shake (2,3,53-59). only this confirms the interdependency of man and nature.The natural elements, following the death of Duncan, are in strange disorder and there is the further recounting of other amazing violations of nature, the unnatural behaviour of animals no longer acting according to their slipway. A falcon loom in her pride of place was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed (2,4,13). As you can probably guess the owl is supposed to represent King Duncan, on top of the chain, and mousing owl is supposed to be Macbeth, the person who broke this chain and disordered everything, to the tiniest ato m. Macbeth, at the time would put on been exceptionally, politically advantageous to James because it would have greatly increased the publics view that James I was Gods so-called Sergeant on earth, and so had the right to do or change whatever he pleased.The easiest way to attack a political rival was to accuse him of treachery and the easiest way to prove his treachery was to link him with one of the proscribed religious groups. In 1605 James dealt with some troublesome rivals by claiming to have detected a Catholic plot to blow up the parliament. In Scotland, even more than in England at the time, political troublemakers were accused of witchcraft and heresy. James himself was an authority on witchcraft and the London variation of his Demonology was published in 1603, the year of his accession to the throne of Great Britain.Certainly most people believed in the existence and power of witches, devils and ghosts and the religiously orthodox worried that the devil could take many shapes. According to the teaching of the Church, Heaven and Hell were actual places and the central teaching of Christianity was the sinful (fallen) nature of man and the necessity of a sense of guilt to bring the sinner to accept the salvation from sinfulness offered by Christ. The reason of man was not foolproof and the Church urged the faithful to be on their guard against any suggestion of communication with the Devil. In Act I, Scene 3 of Macbeth Baquo expresses similar fears concerning the witchesWere such things here as we do turn to about?Or have we eaten on the insane rootThat takes the reason prisoner?(Lines 82-84)AndAnd oftentimes, to win us to our harm,The instruments of darkness tell us truthsWin us with honest trifles, to betraysIn deepest consequence(Lines 122-125At the start of the play there surrounds two conflicting views of the hero, Macbeth. In scene 1, when the audience have already found out that the witches have met in order to meet Macbeth, a big question ma rk surrounds Macbeth. The audience is forced to ask themselves who is this Macbeth and what agate line does he have with these foul witches. In scene 2 the audience finds out the true identity of Macbeth. He is indeed a Hero We record that a battle between King Duncans army and the rebels is raging nearby. The scene starts of with King Duncan being given the latest news of the rebellion by the sergeant. The sergeant reports, with great enthusiasm, how the battle was at first, in balance.That is until, gallant and brave Macbeth, ignoring all the odds, slashing in and out with his bloody sword reached the traitor Macdowald and with no pity, ripped the traitor from head to toe. After identifying how the battle went, King Duncan has vigor but praise for the heroic deed of Macbeth and announces that Macbeth is to be given the title of Thane of Cawdor and the punic Cawdor is to be executed immediately. The battle is given a size and importance that magnify the qualities of Macbeth an d our curiosity and anticipation are aroused to meet this might sense datum so praised by all who have seen him. But our memories still hold the mention of his name by the witches and the finale line of the scene (What he hath bewildered noble Macbeth hath won) reminds us of line 4 in scene 1 (When the battles lost and one) and this connexion is consolidated in Scene 3.Macbeths first words echo the witches so foul is fair a day I have not seen. This suggests Macbeth is already in tune with the way the witches think. Banquo believes that these witches are in league with the devil and thus should not be trusted, Can the devil speak truth? However Macbeth wants to hear more of this strange intelligence, upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting? Speak, I charge you. The witches predict two things- that Macbeth allow for become the thane of Cawdor, and the king hereafter. They to a fault predict two things for Banquo that he will be lesser than Macbeth, and his children will be the kings after Macbeth.The witches second prediction of Macbeth (All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter) is exactly what Macbeth wants to hear because it is his greatest ambition to be king, the ultimate prize is his for grabs. The soliloquy beginning Two truths are told which shows that the witches second prediction has come true about Mabeth earning the title of Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then begins thinking about the witches third prophecy the greatest is behind and what he needs to do now to become king. It is at this point that he starts to learn murder but he feels very uneasy about the word even though he is renown around Scotland as a ruthless soldier, why do I yield to that suggestion whose horrid image doth unfix my pig and make my seated heart knock at my ribs (1,3,134-136). Macbeth is confused but still very ambitious.Macbeth shows signs of having a good heart and good intentions, but he also shows that he has a weak mind that ignores and disobeys what he knows is right. You can straight away see that Macbeth has got a powerful conscious when Lady Macbeth has a torrid time trying to convince him to kill King Duncan. At first he absolutely refuses to do such a horrible deed to such a noble person. He knows in his heart that to kill Duncan is wrong and deceitful. The reader can tell that Macbeth is trying is utmost best to take issue the misgivings of his wife. We will proceed no further. He hath honoured me of late, and I have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their newest gloss, Not cast aside so soon (1,7,31-35).Although he knows that this deed will have profound consequences he allows Lady Macbeth to persuade him into doing what he knows is wrong. Macbeth knows he has chosen the wrong cartroad when he says, Ill go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done Look ont again, I dare not (2,3,46-48). Therefore Macbeth is disobeying what his own heart is telling him. I n fact, Macbeth speaks of the distrust he has for his own heart when he says False face mustinessiness hide what the false heart doth know. Lady Macbeth persuades her husband to do the murder by telling him that, all he is doing, is fulfilling his own lofty ambition and that sure enough he is not a coward. If he is a man, he should act like one. The fact that Macbeth is so easily persuaded to kill a man, proves that he must have considered murder before. It is also the sign of a person who has a weak mind and who does not stand up for himself.Lady Macbeth feeds on this weakness. Macbeth is tempted to do evil and Lady Macbeth is the key human agent the one Macbeth trusts and loves- who ensures his temptation is through and complete. Lady Macbeth, when we first encounter her is, dominant, determined, powerful, and even perhaps frightening in the intensity of her uncompromising desire for her husband to ascend the throne. Be it, the price of murder. We understand that Macbeth has h is own deep desires, but this seems tame compared with Lady Macbeths unquenchable aspirations (she summons evil itself into her body and soul to unsex her and remove any doubts she might have). Further, we see in her actions, a cool, self-assured person, unlike her husband. When Macbeth falters, she is there and she also has the courage to return the daggers and to faint at the news of King Duncans murder, and so distract any attention from her husband.She plans the details of the murder she has the future worked out. She is also pre-eminently cunning and shows no fear of the supernatural and death itself. That is why she can say, a little water clears us of this deed (2,2,67), because there is nothing to fear from God and old-fashioned ideas of retribution. She can happily envisage hypocrisy and falsehood. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth fates are inextricably joined, but her role and character support Macbeths destiny.However like Macbeth, Lady Macbeth shows moments of humanity she wou ld have killed Duncan herself only he reminded her of her own father. It is these small details that perhaps indicate that she is not as bleak and inhuman as she makes herself to be. It could actual, all be an act just to persuade Macbeth to do the final deed. This of course makes her breakdown seem the more inevitable as she is bound to blame herself in some way for the murder. Ultimately she finds out that water will not wash away the stain of blood. It is then ironic that Macduff on first meeting Lady Macbeth refers to her as gentle lady and one too sensitive to even hear the word murder. By the end of the play she is recognized for what she is, a fiend-like queen (5,6,108). Macbeth, in the final analysis, is too preoccupied with his own role to give support to her. Once he has done his first major murder he needs no help from her to do the others.Macbeth is a man of action the play proves this in more ways then others. He is a fearless warrior and an important lord who defe nds his king against treachery. However, ambition is his finale weakness. He allows, first the witches prophesy and then his wifes ambition for him, to undermine his integrity. It is clear that he is not easily won over to evil. His conscience is strong and throws up many objections to his doing the deed. However, he is also too easily seed in the direction that he secretly desires to go. Once he has decided, he does not deviate, and each step subsequently reaffirms his initial choice. Macbeth, then, is determined, and with this determination turns to a violent and ruthless path, full of chaos.So how does Macbeth a peerless kinsman, develops into King Duncans murderer? Is Macbeths mistake in killing gracious king Duncan, his entire fault? Is he to blame for his own doing or were they any other factors that bade him to do this terrible deed? Is Macbeth still the hero at the end of this play and does he deserve what he gets?For these Questions to be answered we need to look at the fu ndamental theme of the play, Ambition. Partly because it is the driving force of Macbeths life. Macbeth is a deep sentimental tragedy. Tragedy, in Shakespeare usually concerns a great person, the hero, who through some weakness of his character falls from grace, endures intense sufferings (which fascinate the audience), and who inevitable dies a tragic death. In fact, who must die as a consequence of their weakness. Thus if you look at The Tragedy of Macbeth, we find all these ingredients and if we consider what is the heros weakness, it must and can only be ambition.Macbeth says this specifically when he is attempting to resist the murder of Duncan I have no spur.but only/Vaulting ambition which oerleaps itself (1,7,25-7).This acknowledgement comes after he has considered all the good reasons for not murdering Duncan. Only ambition is left to overrule his troubled conscience. Furthermore, whilst the influence of both Lady Macbeth and the witches is strong, their power over Macbeth is only possible because the ambition is already there. Macbeth ,then, is a hero but one who is fatally undermined by his ambition, that are the fabric of the play. Put in another way it is his ambition that leads Macbeth to murder, treason, hypocrisy, corruption and deepest evil.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Beach Day

Beach Day First, as I approach the beach, I get over worked with the thoughts of finding my favorite spot. Once I am there, I bring with me my trigger-happy cooler, blanket, chair, umbrella and a CD player. As I head over to my favorite spot, stepping onto the white flaxen beach from a distance, I can glance ahead to see that my regular spot is non taken. Its such a relief to know that from a distance my spot is there time lag for me, as if it knew, I was coming and I had a private reservation.With relief, I driven up the blanket, put the cooler next to the chair, and prepare a hole in the sand to place the umbrella. Second, Im ready to drink some homemade lemonade, which I made earlier to pleasantly sip at the beach. I dont know what effect it has, unless its very relaxing and console to enjoy a cold glass of lemonade. I enjoy every part of this task as a ritual for getting prepared before I can completely relax. Then, I set the CD player on top of the cooler, slip in my fav orite CD and start perceive to the music.I begin to unwind and enjoy the view of the vast ocean its immensity, the people around me and the noise of the children playing. At this time the sun is bright, it recovers great to whole step the warm breeze. I close my eyes to hear and feel the surroundings. I inhale the mist of the ocean breeze opening my lungs to cleanse all the hectic and impurities of my chance(a) events. The ocean waves sounds enchanting. Next, as Im enjoying my day, a guy hits a beach dinner gown and the ball knocks my radio down, lemonade spills and the CD breaks. I was stunned by the event.The guy came over, helped me pick up my items and offered to buy me a drink. He apologized for the incident and picked another spot to play. I have never experienced something like this before, but I am glad that this guy was nice enough to handle the incident appropriately. And finally, I feel so blessed and I give thanks to the creator for all the wonders of life, the beac h and the opportunity for a magnificent day that has been provided for me to enjoy. These are the small things that make the beach and my favorite spot so heavenly.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Facilitate the Counselling Process Assessment Essay

I declare that this assessment is my own cream, based on my own personal research/study . I to a fault declare that this assessment, nor types of it, has non been antecedently submitted for any other unit/module or course, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of another student and/or persons. I have read the ACAP Student Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and understand its implications.I also declare, if this is a practical skills assessment, that a invitee/Interviewee Consent Form has been read and signed by both parties, and where applicable parental consent has been obtained.1. Name two signs you would look for to let you know Vara is ready to terminal counsellor.Two signs I would look for to let me know that Vara is ready to end counselling are, firstly, if Vara is sounding a lot more confident and she looks a lot happier, then she probably is. Secondly, if Vara started to run out of issues to inflame and discuss in counse lling. I would be able to recognise that Vara is ready to end counselling.2. Briefly guide how you would fend Varas sense of autonomy.I would support Varas sense of autonomy by, acknowledging and helping her to recognise, her achievements since extraction with counselling. I would summarise these achievements for Vara. Vara has spoken to her preserve Alec, and made him aware of her feelings. This is roughlything she found quite difficult to do in the past. Since Vara communicated her feelings of being fed up and wanting to end the marriage, Vara and Alec have decided to visitation a three month separation. In speaking up for herself she has generated real change in her life. two Vara and her husband Alec, are looking into the possibility of seeing a marriage counsellor. In seeking this sympathetic of counselling she is showing strength of character, she is looking for solutions and not just running away from her problems. She has the friendship and support of Julie and is c anvasing to increase her work hours as a translator. I would hump that it was Vara that made these changes in her life, not me. This entrust empower Vara with the confidence to know that she is a strong and capable women who can stand up for herself.3. Briefly describe how you would inform her about opportunities for further support.I would inform Vara about opportunities for further support, by communicating to her that although our counselling sessions will be coming to an end, she is always able to reconnect with me, if she feels the fate. Vara has indicated that she and her husband are elicit in pursuing marriage counselling. I could provide Vara with or so contacts for marriage counselling in her local anaesthetic demesne. Or, if she felt more comfortable, I could arrange a referral for her to a marriage counsellor that I ring would be a good match for her.4. Briefly describe three key steps to service the process of ending the counselling process with this client.I w ould start this process a few sessions earlier the last(a) counselling appointment. Firstly, I would encourage Vara to express any concerns she may have in regards to managing on her own without the support of the counselling relationship. I would be encouraging Vara to express her feelings about ending the counselling relationship. This will give Vara an opportunity to gleam and prepare for ending the counselling sessions. I would set the final appointment sometime in the future, so that Vara can have time to adjust to the thought of managing on her own. Secondly, I would plan with Vara to have a longer interval between our appointments, so that Vara can try out coping with her issues on her own.This will enable Vara to discuss any lingering issues that may wishing some attention before ending the counselling relationship. Lastly I would summarise for Vara the progress she has made, and acknowledge all the accomplishments she has made. She is now a stronger more capable women, who can stand up for herself and take fear of herself. I would make sure that Vara knows that I have an open door policy, and that if she ever felt the need to reconnect with me, I would be happy to see her again. 5. Give an example of what you might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure the underlying issues are managed.An example of what I might say to Vara when ending counselling to ensure any underlying issues are managed is, Vara can you describe for me some of the strategies you have been using to help use up about the changes you have made. This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has implemented these changes, and will beef up the fact that it was Vara who has facilitated these changes, not me. I would also say what do you think could be some coping skills you could use if these issues start to total up again.This will give Vara the opportunity to reflect on how she has coped with these issues in the past, and to list some coping strategies that work best for her and her situation. Again this will reinforce the fact that Vara is the one who is coping with her situation, not me. I would also say can you tell me again, what some of your underlying issues have been. This will help Vara identify what the core issues are, and will make it easier for her to recognise if these issues come up again, so that she is ready to deal with them.6. Provide an example of one of your session client notes.Client session notes.Clients Name VaraClients Age 56Date of session 20/11/14 academic term 8Session Duration 60 minutesOthers present NilStatus of session unplowedLocation OfficeInformation given by clientVara is a 56 year anile Polish immigrant. Came to Australia 25 years ago. She has raised 3 children who have all left home. Feeling real unhappy and trapped in her marriage. Husband is traditional male, who controls finances and has a ferocious temper. She has been secretly work and saving money. She wants to live her own life, but fear ful of how she will cope on her own. She still loves her husband Alec. Summary of clients issuesVara has spoken to Alec and they have agreed to a 3 month tally separation, they are looking into marriage counselling. I have offered her a list of marriage counsellors in her area and offered a referral if preferred. Vara will be living with her friend Julie during her separation, and will be seeking more work hours as a translator.Notes of counsellorI feel that Vara has made enormous progress in counselling, and weigh that at this point she would benefit from marriage counselling. I have agreed to see her again if she feels the need arises.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

How to Be a Good Student Essay

Some deal never learn effective theatre habits in full(prenominal) school. Thus, they may struggle through their first semester of college. A school-age child should figure out how he studies the best. some(prenominal) people croupenot create a quality essay at four in the dayspring with the euphony playing and the television on. Although poor study habits may cause the student to struggle, which results in unhappiness, he can become connected by joining clubs, music groups, or sports that pull up stakes help a mortal make more friends while balancing his life, thus making him a happier student.So, students should bewitch involved tame does not scram to be just about schoolwork. One should find an activity that his school offers, and he should join if his schedule every last(predicate)ows. Yet, some people redeem a harder time adjusting to school than other people and may feel that success is impossible. However, a student can be successful in galore(postnominal) way s, such as by being on time for class, managing his time and study buddy. For a student who wants to be successful, he must begin by getting to class on time.To do this, he should make next morning preparations on the night onwards, such as ironing his garments on the night before class. This pass on save him at least five to ten minutes in the morning, and he may use that time to read the newspaper or take out the garbage. He also should put gasoline in his vehicle after he runs his final errand for the day. This dewy-eyed delegate will prevent him from having to wait for an available pump at the gas station in the morning when other people have decided to wait until the abide minute to buy gas for their vehicles in their rush to work or school.Then, one should purchase an alarm clock and batteries if he does not already own one. After completing the buying process, he must set this clock two hours before his first class is scheduled to begin. He should set his alarm to wake h im with the annoying beep, beep, beep upright rather than the sound of soothing music. He must also resist the urge to hit the catch a wink button, which could cause him to be late for class if he hits it too many times.By following these simple steps, he will have thirty minutes to prepare and eat a wholesome breakfast, which will benefit him by allowing him to be more focused during class or else of being distracted by the growling of his stomach. He will then have fifteen minutes to take a improve shower, which will awaken his good senses, fifteen minutes to groom, ten minutes to brush his teeth, twenty minutes to get dressed, five minutes to start the car and heat or cool the inside, fifteen minutes to lead to school, and ten minutes to get to his seat and settle in.By doing these daily activities in the allotted tally of time, the student will stay on schedule and be on time for class from each one day. The student must manage his time effectively. To achieve this goal, the student should designate specific hours to study and not take phone calls or accept visits because studying is more effective when the student has no distractions. The student remembers what he studies better at test time than he would if he were to stop periodically to confabulation on the telephone or visit with his friends.People should think of college as a full-time patronage by putting in an eight-hour day, including class and study time. This dedication will be evidenced in the students grades. One should keep in mind that planning ahead is not as bad as it sounds. For example, if a students first class begins at 900 a. m. and his last class ends at 100 p. m. , he could be done studying by 500 p. m. and have plenty of time for visiting with friends and watching television, which make the demands of being a full-time student less(prenominal) stressful.Therefore, students should find a way to make studying beneficial. Some students could really benefit from having a stud y buddy (someone to study with). The two could schedule a few hours in their assignment notebook for studying, and in the meantime, the two of them should take good notes during each class session. Students should be encouraged to take their own notes instead of borrowing someone elses. Therefore, the student does not spend unnecessary time trying to make sense of the borrowed notes. Each student can create a quiz using the notes that he took in class.Since almost people would not create the exact same materials, this technique should help the student to become wide-awake for tests, thus ensuring coverage of material from the notes each study buddy has taken during class. The quiz method will help guide the student in determining what study techniques he should use. Being punctual shows that the person respects rules and possesses knowledge of academic policies, managing ones time and study buddy are all necessities for becoming a successful student. A person must also have certai n sexually attractive traits to remain successful.He should have a positive attitude to be assertive. He must have a sense of his goal to know why he gets up each morning at 700 a. m. because he could easily get a dead-end job and work the evening shift. He needs to be independent by doing so, he will know that he cannot and should not give birth someone else to force him to do well in school. Most importantly, he should make the most of his facts of life adventure. Most people generally get only one opportunity to succeed, so they should not let anything or anyone stand in the way of whatever they are trying to accomplish.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Methods Which Writers Use to Develop Their Style Essay

Explore the methods which writers use to develop the slip mode in which their features imbibe and understand their own worlds in Pride and Prejudice and The Yellow wallpaper Austen primary published Pride and Prejudice in 1813 the novella touches on several musical disciplines such as prejudice, counterbalance impressions and pride themes that individually define the main tones. Charlotte Perkin Gilman an Ameri lowlife writer first published The Yellow Wallpaper in 1892, the novella touches upon attitudes in the nineteenth century towards womens physical and mental health. Writers tend to railway line characters hoping to intrigue the readers in the variation of characterisation.Throughout this essay I will illustrates the ways in which characters square off and understand their own worlds through Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkin Gilman. Darcy is the character most often associated with pride and Elizabeth white avenst with p rejudice. Ironically the novel was originally called First Impressions an aspect Darcy seems to lack originally. accord the world can be perceived in many different aspects literally or figuratively.The protagonists Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy capture our attention from the blood line of the novel. Austen is able to contradict the patriarchal society that existed in the nineteenth century, as she builds Elizabeth to be rational, strong and independent. Women were mainly seen in this time to entertain yet Elizabeth did non carry these traits. Her military position of the world was different to how her mother saw her future, she rejects twain men of which rank highly on the brotherly ladder proposal towards her. Ironically she ends the novel marrying the wealthiest of them all. Whereas, Darcy originally is not fond of Elizabeth She is tolerable, I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me his second glance at her changes his judgement he describes her eyes to be.Da rcy emits a character full of pride and arrogance qualities that seemed typical from a man of his status. The Yellow Wallpaper the fibber sets an omniscient tone on the novella, it is written in first person narrative, for example I this allows the readers to life somewhat emotional attraction, towards the onset of the novella. The novella is a paradox the narrator loses touch with the outer world, as she comes to a greater understanding of the inner reality of her life. It d hales upon a controversial issue postnatal economic crisis an illness that has become more common in our patriarchal society. Pride andPrejudice Jane Austen effectively portrays the way characters can understand and see things, in a literal as well as metaphoric aspect. Ironically the protagonist Elizabeth Bennet believes to suck up the greatest understanding of people yet she falls con when she fails to understand Wickam. Initially losing some of her pride I who have prided myself on my discernment how hu miliating is this baring she realises that she is a bad judge of character.Though Elizabeth constantly reminds us of her understanding of characters she clearly in cause sees things differently. In addition, the narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper suffers from postnatal falloff, however put away manages to cope, because her source of relief is self-expressed through her creative and imaginative outlook on her depression. Her husband John believes her depression to be a temporary nervous depression a slight hysterical tendency. This course credit clearly suggests John relies more on his medical education than his wifes feelings and opinions, he neglects her address on her illness, he just accepts the fact that he is not going to listen to her. Evidence of this is shown You see he does not believe I am sick And what can one do?. This reference point further suggests there lack of communication in the relationship, John has trapped her in this room for her health she describes her room, to be horrid however because he is a high standing doctor which is initiated in the beginning of the novella, she believes him.He trusts that the illness of hers is simply a nervous condition, which would easily be cured with lots of stay put and very little intellectual time hence. Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy a main character in the novella arrives at Longbourn, originally the Bennets are fond of him Darcy was clever. He was at the same time haughty, reserved and fastidious, and his manners, though well bred, were not inviting.. he was continually giving offence there thoughts of him had quickly changed. Austen builds him to be a character we become greatly fond of as we witness his beliefs towards Elizabeths family he is straight forward in that matter rude yet honest. However we grow knowledge of his action in the break-up of Jane and Mr Bingley, he was damage about Janes feelings and in this he lacks the ability to understand what happens behind a situation.Lady Catherine, who possesses wealth and social standing, is condescending, although her manner is seen by some as entirely proper and even admirable. She is a rooted(p) character of exaggeratedpropensities, in her case representing the extremes of snobbish and pride and prejudice. Prejudice seems to be a theme that exists within all the characters, the hunger to wed into a wealthy family this touches on pride another theme that commonly exists. Austen conveys Lady Catherine to be the wicked witch, she is strong willed and values status her beliefs are traditional. The scene where Elizabeth is invited to her habitation she undermines her and disapproves of her family with her snide comments.Darcy looked a little ashamed of his ill-breeding he is offended by her lack of manners, oddly towards Elizabeth, and later, courts her disapproval by marrying Elizabeth in spite of her objections. Lady Catherine indicates her understanding of her own world to be plumb clear, she believes highly in the social h ierarchy and isnt the least fond of mixing beneath her class. Overall, the two major themes of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice are summed up in the title.The first aspect can be traced in the actions and statements of the works entire major and many of its minor characters. Austen and Charlotte share the affinity of misunderstood characters, the narrator in The Yellow Wallpaper and Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Though 80% of Austens novel is dialogue this only seems to intrigues the readers more, suggesting that the characters appear to need to express themselves through writing, a reason whitethorn be because they feel they will able to justify themselves Darcy and Elizabeths typical romance may have not blossomed if not for this. To conclude the themes that existed within both novellas were boldly effective.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Introduction to working with children Essay

in that location atomic number 18 three distinguish subject provisions that permit c be and education to minorren. Upton Infant School is a statutory provision they ar funded by the government. Upton Infant School educates and c bes for tiddlerren from 4 years to 7 years of age. They prosecute the National Curriculum, and the EYFS. They keep back and work with the kidren and family by observing the barbarianren, and producing indite or verbal feedback to the rises this can be make by holding p bent evenings. They be excessively supporting the minorren and parents by having undecomposedy adept SEN stave in the displace so they foster the children who require supererogatory support. (Upton Infants School, 2012)The DEBRA charity is an organisation which supports and answers to interpret a cure to heal or help the children and families that are suffering from a generic bark blistering condition. This condition is c in alled Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). This is a voluntary organisation this is funded by the public. They support and help children of all ages from birth. They provide emotional and physical support for families coping with EB. (DEBRA, 2008-2012)Private provisions are organisations that guide profits from their services. Buckholme Towers in Parkstone is an independent day school and nursery, which cares for both boys and girls from 3 to 12 years of age. They provide classes for individual learning. The supply quickly studys to know pupils so that their strengths and talents and be enhanced, and their weaknesses are developed upon. They provide a supportive purlieu this makes the children tang secure and ready for take exceptions of school life. They support families that have children with Emotional Needs, ADHD, Dyslexia, Asthma and Serious allergys. (Poole Family Information Service, 2012) There are various legislations in the UK that supports working with children, these are- Health And Safety At Work mask 1974 churlr ens consummation 1989Childrens Act 2004Childrens Act 2006Equality Act 2010United Convention On The Rights Of The Child 1989Data Protection Act 1998The Childrens Act 1989 came into suck in October 1990. It aims to help children in whatsoever perspective at home, at day-care, or in full time care. Some of the principles are that the welfare of the child is paramount and e very(prenominal) child has the indemnify to be free from neglect and abuse, every child should be brought up by their parents, if the child is in use up, help and guidance should be provided. Both parents and overlords should consult the child when decision making. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Childrens Act 2004 promotes the five outcomes for the for each one Child Matters (2003) legislation for every child this was created because nigh of the points in 1989 were not being done. These five points are1. Be healthy2. Stay safe3. Enjoy and achieve4. Make a positive parting5. Achieve economic well-being(Beaver, et al, 2008)The emergencys of the child and family are central in the Childrens Act 2006. Local authorities must improve the outcomes for children less than 5 years of age. This was created to focus on the children in question and their families. This is where the EYFS came into practice. This was introduced to support the delivery of quality of education and care in the early years. This Act to a fault entitles parents to form the information they need. (Beaver, et al, 2008)The United Convention On the Rights Of The Child came into force in 1989. This Act contains 54 articles. All the articles were put into place to realize every child enjoys health and education every child should be inside a sympathize with family and have the right of survival. Every child should be entertain from exploitation and abuse at all times and should have the liberty to have their voice and opinions taken into account on significant issues. (Beaver, et al, 2008)The Data Protection Act was put into pl ace in 1998, to protect Information of individuals as this is confidential. Other than the care worker, the information can only be shared betwixt the guardian or parent and the child in question. It is very central that you maintain confidentiality when working with children. This is measurable because it protect the child in question and the family. (Legislation, 2012)Principles and values are very important when working with children. Principles are a professional rule of action of conduct. Values are beliefs and ideas that are shared mingled with groups of state that are from the same culture. This is important because it will give you an get wording of what is good or desirable and what is not. (Tassoni, et al, 2007) finished positive relations the children learn to be strong and to be independent. According in the EYFS (2012) every child is a unique child they can have a strong character, confident and are self-assured. enable environments are essential in helping the ch ildren develop and learn. Every child learns and develops in a different manner, every child should be do by equally, and their needs to be taken into account. The education and care of all the children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities, are covered by this framework. Without a unique child, positive familys and enabling environments there would not be any(prenominal) learning and development.The CWDC principles are to reinforce that the welfare of the child and young person is paramount. The safeguarding, learning and development is reflected in practice and service provision. Practitioners work closely with parents as they are very important in their childs upbringing, recognising they are the childrens to the highest degree important careers and educators.The values of CWDC are that every childs individuality is valued and respect and celebrated. Also the childrens personalized and physical sentry duty is safegua rded, whilst allowing for risk and challenge as appropriate to the capabilities of the child. Self-esteem is very important to every childs development. Also confidentiality and agreements roughly confidential information are respected as appropriate unless a childs safeguard and well-being are at stake. Best practice requires a continuous search improvement and self- alertness of how workers are perceived by early(a)s. (Childrens Workforce Development Council, 2012).Inclusion and diversity is very important in respecting and valuing each child at a place setting. If this is done correctly it should build the childs confidence and improve their concentration. This will as well as remove learning barriers whether this is emotional or learning where a child may need extra support. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Everyone is different and entitled to their own opinions this means everyone should get treated equally, as they are a unique child, this complies with the EYFS course of study (Moy al. 2012) According to article.10 UNCRC states that every child has the rights to be able to be heard, valued and listened to.The United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child, article 12, says that we must listen to the childs view and take those views into account in any planning that effects the child (Fajerman,200112). Both the children and the staff are make headwayting by taking into account the views and the opinions of the child. This builds upon the childs vanity, the children become independent, creative scholarly persons, this also makes them aware they have rights and that they do matter. This benefits the staff because they gain an increased awareness of childrens needs, rights and abilities. Also the parents will benefit from this by them feeling involved with their childrens development and their contribution to the setting. (Fajerman, 2001)An example of the place settings giving the children the freedom to express themselves and have their own opini ons is at tea time or snack time this enables them to be able to decide what they want to eat from a plate of food. This way the children will eat what they uniform and feel valued.According to an early years consultant Margret Collins (2006) children with low self-esteem are mousy and are easily bullied. They struggle to take up challenges, and rarely reach their full potential, on few cases people with low self-esteem look at themselves as a failure On the other hand children with high self-esteem embrace new challenges and see themselves as a success. Children with high self-esteem do usually have an excellent relationship with their teachers as they receive praise.From September 2008, The EYFS emphasis that every person who cares for the children, e.g. child minders and the EYFS practitioners under the age of five have to show the evidence of Look, Listen, and eyeshade. This shows what development stage the children are at and what the children like doing, also this gives th e practitioner a clear guessing of what the child can do or not and if the child needs extra support or not. By doing this you are treating the children like individuals. (Renouf, 2008).People have different opinions this gives them a sense of themselves and others around them. They can also see how individual everyone is. (Graham, 2002). The children will learn that other people have different opinions and feelings this enables them to be metier to others. They will learn that every child believes and their personal views on things can vary, every child has the right to, and need to be treated with respect. Encouraging children to talk about their opinions and their feelings is important because this will build great relationships with the child and you will be able to understand and help that child more. It is also important for the child to express what they like or dislike doing, and why. (Graham, 2002)There are many professional skills that will support you when working with children. Some of the professional skills are being an effective practitioner this covers everything from being empathetic and tippy to having effective communication skills, Being professional this includes skills such as being reliable and an anti-bias show up, and ensuring you know your roles and state this involves putting the needs and rights of the child and the family first. (Beaver, et al.2008)Professional standards are essential in working with children this covers all the professional standards that are needed to be an affective practitioner. Time keeping is essential because this reflects well on you. symmetric attendance is an individual responsibility you also need to make sure you have everything with you to get the ruff out of the day. Appropriate dress code this is important as this will show you have conceit and that you value the children by not wearing anything inappropriate. It is very important that everyone in each setting understand the different shipw ay of communicating with individual childrens needs. (Beaver, et al, 2008)It is important that everyone smells fresh, and they need to batten they regularly raceway their hands during the course of the day. Smoking is not allowed in public areas, due to a new justice that has been recently created. Workers who need to smoke should do this by going off site, and out of sight of parents and the children. (Beaver, et al, 2008) It is also a good idea to take in hoody or spare clothing so that you do not smell of smoke when you go back. You could also chew on gum, but cerebrate to get rid of it before you go back to the children. All of this is being an effective role model.Study skills are important to being an effective practitioner. Basic needs are the most important one of them all. Without fulfilling your personal needs you will not be able to get the most from your experience and learn properly. change surface looking at things like your health and mental health is important, as if you are ill, you are unavailing to learn to the best of your abilities and get the most from your day. (Northedge, 2005)Motivation is needed in childcare this is what gets you through the days. Self-motivation comes from fat within, only you can motivate yourself, someone else can only inspire you to do something. By setting yourself little goals, you are able to achieve big goals. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Time management is also important, and this will need to be developed, you need to be able to manage your home life with your college life-try to keep these separate. You need to make sure you are realistic with your time scales to do something, and to be able to do them to your best abilities. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Note taking is important in studying as you will not be able to remember everything that you have learnt over the course of the day. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Planning is essential in childcare, without planning nothing will turn smoothly and the days will be hectic. I t is also important to plan your assignments this will help you jazz it to the deadline. There are many things that learning environments provide to help their students achieve. There things such as learner support, they will help you to improve your work to a higher standard, they provide all sorts of help with your assignments they help you to plan them, they can proof read and check for spellings, and they can help you with referencing. (Beaver, et al, 2008)In childcare it is very important to develop and maintain appropriate relationships with the children, parents and other professionals. A practitioners role is to extend in a professional manner. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)Bowlby attachment theory, helps understand relationships, he understands the relationships amongst children and carers, and parents and EYP. EYPs now understand that there will be some children that need a little extra time to feel secure in the setting. This benefits the child because they become more indepen dent and confident. EYP work in partnership with parents, and they should never undermine the relationship between the parent and child. By having a good relationship between the parent and EYP, will benefit the child, this will meet the childs needs more effectively as the parent has the most knowledge of their child. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)By keeping the family informed about their child performance and any injury or discomfort will build trust. Building and maintaining relationships between colleagues, is essential. This can be done by sharing responsibility and duties equally. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)It is also important to share the information about the child you are about to work with, with the appropriate people. This also needs to be kept updated, by all the members that are working with that child. If there are any frictions between colleagues, the line manager will need to be contacted to help sort out such issues. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)Consistency is the key point in workin g with children, as you are a role model for children. The information the child receives from adults should be the same, this can have a negative effect on the children, as they pick up things like consistency and tension between parents, EYP, Colleagues and the children. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)Some children may need more than one organisation to help and support them and their families for any additional support. This is called multi-agency team. This consists of various professional that join their skills to help the children to the best of their abilities. It is a practical mechanism to deliver the incorporated working required of public services by Every Child Matters, published in 2003, and by The Children Act 2004. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Multi-agency teams benefit the children because they receive tailor-made support for their needs. Some of the benefits of this is easier and quicker access to services and expertise, and trim down needs for specialist services. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Parents are also part of the multi-agency team, and their choices should also be respected and valued. E.g. parents may need to discuss the situation to other professionals this is their decision. (Beaver, et al, 2008)It is very unprofessional to discuss another childs situation with other parents. Some parents find it very daunting for professionals to have contact with them on a quotidian basis. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Characterises of working with other colleagues and professionals in a multi-agency team are cooperation, this encourages the children to learn to work well with each other. Every team member needs to be consistent this is to ensure that everyone has the same arise of caring for children and working with their family. All members of the team should encourage, praise, stimulate, and support one another. Every member should share their ideas and aims and should feel respected they should also feel a sense of belong.Every team member needs to be efficient, so all the skills of each individual can be used to the best of their ability. The responsibilities should be shared between every member in the multi-agency team. Workers need to be willing to learn and develop new ways of learning and thinking, and to balance out their weakness and strengths between them. It is also important you remain confidential within a multi-agency team, this shows that you respect your role and the child you will also be complying with the Data Protection Act. (Beaver, et al, 2008) ordinary Assessment Framework (CAF) is a process to make sure that children needs are met in the most efficient and pro-active way. This is also a key component in the Every Child Matters-change for children program. The CAF aim is to ensure every child receives the universal to which they are entitled and the additional services they need at the soonest opportunity. (Childrens Workforce Development Council 2008)Child-Centred approach is where the children get the freedom to experience , think, question, and research for their own answers. Nursery practitioners get to see how play develops between the children, and not telling them what to do. This enhances the childrens communication skills. This is the complete opposite of Adult-Led this is where the adults initiates play. (Beaver, et al, 2008)The benefits of a Child-Centred approach are that the children get richly involved in activities and are rarefied of what they can achieve by themselves. They can actively explore the environment and enjoy play with others. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Although some children find this situation awkward, as they believe the teacher should be in control, whereas others believe they are fully responsible for their play. (Beaver, et al, 2008)There can be issues with the parents too, as they believe children should not learn through playing they prefer their children to learn through literacy and numeracy skills. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Child-Centred approach links to the EYFS because every child is given the opportunity to choose what they want, this encourages every child to be unique. (Beaver, et al, 2008)The practitioners and teachers work in partnership to create a positive relationship and create and enabling environment for the children. The Look, Listen and Note observation links to the adult led approach because you can have a better opportunity for observation this way. (Beaver, et al, 2008)The Reggio Emilia approach supports the child-centred approach an approach based on childrens ideas, thoughts and observations they have gathered through the environment. This was founded by Loris Malaguzzi. (Beaver, et al, 2008)Reggio Emilia believed that the environment, in which the children learn, should be considered as a third teacher. (Wenex Technologies, 2006)Some of the characteristics of the Reggio Emilia approach are that the teachers work in pairs this is called co-teaching. There is no staff structure, i.e. no head teacher and staff such as cooks and ass istants are regarded as equal with teachers. (Beaver, et al, 2008251)Teachers do plan and make preparations, but there is not a strict curriculum or timetable. Teaching and learning is allowed to evolve and unfold at the pace of the children and follows the interests they develop along the way (Beaver, et al, 2008252)There is four main areas that are Important within your role, limits and boundaries these are Health and Safety, managing childrens behavior, child protection and confidentiality. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)It is everyones responsibility to ensure the childs safety. It varies from a basic take by doing little things such as shutting doors and gates behind you, to a more extreme level what to do when there is a fire alarm. You also need to consider other aspects of physical safety this includes things such as one of the children you are with has an accident or the child is unsafe. You will also need to follow policies on personal hygiene this could be simple things such as wearing a uniform, tying your hair back, and using the supplied resources. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)It is essential to follow the settings policies and procedures, and the policies on hygiene. (Tassoni, et al, 2007) By following the policies and procedures you are reducing the risk of being accused of something such as neglectful behaviour or being in an abusive situation, it also ensures that everyones rights and responsibilities are respected, this also shows that the setting is running smoothly and everyone is doing what is expected of them. Having written policies is a requirement of OFSTED. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)It is very important to be aware of how different settings deal with managing childrens behaviour and where it is appropriate to intervene or when not to. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)Also it is important to observe how other professionals deal with the situation. Child protection is very important this will give you the knowledge of how to follow the correct policies to protect children from harm, and abuse. This is to ensure the child id receiving similar messages, so they can feel secure. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)Some children may tell practitioners things that are a cause of concern, this information should be immediately passed onto the appropriate people and no one else. Confidentiality is very important in -settings, as this protects the child and the families. (Tassoni, et al, 2007)

Consider H.L.a Harts Critique of Austin Positivist Theory Essay Example For Students

Consider H.L.a Harts Critique of Austin Positivist Theory Essay The centrality of the basic intelligent mentality is then talked about an...